- 2021-11-01 17:30:55
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- 作者:秘书处Secretary's Office
The MV of "we are the boundary pillar of the motherland", an excellent original work of the party for a hundred years, was officially released
"We are the boundary pillar of the motherland"
Lyrics: Li Dashan
Composition: Du Liming
Arranger: Du Liming
演唱:乔炳然 张舒
Singing: Qiao Bingran, Zhang Shu
总导演/李峰 艺术指导/韩春雨 录音/樊峪
Chief director / Li Feng Art Director / Han Chunyu recording / Fan Yu
执行导演/林海曦 舞台指导/吴静 音乐总监/杜黎明
Executive Director / Lin Haixi stage director / Wu Jing Music Director / Du Liming
Studio / Valley Music Studio
CO production / social regional history research center of Jilin University
Yangzhou literary and artistic creation Research Association
Changchun sunshine Weiye culture media Co., Ltd
Song creation background:
On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the party, the songs that need positive energy are inspiring and inspiring. At this time, Jilin ci writer Li Dashan and Qu writer Du Liming jointly created "we are the boundary pillar of the motherland", which was sung by young singer Qiao Bingran and vocal music teacher of Jilin Academy of art. This song "we are the boundary pillar of the motherland" With the heroic deeds of Karakoram border guards guarding the land and defending the country as the theme, it expresses their respect for heroic soldiers and their heroic spirit of fearing hardship and sacrifice, which is not exactly the needs of the times! A spirit and belief that should be inherited in the centennial of the founding of the party. The reason why the years are quiet is that they are moving forward with a heavy load!
Li Dashan, whose real name is Li Jinshan, is a ci writer, a member of China music and Literature Association, a member of Jilin musician association and a director of Jilin music and Literature Association.
Representative Songs: how can it be so difficult to forget you? Symphony of dreams and the sea, the boat of the East, holding a handful of black earth and calling a mother, waiting for your brother on the grassland, wishing for a heart, the lost lamb, the hazy moon, I owe you a tear in my last life, who stole your heart (ABBA and I, my motherland, get up, Rose's tears) Cooperate with siduo, etc.
Representative poems: the scenery of love, the scenery of heart, the scenery of dream, the scenery of love, the scenery of parting, etc.
He has published many poetry works in publications above the provincial level, such as songs, CI, contemporary music, new songs and poems, Hong Kong Music and literature daily, Huagang, Poetry Tide and so on.
获奖歌曲:《为何你的眼中含着泪水》《梦与海的交响》《云峰八寨等你来》《你的名字叫黔西》《香港谣》《撸串儿》《旗袍姑娘》《再见了 西安》《追着黄河走》《百年记忆》等多首作品在全国歌曲征集大奖赛获奖.
Award winning Songs: Why are there tears in your eyes, symphony of dreams and the sea, Yunfeng bazhai waiting for you, your name is Qianxi, Hong Kong ballads, Lu Chuaner, cheongsam girl, goodbye Xi'an, chasing the Yellow River, Centennial memory and many other works won awards in the National Song Collection Grand Prix
杜黎明,曲作家,吉林省伊通满族自治县音协副主席,吉林省钢琴十佳,中国音协考级评委,从事音乐创作多年,近些年来开始从事MIDI编曲工作,拥有个人音乐工作室,代表作品有《今夜梦回七星山》 《青春相册》《别后是否无恙》《满乡四季好风光》《想你》《雪域冰凌》《青春的回忆》《待我长发及腰 你已经逃跑》《你的白衣》 《我在飘雪的日子里等你》《伊通驿站 我离不开你》 《英雄的眼泪》 《我的一九八七》 《土豆花开》等。
Du liming, music writer, vice chairman of the Music Association of Yitong Manchu Autonomous County, Jilin Province, top ten pianos of Jilin Province, grade examination judge of China Music Association, has been engaged in music creation for many years. In recent years, he has begun to engage in MIDI composition and has a personal music studio. His representative works include dream back to the Seven Star Mountain tonight, youth photo album, whether you are well after farewell, four seasons of the countryside and miss you When my hair achieves waist length, I have to remember the snow field ice age and youth memories. You've run away, your white clothes, I'll wait for you in the snowy day, Yitong post station I can't live without you Tears of Heroes My 1987, potato flowers, etc.
乔炳然,青年歌唱演员,毕业于吉林艺术学院音乐学院,文旅部中国传统文化促进会青年歌唱家学术委员会高级会员、吉林省音乐家协会会员、松原市音乐文学学会荣誉常务理事、吉林艺术学院创新艺术人才,曾与国内外张建一、Delfo Menicucci等众多著名艺术家学术交流展演、曾多次受邀吉林广播电视台录制大型文艺节目,原创代表作《浪漫长白山》《鲜红的太阳永不落》《我们是祖国的界碑》等,2020年演唱原创抗疫作品《白衣执甲》荣获2020年吉林省原创抗疫优秀作品,荣获中国电影电视艺术家协会;风雨同歌中国原创抗疫作品优秀展及中国原创抗疫作品征集典藏,并在湖北省电视台、吉林省图书馆等媒体报道播出、2021年初录制共青团松原市委原创歌曲《千万个你》并担任MV策划及监制等工作,2021年指导策划建党百年,在灿烂的阳光下大型文艺献礼片;并担任总导演荣获优秀创作贡献奖等
Qiao Bingran,Young singer, graduated from the Conservatory of music of Jilin Academy of Arts, senior member of the academic committee of young singers of China Association for the promotion of traditional culture of the Ministry of culture and tourism, member of Jilin Musician Association, honorary executive director of Songyuan society of music and literature, innovative art talents of Jilin Academy of Arts, and has had academic exchanges and performances with many famous artists at home and abroad, such as Zhang Jianyi, Delfo Menicucci, etc I have been invited by Jilin radio and television station to record large-scale literary and artistic programs for many times, including the original representative works "romantic Changbai Mountain", "bright red sun never sets", "we are the boundary pillar of the motherland", etc. in 2020, I sang the original anti epidemic work "holding a armour in white clothes" It was awarded the outstanding original anti epidemic works of Jilin Province in 2020 and the China Film and Television Artists Association; the excellent exhibition of Chinese original anti epidemic works and the collection of Chinese original anti epidemic works, which were reported and broadcast on Hubei TV station, Jilin library and other media, and the original song of Songyuan Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League "ten million you" was recorded in early 2021 He also served as MV planning and production supervision, guided the planning of a large-scale literary and artistic gift film in the bright sun in 2021, won the excellent creative contribution award as the general director, etc
张舒,吉林艺术学院青年教师,吉林大学历史学在读博士,吉林省青年音乐家协会理事,吉林省音乐家协会声乐学会会员,吉林省歌唱家协会会员 2011年毕业于东北师范大学音乐学院,同年以优异的成绩被保送东北师范大学硕士研究生,硕士学位,师从金顺爱教授。2012年进修于北京大学艺术学院,师从周映辰教授,并担任北京大学艺术学院民族音乐与音乐剧研究中心音乐剧演员兼艺术指导,发表学术论文,教育部项目《教育信息化背景下地方综合类艺术院校教师专业化发展培训项目》(排名前三)参与省级3项,《移动客户端应用于声乐课堂教学的改革实践》、《地方艺术院校教师发展中心的职能定位与运行机制研究》、《综合艺术院校学籍档案管理创新思考研究》。2020年度吉林省高教科研课题《以一流专业为引领建设艺术类特色专业群的研究与实践》参与校级5项.
Zhang Shu, a young teacher of Jilin Academy of Arts, a doctor in history of Jilin University, a director of Jilin Young Musicians Association, a member of vocal music society of Jilin Musicians Association, and a member of Jilin singers Association, graduated from the Conservatory of music of Northeast Normal University in 2011. In the same year, he was escorted to Northeast Normal University for master's degree and master's degree with excellent results. He studied under Professor Jin ShuNai In 2012, he studied at the school of art of Peking University, studied under Professor Zhou Yingchen, served as a musical actor and art director of the national music and musical research center of the school of art of Peking University, published academic papers, and participated in three provincial projects under the Ministry of education project "professional development training program for teachers of local comprehensive art colleges under the background of educational informatization" (ranking the top three), The reform practice of applying mobile client to vocal music classroom teaching, the research on the functional orientation and operation mechanism of Teacher Development Center in local art colleges, and the research on innovative thinking of student status file management in comprehensive art colleges. In 2020, Jilin higher education scientific research project "research and practice of building art characteristic specialty group under the guidance of first-class specialty" participated in 5 school level projects
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