The world culture art association is composed of China culture artistic beauty industry association, the British Art Association, American culture and Art Federation sponsored by the United Nations led by Andersen; women and children, the International Federation of American Artists Association, Czech Federation of national art, the quality of one of the four Education Alliance, Malaysia literary Federation, Holland Yi Jie education group, Beijing Economic Institute, Beijing military cadres activity center, China cycc education center of film and television art beauty industry training base, a federation of China Cosmetics Association of breast special committee, Chongqing branch Yan group, the global Chinese TV [Channel], Chinese International Tourism Culture Association, international tourism culture contest organizing committee, the world Chinese the art education workers association, Jiangsu art and culture media group and other hundreds of international culture and art organization coalition. 世界文联第三届主席团常委会; 罗华党 全元国 【韩】 百合【捷】 甘慧美【马】 马小平 谭邦兰 巴黎望月【美】 郑莉莉【澳】 世界文联第三届主席团顾问团;孟晓驷 李元华 陈元生 全元国 雷蕾 马丽亚芳 舒耀暄 习红丽 白延彪 世界文联 秘书处 ;谭邦兰 陈发玲 鞠勇 微信 电话; 15910755206 行政院 ;昆娜 赖雪丽 世界文联精英网 总监 罗华党 总编 宋金奇 副总编 昆娜 王发玲