
Artist Topic

2021-07-15 22:47:00 浏览量:70225


神韵 延伸到欣赏字画上面,总结出精妙的论述: 远人无目,远山无皴,远水无波。 空中之音,相中之色,水中之月, 镜中之相。彩彩流水,蓬蓬远春, 蓝田日暖良玉生烟。追求一种空寂超逸,镜中花水中月的不着痕迹的境界。 带有神韵的艺术品都是最高境界的艺术品

2021-07-14 18:14:58 浏览量:78924


没有共产党就没有新中国,中国革命胜利是在毛泽东主席领导下取得的My grandparents were all born at the beginning of our country. I have been influenced since childhood,

2021-07-14 17:29:44 浏览量:90651

浣溪沙 参观张澜先生故居有感

浣溪沙•张澜先生故居参观有感Ming Dynasty alliance taidou [1] made great achievements, Loyal soul and courage, Being an official and a teacher is a model.

2021-07-14 15:48:41 浏览量:139899


On October 10, at the reception held by the China Association for friendship with foreign countries to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the