


I interview Mr. Zhao Rui (left)


Time: 11:30 to 2:15 today.


Interviewee: AI xinjue Luo Zhaorui, the 13th generation of Nurhachi

采访对象背景:兆瑞、男1945年生人, 满族,北京人。清太祖努尔哈赤十三代孙、清宗室后裔中著名楹联学家,诗人,书法家。

Interviewee background: Zhao Rui, male, born in 1945, Manchu, from Beijing. The 13th generation grandson of Nurhachi, the emperor Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, is a famous couplet scholar, poet and calligrapher among the descendants of the Qing clan.

此前,我曾采访过他几次,写过专访《爱新觉罗:兆瑞:有诗的生活更美好》《爱新觉罗佻瑞的书法和楹联》 《爱新觉罗 书写大清宝谱人》等文章。

Previously, I interviewed him several times and wrote articles such as Aixinjueluo: Zhaorui: a better life with poetry, Aixinjueluo Qirui's calligraphy and couplets, and Aixinjueluo's writing of the treasure spectrum of the Qing Dynasty.


This interview focuses on the process of making a gold edition collection after he made a picture of the river during the Qingming Festival for Zhang Zeduan, a painter of the Song Dynasty. Recently, I saw an ancient Yang rushou's preface to the river during the Qingming Festival, with beautiful calligraphy and flying literary talent. I thought the LORD had read this article, so I asked for confirmation. When Wang Ye saw Yang's works from my mobile phone, he said he had never seen them.


The preface to the riverside map of the Qingming Festival written by the Lord 12 years ago and the preface of Yang rushou are recorded below. Look at the amazing similarities between the ancient and modern literati.


The ancient Yang rushou wrote:


The picture of the river during the Qingming Festival is a masterpiece made by Zhang Zeduan, the history of imperial painting in the Song Dynasty. The character of Zeduan is the right Dongwu man. He studied in the capital and became accustomed to painting when he was young. This worker is good at ink painting, especially in city bridges, dirty boats, mountain villages, grass and trees, to attract horses, cattle and people's clothes. It's wonderful to be far and near, and it's good to be a family.


The picture of the river during the Qingming Festival depicts the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty and the city customs and personnel on both sides of the Bian River during the Qingming Festival, so it is also named.


The picture is elegant, the scenery is vivid and lifelike, the field scenery in the suburbs and rural areas during the Qingming Festival, the sparse forests and fog, the village houses, the fishermen's paths are crisscrossed across the fields, and the people are surrounded by people on the avenue at the head of the village. Some ride and gallop, and some go for a visit to the tomb. The arch bridge is the center here. Pedestrians on the bridge are bustling and crowded, and there are many shops. Some people stop to watch the scenery. There are endless boats under the bridge. The city is prosperous and pedestrians come and go.


The figures include soil, agriculture, industry, commerce, medicine, divination, monk, Taoism and Xu Li. Riding to the market, having a truck carrying goods and dragging it with more force; Women and children take sedan chairs, and some barter are sleepy and sleepy; The donkey wins the horse and the ox runs.


The word "house" means the streets and shops of the government. Zhuang temple is made of Lu barrier. The shop has celebrity inscribed plaques and calligraphy and paintings of celebrities. There are many people and things that can not be indexed, and their writing style is elegant and interesting. The beauty of the picture is really a rare divine product. Anyone who obtains it should treasure it


In the mid spring of Guihai, Yang rushou, governor of Qiongzhou


Aisin juero:

“国之瑰宝,经典伟作《清明上河图》,史称神州第一画卷。吾赏其结构、韵律、章法。岁月悠长,历史弥新。其画,街景繁华,舟车攘行,春光秀水,拱桥飞架,人物传神。其仕商、僧道、吏民、妇孺等世人,情态各异,描绘细致入微。先贤构图自然,着色和谐, 通显笔墨妙法之神韵,尽放智慧灵感之光华。稀世珍品,精艺绝伦。俄倾间,笔者己心驰神往且浸情其卷。

"The treasure of the country, the classic masterpiece" the picture of the river during the Qingming Festival " It is known as the first picture scroll in China in history. I appreciate its structure, rhythm and composition. It has a long history. Its paintings are bustling streets, bustling boats and cars, beautiful spring water, flying arch bridges and vivid characters. Its officials, businessmen, monks, officials, women and children and other people all over the world have different moods and detailed descriptions. The ancient sages have a natural composition, harmonious coloring, full of the charm of wonderful pen and ink methods, and the brilliance of wisdom and inspiration It is a rare treasure with superb craftsmanship. In Russia, the author has been fascinated and immersed in it.


Yu Musang is a great blessing, and it has been for a long time.

后者仅用178个字把个巨幅画作的精华亮点就勾勒了出来:通显笔墨妙法之神韵,尽放智慧灵感之光华, - -句点睛妙笔,使这篇序言升华致极。

The latter only sketched out the highlights of a huge painting in 178 words: the charm of the brilliant brush and ink, and the brilliance of wisdom and inspiration.


Yang rushou's preface is more like a picture description: introduce the life of the author of the picture scroll, and then introduce the time, seasons, characters, scene and environment in the order of the picture scroll.

如果说,杨如寿的序文像是一幅手法细湮慢沁的工笔画, 爱新觉罗氏的序言则更象扑面而来的大写意泼墨。

If we say that Yang rushou's preface is like a fine brushwork with fine techniques, aixinjue Roche's preface is more like a large freehand ink splash.

兆瑞先生看了杨如寿的序文后说了一句:“中国古籍浩如烟海,十多年前根本没见过扬如寿的清明上河图序的,不然,我是不会重写的。现在写完了,也金印到了《清明. 上河图》的收藏版上,算是“板门弄斧”还是“狗尾续貂就由后人去评说吧。

After reading Yang rushou's preface, Mr. Zhaorui said, "there are a vast number of ancient Chinese books. I haven't seen Yang rushou's preface to the riverside map on the Qingming Festival more than ten years ago. Otherwise, I won't rewrite it. Now that I've written it, it's also printed in gold on the collection edition of the riverside map on the Qingming Festival. It's up to future generations to comment on whether it is" board door with axe "or" dog tail with mink ".


From Mr. Zhaorui's conversation, I heard the modesty of Chinese scholars and their respect for the ancients and sages.


Mr. Zhao Rui also told me that after he wrote the picture of the river during the Qingming Festival, he asked Mr. Tan Wenrui, the former editor in chief of the people's daily, to read it and ask for guidance. Mr. Tan Wenrui replied.

“兆瑞先生:你为国宝《清明上河图》所作序文,言简意骇,文采瑰丽,堪称杰作,实在无从下笔润饰。倘若妄加改动,只能画蛇添足,弄巧成拙。--- ”

"Mr. Zhaorui: the preface you wrote for the national treasure" the picture of the river during the Qingming Festival "is simple and beautiful. It can't be polished. If you change it arbitrarily, you can only paint a snake and add feet to make it self defeating. - --"


The editor in chief of the people's daily, China's most authoritative newspaper, felt that it was "impossible to touch up". It can be seen that Mr. Zhao Rui's article was rigorous.


When talking about poetry with Mr. Zhaorui, Mr. Zhaorui told me that his most proud poem in his life was: a message after watching a Chinese calligraphy and painting art exhibition. At that time, affected by the impact of on-site calligraphy and painting works, he naturally chanted:


Virtue, courtesy and literary style are integrated into the artistic realm


Shixian's masterpiece Yuhua City


Book margin pen paper eternal ink


Write about the world.


Ma Xiaoxiao, President of the Chinese couplet Association at that time, also felt Mr. Bu Zhaorui's original rhyme and poem after reading it:


Poetry and calligraphy seeking truth


Love's book fragrance floats in Fengcheng


Acquaintance is destined to be simple


I feel more infatuated with your talents.


Ma Xiaoxiao is good at calligraphy and good at doing grass; Chinese painting is good at freehand painting of horses, eagles, flowers and plants; he loves the creation of poetry and couplets, and has his inks all over the country and famous rivers; Ma Xiaoxiao was one of the early leaders of the Chinese couplet society. His couplets and his articles are like profound ideas, fresh and bold, and strong personality. He is modest, sincere, knowledgeable and strict Yu Zhengji is a recognized model in the couplet circle and has an excellent reputation. It is known that Zhao Ruixian can get such praise from predecessors like Ma Xiaoxiao


Sheng's poems, couplets and calligraphy are deep in pen and ink.


In Mr. Zhaorui's study studio, I also saw a group of famous car couplets written by aixinjue Luo Zhaorui published in China couplet newspaper on November 29, 2002:


1. Honda Mingshi dragon call


Hyundai Regal BMW Benz


Horizontal drape: logo Jetta

2、 保时捷--- 神风奇骏领先标志

2. Porsche - leading logo of Shenfeng Qijun


Ferrari --- highlight huitengpai meijunjie


Hengpi: Tule Saiwei

3、日产阳光- -公爵风度里程序曲

3. Nissan sunshine - Duke's demeanor mileage Overture


Toyota Lexus -- Camry crown civic accord


Hengpi: infinite overlord


The three couplets include all 37 famous brand cars in the world, and make people feel the pleasure of driving luxury cars.


In this paper, the author notes the translation comparison of some Chinese and foreign languages of the above couplets, which makes Mr. Pei Zhaorui more knowledgeable.




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