- 2021-06-09 15:15:30
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- 作者:秘书处Secretary's Office
世界高等教育研究机构QS Quacquarelli Symonds于今天发布了最新2022QS世界大学排名。今年的排名共有1300所院校上榜,是QS有史以来规模最大的一次世界大学排名。 其中,中国共有92所高校上榜,包括内地高校58所,香港高校7所,澳门高校2所,台湾高校25所。
QS quacquarelli Symonds, the world higher education research institute, released the latest 2022qs World University Rankings today. In this year's ranking, a total of 1300 universities are on the list, which is the largest ranking of world universities in QS history. Among them, 92 universities in China are listed, including 58 in the mainland, 7 in Hong Kong, 2 in Macao and 25 in Taiwan.
此次排名中,首次有两所中国大陆大学跻身世界前20,即清华大学(世界第 17 名,亚洲第 3 名)和北京大学(世界第 18 名,亚洲第 4 名,上升了 5 位)。这是在十年的持续进步之后,中国高校所取得的最新的里程碑。此外,还有不少内地高校在此次排名中取得了QS世界大学排名的历史最好成绩: 复旦大学(第 31 名,上升 3 名); 浙江大学(第 45 名,上升 8 名)。这是浙江大学首次跻身世界前 50 名; 同济大学(第 211 名)和哈尔滨工业大学(并列第 236 名)首次进入世界前 250 名; 武汉大学(第 225 名,此前武大最高为第 246 名)。武汉大学已经成为世界上对新冠肺炎研究贡献最大的大学之一,在新冠肺炎相关论文产出方面排名前十 ,与华中科技大学并列,后者是继哈佛大学之后世界上第二大新冠肺炎研究者。 中山大学(第 260 名,上升 3 名); 南方科技大学(并列第 275 名)和西安交通大学(并列第 290 名)首次进入前 300 名。各大高校中,麻省理工学院连续第十年获得世界排名第一,牛津大学则在2006年之后首次上升到世界第二名,而斯坦福大学和剑桥大学则并列第三。亚洲排名前二的大学仍然位于新加坡:新加坡国立大学位列世界第11名,而南洋理工大学的排名上升1位,现为世界第12名。
For the first time, two Chinese mainland universities ranked among the top 20 in the world, namely Tsinghua University (seventeenth world, Third Asia) and Peking University (eighteenth world, Fourth Asia, up 5). This is the latest milestone that Chinese universities have achieved after ten years of continuous progress. In addition, many mainland universities have achieved the best results in QS World University Ranking: Fudan University (31st place, up 3 places); Zhejiang University (45th, up 8). This is the first time that Zhejiang University ranks among the top 50 in the world; Tongji University (No. 211) and Harbin Institute of Technology (No. 236) entered the top 250 in the world for the first time; Wuhan University (No. 225, up from No. 246). Wuhan University has novel coronavirus pneumonia novel coronavirus pneumonia research, novel coronavirus pneumonia research paper, and has ranked the top ten in the world, and is the second largest in the world. It is the second largest new pneumonia researcher in the world after Harvard University. Sun Yat sen University (260th, up 3); Southern University of science and Technology (tied for 275th) and Xi'an Jiaotong University (tied for 290th) entered the top 300 for the first time. Among the major universities, MIT ranked first in the world for the tenth consecutive year, Oxford University rose to second place for the first time after 2006, while Stanford University and Cambridge University tied for third place. The top two universities in Asia are still in Singapore: the National University of Singapore ranks 11th in the world, while Nanyang Polytechnic University has risen one place to 12th in the world.
来源:QS Quacquarelli Symonds
Source: QS quacquarelli Symonds
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