- 2020-10-24 14:00:56
- 点赞量:12203
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- 作者:郝连成 Hao Liancheng
There are many places called Bijiashan in China. However, it is Gao Huijun who made Bijiashan farm famous overnight.
On June 12, 2016, CCTV's focus interview "from a technical secondary school student to a doctoral Advisor" introduced his success story from a child of an ordinary family in Bijiashan farm, who worked hard all the way from a secondary school student to a world-famous scientist.
访谈开篇,主持人指着画面说:“屏幕上的这个年轻人,今年才刚满40岁,可他已经是具有国际领先水平的知名科学家了。这还不是最牛的,10年前,在许多人博士还没毕业的年纪,他已经是著名高校的博士生导师了。您能想象到吗?这位青年科学家,初中毕业后只读了中专,然后进了工厂,并没有上过大学。他从技工起步,最终走到了科学殿堂的最顶端。他是谁?他的成材之路又是怎样走过来的呢?” 节目中介绍高会军1976年出生在黑龙江省的一个偏远农场,这个偏远农场就是笔架山农场。
At the beginning of the interview, the host pointed to the screen and said, "the young man on the screen has just turned 40 this year, but he is already a well-known scientist with international leading level. This is not the best. Ten years ago, at the age when many people had not graduated from their doctorates, he was already the doctoral supervisor of famous universities. Can you imagine that? This young scientist, after graduating from junior high school, read only secondary school, and then entered the factory, did not go to university. He started as a mechanic, and finally went to the top of the palace of science. Who is he? How did he come to success? " Gao Huijun was born in 1976 in a remote farm in Heilongjiang Province. This remote farm is Bijiashan farm.
如今高会军已经是哈尔滨工业大学航天学院教授、博士生导师,哈工大理学院院长,哈工大智能控制与系统研究所所长,哈尔滨工业大学人事处副处长,2014年世界最具影响力科学家之一,国家杰出青年基金获得者,长江学者特聘教授,IEEE Fellow。
Now Gao Huijun is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of aerospace, Harbin Institute of technology, President of the Institute of science and technology, director of the Institute of intelligent control and systems, deputy director of the personnel department of Harbin Institute of technology, one of the most influential scientists in the world in 2014, winner of the national outstanding youth fund, distinguished professor of Yangtze River scholars, and IEEE fellow.
With a series of outstanding achievements, he won the second prize of National Natural Science Award twice. In 2014, as the first adult, he was the youngest winner of the natural science award.
2014年,汤森路透的文献计量学专家对全球学者的学术表现进行综合评估,评选出全世界17位最具影响力科学家,高会军是入选者中唯一的中国学者。 博士生导师高会军 这样一位国际有名的科学家就是从笔架山这个偏远农场走出来的。 说起笔架山农场虽然偏远但也不是默默无名。 小兴安岭完达山余脉从吉林向东北逶迤到三江平原中部的七星砬子脚下之后象水墨画大师一样将笔略顿两顿,便留下了笔架一样的三座山峰,笔架山因山势而得名。
In 2014, Thomson Reuters Bibliometrics experts comprehensively evaluated the academic performance of global scholars and selected 17 most influential scientists in the world. Gao Huijun was the only Chinese scholar among the selected. Gao Huijun, the doctoral supervisor, came out of the remote farm in Bijia mountain. Speaking of Bijiashan farm, although remote, it is not unknown. The remaining vein of Wanda mountain in Xiaoxing'an Mountains stretches from Jilin Province to the foot of qixinglazi in the middle of Sanjiang Plain. After stopping the brush twice like a master of ink painting, he left three peaks like a pen holder. Bijia mountain is named for its mountain situation.
笔架山有座监狱,(对外称笔架山农场)就是作家郑九蝉在他的长篇小说《红梦》中提到的那个监狱。原来被编为黑龙江省第七劳动改造管教支队。当年曾因关押过白崇禧的侄子----原国民党黑龙江省党部书记和蒋纬国的同学以及国民党东北行辕主任曾泽生的学生等人而令人感到神秘。 “文革”后期这里又因留下过中共公安部的老一代领导人于桑、刘复之、陶驷驹、俞雷等人下放劳动的足迹而受到北京的关注。至今这里依然流传着许多国共两党高级人物在这里留下的故事。
There is a prison in Bijiashan, which is the prison mentioned by the writer Zheng jiuchan in his novel red dream. It was originally organized as the seventh labor reform and education detachment of Heilongjiang Province. It was mysterious that he had imprisoned Bai Chongxi's nephew, former party secretary of Heilongjiang Province of the KMT, a classmate of Jiang Weiguo, and a student of Zeng Zesheng, director of the Northeast Branch of the Kuomintang. The footprints left by the leaders of the Communist Party of China, such as Yu Si and Yu Si, were paid attention to in the late period of the labor revolution. So far, there are still many stories left here by senior figures of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.
以笔架山分界向北至佳富铁路线是一片丘陵漫岗的山坡地。当地人们早在五十年代便根据这里的地形和土壤成份栽植了漫山遍野的杏树、果树、李树,梨树及各品种的葡萄等。每年的春天一进四月到五•一节 前后,这里便到处烂漫着红红火火的杏花,团团簇簇的梨花和洁白镶着粉红色丝边的果树花,清新的花香弥漫着方圆几公里的空气。
From Bijia mountain to Jiafu railway line, it is a hilly hillside. As early as the 1950s, local people planted apricot, fruit trees, plum trees, pear trees and various varieties of grapes according to the terrain and soil composition here. Every spring, from April to May Day, there are red and red apricot flowers, clusters of pear flowers and white fruit trees with pink silk edges. The fresh fragrance of flowers permeates the air for several kilometers.
After passing through three peaks like Bijia and walking three or four kilometers to the southwest, after passing through an artificially split mountain pass, a vast expanse of water suddenly appears in front of you. Here is the Bijia mountain reservoir. In the horseshoe shaped hills and depressions, people built a two kilometer long dam in the horseshoe like mountain pass, storing vast and Miao rivers and rivers.
根地方史志记载:笔架山水库始建于伪满州国时期的康德八年(公元1941年)。当年侵占东北的日本开拓团准备以宝山为中心开垦一万公顷水稻田,强迫大量的中国民工修筑了这座水库。当年修水库时仅在东北山角处掏那个通水山洞就死了好多的劳工。七十年代全国农业学大寨修水利工程时还在那附近的山坡上还挖出过很多当年劳工的白骨,这也是日本军国主义侵略中国的又一铁证。 后来这里又接受了来自宁波,上海,北京、天津、佳木斯、双鸭山、牡丹江等地知识青年。
According to local historical records, Bijiashan reservoir was built in the eighth year of Kant (1941 AD) during the period of Manchukuo. The Japanese development corps, which occupied Northeast China at that time, planned to reclaim 10000 hectares of paddy fields around Baoshan, forcing a large number of Chinese migrant workers to build the reservoir. When the reservoir was built, a lot of labors died when they dug out the cave at the northeast corner. In the 1970s, when the national agriculture learned from Dazhai to build water conservancy projects, many white bones of former laborers were dug out on the hillside nearby, which is another iron evidence of Japanese militarism's invasion of China. Later, they accepted young intellectuals from Ningbo, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Jiamusi, Shuangyashan and Mudanjiang.
当年从全国各地聚集到这里的各类人员,带来了各种文化和信息,使笔架山养成了一种崇尚学习的风气。特别是当年《中国青年报》报道的《从青工到副教授》,介绍浙江宁波硫酸厂的青年工人李慰萱。高中毕业后,以顽强的毅力坚持业余自学的道路,为祖国的科学事业做出了贡献,被破格提拔为长沙铁道学院副教授的事迹。 而这个李慰萱的弟弟李卫民就是高会军邻居的女婿,后来也成了上海交通大学的教授。 这样环境的影响熏陶,使高会军从小就养成了爱学习的习惯。
At that time, all kinds of personnel gathered here from all over the country brought all kinds of culture and information, which made Bijia mountain develop a culture of advocating learning. In particular, Li Weixuan, a young worker from Ningbo sulphuric acid plant in Zhejiang Province, was introduced in "from young worker to associate professor" reported by China Youth Daily. After graduating from high school, he insisted on the road of amateur self-study with indomitable perseverance, made contributions to the scientific cause of the motherland, and was promoted to associate professor of Changsha Railway University. Li Weimin, Li Weixuan's younger brother, was the son-in-law of Gao Huijun's neighbor, and later became a professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University. Under the influence of such environment, Gao Huijun has developed a habit of learning since childhood.
2017年6月的一天,笔者在高会军的家乡采访了高会军的父母,这是两位再普通不过的老人。 就是这样一对朴实善良的夫妇养育出了世界著名的科学家 高会军的父亲高庆祥是笔架山农场粮油加工厂的退休职工,母亲闫运荣是位和善的家庭妇女。高庆祥在粮油加工厂装卸队,开始抗麻袋装卸粮食,后来开小四轮翻斗车装卸,最大爱好是喜欢下象棋,因下象棋结识了一帮棋友,经常带棋友回家,下完棋还得在家里吃饭喝酒。而此时小会军就会被爸爸撵到灶间的窗台上去看书写作业。
One day in June 2017, the author interviewed Gao Huijun's parents in his hometown. They were two ordinary old people. It is such a simple and kind couple that brought up the world-famous scientist Gao Huijun's father Gao Qingxiang, a retired employee of the grain and oil processing plant of Bijiashan farm, and his mother Yan Yunrong, a kind housewife. In the loading and unloading team of the grain and oil processing plant, Gao Qingxiang began to resist sack loading and unloading of grain. Later, he drove a small four wheel dumper to load and unload grain. His favorite hobby was playing chess. He got to know a group of chess friends and often took them home. After playing chess, he had to eat and drink at home. At this time, xiaohuijun will be sent to the windowsill of the kitchen by his father to read and do homework.
"Our children don't have the conditions like the children now. They have been studying in various classes since kindergarten. They are afraid of losing at the starting line. At that time, we didn't like this. We couldn't afford it. My father and I are not well educated, and we can't help our children. The children learn by themselves. What's different about them is that they can bear hardships. " Gao Huijun's mother did not have a job. In her early years, she subsidized her family by processing clothes for others. Her story is very simple.
一年春节从西安回家过年,从西安到北京一段有硬坐票,从北京到哈尔滨没坐,站了二十多小时,到家时腿都肿了起来。就是在车上站着,高会军也在默默在背诵英语单词。 当笔者向高庆祥求证外界有人传说小会军能倒背《新华字典》时,高庆祥很坦率地说:全字典背下来倒是没有,不过那孩子确实喜欢翻阅字典,初中以前用的那本字典都翻得没样了,这孩子一个特点就是凡是看过的东西都能记住,有时同学们相互提问,他有几次都说对了字典的页码。不过,考研那段时间,确实翻烂过英汉词典。还有一年过年带病回家,下车后就身子发烧,腿发软,离家还有三里路都走不动了。到附近的舅舅家睡了一觉才缓过些精神。那次的病,使高会军的头发全都发黄变焦。医生诊断说是甲亢病讲这孩子就是劳神过度,营养不良。应好好休息,增加营养,可家挺的那种状况,又能怎样增加营养?妈妈只能违心地劝会军:孩子,身子要紧,别那样拼命地学了。吃不到太好的,但不太过劳累也行啊,你现在也念完了技校,有了工作,算不错了,你看前院老杨家的老大,不就是在学校营养不良,劳累过度,才分配到富锦拖拉机厂上班不到一年就殁了。
One year, I went home from Xi'an for the Spring Festival. I had a hard ticket from Xi'an to Beijing. I didn't sit from Beijing to Harbin. After standing for more than 20 hours, my legs swelled when I got home. Even standing in the car, Gao Huijun was reciting English words silently. When the author asked Gao Qingxiang to prove that it was said that xiaohuijun could recite the Xinhua Dictionary backwards, Gao Qingxiang said frankly: there is no complete dictionary by heart, but the child really likes to look through the dictionary. The dictionary used before junior high school has been turned upside down. One of the characteristics of this child is that he can remember everything he has seen. Sometimes, students ask each other questions. He has several times The page number of the dictionary is right. However, during that period of postgraduate entrance examination, I did turn over English Chinese dictionaries. There is still a year to go home with a disease, get off the car on the body fever, leg weakness, three miles from home can not walk. I went to my uncle's house nearby and had a sleep. The illness made Gao Huijun's hair all yellow and zoom. The doctor diagnosed hyperthyroidism and said that the child was overworked and malnourished. Should have a good rest, increase nutrition, but at home that kind of condition, how can increase nutrition? Mother can only against her heart to persuade the Army: children, the body is important, don't study so hard. You can't eat very good food, but it's not too tired. Now you have finished your technical school and have a job. It's good. You can see that the eldest of Lao Yang's family in the front yard was not only malnourished and overworked in school, but he was assigned to work in Fujin tractor factory and died in less than a year.
妈妈说的那个前院的杨老大叫杨玉田,当年也是高会军的技校校友,在后来的考研时还曾和高会军同住过一个寝室。也是个家庭清贫,肯用功学习的孩子。 说起高会军在分配到工厂后边工作边自学考研的经历,也是很苦。高会军分配在工厂操作数控机床,经常接触汽油、清洗剂之类,皮肤过敏手指常常红肿发痒。可一个技校毕业的技工学的就是这个,每天的工作也是这个。这些困难都成了高会军更加刻苦学习改变命运的动力。
Yang Yutian, who was also a technical school alumnus of Gao Huijun, once lived in the same dormitory with Gao Huijun when he took the postgraduate entrance examination later. Also a poor family, willing to study hard. Speaking of Gao Huijun's experience of self-study and postgraduate entrance examination while working in the factory, it is also very hard. Gao Huijun is assigned to operate CNC machine tools in the factory. He often contacts gasoline and cleaning agents. His skin is allergic and his fingers are often red, swollen and itchy. But this is what a technician who graduated from a technical school learned, and his daily work is the same. All these difficulties have become the driving force for the gaohui army to study harder and change their fate.
现在回头看高会军的成长经历,正是暗合了先圣孟子的:“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。” 笔架山的清山秀水,养育出了高会军这样的杰出人才,高会军的领先世界成就证明了笔架山的灵气。 五十年代有江西来的术士看到笔架山的环境后曾说过:笔架山山清水秀五十年内必出惊世名人,现在果然。
Now looking back on the growth experience of Gao Huijun, it is in line with the sage Mencius: "heaven will descend to the great responsibility of these people, we must first painstakingly, labor their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skin, empty their bodies, and disturb their actions. Therefore, they have a heart and a heart, and have benefited from what they can't do." The clear mountains and beautiful waters of Bijia mountain have nurtured such outstanding talents as Gao Huijun. The world leading achievements of Gao Huijun have proved the spirit of Bijia mountain. In the 1950s, a warlock from Jiangxi Province once said that Bijia mountain is beautiful and beautiful, and there will be world-famous people in 50 years. Now it is true.
最近有人遗憾地说笔架山出了这样伟大的科学家怎么没人利用这个资源进行宣传扩大影响。高会军的科研成果和在世界科技界的影响力,不会比莫言小吧。 高会军生长在这里,他住过的房子,读过书的学校,走过的路,生活用品,学习用品,影像资料,与高会军有关的一切都将是不能再生的资源。 建个纪念馆,弘扬一下高会军的刻苦努力的学习精神,让笔架山的人为家乡有这样的科学家而自豪和骄傲, 也许有人正想着要做这事。
Recently, it has been said with regret that such a great scientist has emerged from Bijia mountain. How can no one use this resource to publicize and expand its influence. Gao Huijun's scientific research achievements and influence in the world's scientific and technological circles are no less than Mo Yan's. Gao Huijun grew up here. The house he lived in, the school he had read, the roads he had traveled, daily necessities, school supplies, video materials, and everything related to Gao Huijun would be non renewable resources. Build a memorial hall to carry forward Gao Huijun's hard-working learning spirit. Let Bijiashan people be proud and proud of such scientists in their hometown. Maybe some people are thinking of doing this.
本文采写 郝连成
This article is about Hao Liancheng