摄影遇见黑社会 冲上去一顿猛拍

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我真的不喜欢人们从很远的地方拍摄;我不喜欢鬼鬼祟祟地偷拍。对我来说,近距离的接触很重要。我想展现每一个细节。—— Bruce Gilden

I really don't like people shooting from far away; I don't like sneaky photography. For me, close contact is very important. I want to show every detail—— Bruce Gilden

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用「近距离街拍」闻名的摄影师Bruce Gilden,不同于其他街拍创作者喜欢带方便隐藏的小摄影机,他的风格比较狂放一点,直接走过去,拍下来,还大开闪光灯。这样勇猛的他,有一系列很闻名的作品,就是拍摄世界各地的「黑帮」,这系列黑帮摄影作品取名为“ tough guys “

Bruce gilden, a photographer famous for "close up street shooting", is different from other street shooting creators who like to bring a small camera for easy concealment. His style is a little more wild. He goes straight over and takes pictures with his flash on. He is so brave that he has a series of famous works, that is, shooting "gangsters" all over the world. This series of gangster photography is called "tough guys"“

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I want to shoot interesting people

「黑社会」其实一直是一个感觉起来比较遥远的特殊族群,他们充满神秘感、自有一套生存法则、游走在阴暗与光亮之间的模糊地带,而且实在太难靠近,但透过Bruce Gilden 的摄影眼,我们得以观察到真实黑社会亲近的一面。

"Underworld" has always been a special ethnic group that feels remote. They are full of mystery, have their own rules of existence, and wander in the hazy zone between darkness and light. It's too hard to get close to them. But through Bruce gilden's photographic eyes, we can see the intimate side of the real underworld.

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Bruce Gilden 本身就出生在黑帮家庭,他的父亲就是黑帮份子,他回忆父亲会抽着雪茄,小指头带着金戒指,这样强硬的父亲形象一直是他所欣赏的。这也是他会开始拍摄这系列作品的原因之一,「我喜欢这些家伙,他们就做他们自己,不会掩饰,我能跟他们相处的很好。」Bruce Gilden 说。

Bruce gilden himself was born in a gangster family. His father was a gangster. He recalled that his father would smoke cigars and wear a gold ring on his little finger. Such a tough father image has always been appreciated by him. This is one of the reasons why he will start shooting this series of works. "I like these guys. They are themselves. They don't hide. I can get along with them very well." Bruce gilden said.

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(拍摄1990 年代的日本黑社会,摄影师 Bruce Gilden 还叫黑帮老大摆动作。)

(photographer Bruce gilden asked the gang boss to put on a show when he photographed the underworld in Japan in the 1990s.)

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(photographer, boss and entourage go on a picnic)


(the gangs in his photos are not vicious and evil, but interesting. They are a group of interesting people. They just have to live in this society in another way.)


They trust me as I trust them

在拍摄过程中,他也曾经遇过比较危险一点的情况,比方说,他曾经被韩国的黑帮挑衅,认为凭他的力量,根本不够格加入他们里面,但Bruce Gilden 知道在那个情况里该怎么进退,「很多人可能在这些情况会崩溃和害怕,但我跟他们相处很自然,我就是我,我信任他们,他们也会信任我。」他说。

In the process of shooting, he also encountered a more dangerous situation. For example, he was provoked by Korean gangs and thought that his strength was not enough to join them. But Bruce gilden knew how to advance and retreat in that situation. "Many people may collapse and fear in these situations, but I get along with them very naturally, I am me, I trust them, and they will trust me. " He said.

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(this is a picture taken for a fashion magazine, in which both men are real gangsters.)

我喜欢Bruce Gilden 的摄影是因为他不只是在「拍照」而已,他根本就在做一场社会调查,纪录着黑帮社会最真实的一面,里面有他们日常的打斗、冲突,但也有他们开心的野餐和喝酒,或是跟小女孩玩的画面。在那个我们以为天差地远的世界里,可能有许多的不同,但也意外的发现,我们和他们的共通点,也许比我们想像的更多。

I like Bruce gilden's photography because he is not just "taking pictures". He is doing a social survey to record the most real side of the gangster society. There are daily fights and conflicts, but also picnics and drinking, or playing with little girls. In the world that we think is far away, there may be many differences, but it is also unexpected to find that we have more in common with them than we think.




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