日本骚操作 韩国考虑自带食材参加东京奥运会



On April 19, the Organizing Committee of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games announced that the "everyone's food plan" menu for the athletes' village restaurant has been determined, which will include the ingredients and local specialties of Fukushima Prefecture and other areas affected by the Japanese nuclear leak.


The so-called "everyone's food plan" is a public participation project organized by the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee to promote Japanese food culture and food to the world. It is worth noting that in the final published award-winning works, the ingredients produced by Fukushima are prominent.



One of the udon noodles in the student award uses a peach from Fukushima as a side dish.


It is reported that the food products in other awards also use onion, cucumber and salmon from Fukushima.


As soon as the news came out, even Japanese netizens couldn't read it any more, criticizing Japan's "very impolite" way of entertaining guests



"It's like entertaining athletes around the world with food from around Chernobyl. To put it bluntly, it's very impolite. "


"Overseas players will never come after reading this report. Don't you know what other people think?"


Just on the 19th, the Japanese government announced that due to the detection of radioactive substances in the samples, black Sebastes in the waters of Fukushima Prefecture was banned from marketing.


NHK television quoted Fukushima official sources as saying that 270 Becquerels of cesium per kilogram was detected in a black Sebastiscus caught in the waters of Fukushima last week, exceeding the standard value stipulated by Japan's food hygiene law. The black Sebastes was caught on April 1 at a depth of 37 meters, 13 kilometers from nanxiangma City, Fukushima Prefecture, the report said.



South Korea considers bringing its own ingredients for the Tokyo Olympics


As early as 2019, the South Korean team, worried about Japan's nuclear pollution, said it would bring its own radiation detector and food to participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games.


Due to strict quarantine regulations, the South Korean sports and Olympic Committee (KSOC) plans to transport the key ingredient of Korean food, chili sauce and other foods to Japan, and conduct radiation inspection on meat and vegetables that can only be purchased locally, according to a dietary plan report of the South Korean sports and Olympic Committee (KSOC).


At that time, South Korean official Shin Donggen told Reuters, "obviously, we will ship as many raw materials and food as possible from South Korea, possibly including canned food."


"Food is the main focus of our team for the Olympics, and we need to provide athletes with safe food to eliminate their concerns about radiation," he said



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