特斯拉刹车失灵 美女大闹车展维权最新进展
- 2021-04-20 16:06:08
- 点赞量:4393
- 点击量:64817
- 作者:秘书处Secretary's Office
19日,在上海车展特斯拉展位现场,一名女车主身穿“刹车失灵”字样T恤站在车顶维权,引发关注。据最新消息,车顶维权女子被行政拘留5日。对此,参与特斯拉展台维权的一位当事人@安保佳 发布微博表示,为采用错误的方式,造成的社会秩序混乱,不好的影响,诚挚的给国家会展中心安保部门道歉,给在场所有人员道歉,应该用合理合法的手段进行维权。
On the 19th, at the Tesla booth of Shanghai auto show, a female car owner wearing a T-shirt with the words "brake failure" stood on the roof to protect her rights, causing concern. According to the latest news, the woman was detained for 5 days. In this regard, a party involved in safeguarding the rights of Tesla booth @ baoanjia posted a microblog saying that in order to adopt the wrong way, causing social disorder and bad influence, he sincerely apologized to the Security Department of the National Convention and Exhibition Center, and apologized to all the people present. He should use reasonable and legal means to safeguard his rights.
At the same time, the owner said that the way will change and the rights protection will not change. It's not a car problem. Everyone's story can be shared with Tesla. The truth must be revealed to the world. We can be described as car trouble and bad organization. We have backstage, and our backstage is the owner of each other's rights. Only we know what happened to the car. Our appeal is to explain the problems of the car and provide the data of the car.
Tesla shares fell sharply at the beginning of trading on the 19th local time, falling more than 6% at one point. As of press time, Tesla shares closed at $714.080, down 3.47%.
Earlier, at the Shanghai auto show, a young woman wearing a T-shirt with the words "brake failure" stood on the roof of a Tesla exhibition car, shouting "brake failure" to protect her rights, which aroused widespread concern. For this reason, Tesla has made two public responses. Tesla's latest statement: no compromise on unreasonable demands.
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