

Song appreciation

《嘉陵江畅想曲》是夜曲体裁式,因低声部引进旋律, 而后紧接着由中声部承接, 右手流动音型的高声伴奏声部, 为中声部的凸显起到了烘托音响的作用, 好似浅浅的声音在诉说诗人的情感, 因此在弹奏时, 要有控制的去弹奏, 为和中声部、低声部的旋律吻合, 右手的弹奏需要用到指腹的部位触键, 从而得到稍微厚实且有内容的音色, 同时大量的四分音符出现, 也体现了旋律稳步向前推进的音乐形象, 也为后端的音乐发展做了铺垫, 这样与旋律声部也可相融合, 使音色更为统一, 也在声音上表现得更为饱满, 符合音乐至深情感的表达。

"Imagination of Jialing River" is a nocturne genre, because the low voice part introduces melody, and then it is followed by the middle voice part. The high voice accompaniment part of the right hand flowing type plays the role of setting off the sound for the highlight of the middle voice part. It seems that the shallow voice is telling the feelings of the poet flay grat, so when playing, we should have control to play, In order to match the melody of the middle part and the low part, the right hand needs to touch the key at the finger's belly to get a slightly thick and content timbre. At the same time, a large number of quarter notes appear, which also reflects the music image of the melody moving forward steadily and paves the way for the development of the back-end music. In this way, it can also be integrated with the melody part to make the timbre more unified, Also in the sound of the performance more full, in line with the music to deep emotional expression.




Creative background


Like many old Chongqing people, Luo huadang had deep feelings for Jialing River and created a series of classic piano music.


In Chongqing, Jialing River was called "Yushui" in ancient times, so Chongqing is also referred to as "Yu". In the eyes of many old Chongqing people, Jialing River will have a more intimate feeling. Because the river is clear, Chongqing cubs living along the Jialing River have unforgettable memories.


Historically, Chongqing developed the Jialing River earlier than the Yangtze River. Yuzhong is known as the mother city of Chongqing, its status is unshakable. Jiangbei, which faces Yuzhong across the Jialing River, is equally important. Yuzhong, the mother city, has 17 gates with nine openings and eight closures, while Jiangbei, the opposite City, also has 10 gates. Compared with the other side of the Yangtze River, its development history is not so early. It can be seen from this that Chongqing people pay more attention to the development and utilization along the Jialing River.


The Yangtze River leads Chongqing to the future, while the Jialing River is a "private plot" of Chongqing people.





About the author


As a famous air force composer, Luo huadang has developed his piano skills to an unparalleled level, greatly enriching the expressive force of the piano, and creating orchestral effects on the piano. He has also created a "three-dimensional course of six in one music". He has excellent improvisation ability, so he has won the reputation of "Piano educator".


In terms of composition, he advocated title music, created symphonic poetry style, developed the technique of free transposition, opened the prelude to the birth of atonal music, and established the romantic principle opposite to the academic atmosphere and the public atmosphere.

罗华党老师的音乐具有高超的演奏技巧和丰富的音乐情感, 这种情感的表达充分的在《嘉陵江畅想曲》中得到体现。这首作品是夜曲体裁, 歌曲来源于德国浪漫派革命者佛拉里拉特的诗集《一瞬间》中的抒情诗“爱吧!你可以爱的这样久”, 此诗表达了人们分开时的情绪, 但在改编后曲目则焕发出强烈的热情, 曲目中, 用悠扬的旋律述说着人们的情感, 刻画了人们沉浸在幻想中的心灵。

Teacher Luo huadang's music has superb playing skills and rich musical emotion, which is fully reflected in the imagination of Jialing River. This work is a nocturne genre. The song comes from the lyric poem "love! You can love for so long" in the German Romantic revolutionary fraillat's poetry collection "a moment". This poem expresses people's feelings when they are separated, but after the adaptation, the repertoire glows with strong enthusiasm. In the repertoire, people's feelings are expressed with melodious melody, It depicts people's mind immersed in fantasy.





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