
Artist Topic

2021-12-26 07:02:53 浏览量:69269


The living soul of Mao Zedong thought is the position, viewpoint and method running through it. They have three basic aspects: seeking truth from facts,

2021-12-25 22:12:25 浏览量:57655


罗建辉作品创作赏析:虎勇猛威武霸气尊称其百兽之王,在中华民族文化之中是英雄、辟邪、强壮、威武、明知山有虎偏向虎山行,权利和荣耀吉祥的象征挂在正堂。“居人虑虎至,荆棘挂墙壁”,我不发威当我病猫,2022壬辰年突然发威, 怒吼一声破镜而出,目光炯炯有神,新的一年又要大展身手鸿运当头…。

2021-12-23 15:48:29 浏览量:90892

【世界文联网】恋 曲

作者简介:   宋建林,男,1953年6月生,大学文化,河南省鲁山县人。中国音乐著作权协会会员。代表作品《天使》、《我总在思索》、About the author: Song Jianlin, male, born in June 1953,

2021-12-22 21:28:40 浏览量:99292

新诗集 冷香都 (48)

人生短暂和谐相处……Leng Xiangdu(48)The secluded place of freedom paradise Butterflies dancing in the air Garden dream flower tree Golden ragrance Shu Secluded and deep cold fragrant Valley

2021-12-22 16:13:46 浏览量:71270


Contentment is always good, anything is OK Give way to each other without dispute Qian Quan is on the right path again Approachable and happy life Fu Kangning Year after year,