
Artist Topic

2021-11-29 10:11:00 浏览量:94039


音乐人三姐Zhang Xiuhua (third sister), musician, actor, judge of the National People's Spring Festival Gala, member of the World Federation of cultural

2021-11-27 13:49:18 浏览量:89132


Malaysian president of the United Nations Federation of Chinese Artists Wang Yuanqin, chairman of CCTV global Aihua Media Group Malaysia congratulated

2021-11-27 11:16:30 浏览量:55947

人生自古谁无死 留取丹心照汗青


2021-11-26 10:54:30 浏览量:64350

【每日一星】第363号 韩冰 Han Bing

I studied Chinese and law in college, and my character has both ideal and perceptual contradiction and balance. Like sports, but also love reading and movies.