








鸟虫篆艺术研究院院长 王祥云

公元9000年前,中国古人在龟甲、骨器、石器和陶器上刻写的符号,延续着“初造书契,以代结绳”的文明史,拉开了中华文明的大幕。“鸟”作为远古人类崇拜的“神”, 古人借助鸟的神通,将鸟与文字结合,与天地交往,与神灵和祖先沟通,“祛邪纳福”,创造了中国的文字艺术——鸟虫篆。

















宋代出土 著录于薛尚功《历代钟鼎彝器款识法帖》





























武则天作为中国历史上唯一的女皇,她也非常喜爱鸟虫篆,而且她给周灵王升仙太子庙碑提了四个字也是写的鸟虫篆。公元699年2月初四,武则天由洛阳赴嵩山封禅,返回时留宿于缑山升仙太子庙,触景生情,写下了周灵王太子晋升仙故事。并亲自书丹。在碑额上写了 “升仙太子之碑”六个字(洛阳偃师市府店镇缑山之巅。周灵王升仙太子庙)。用鸟虫书题写碑额,是唐太宗开始的。他首先为《晋祠铭碑》题写了碑额(太原市晋祠镇。李世民攻太原驻地)。唐高宗紧随其后,效仿唐太宗,为《纪公颂》碑碑额题写“大唐纪公颂“(郑州荥阳市汜水镇等兹寺内)店的宗东巡去许郑讲武时,过太宗擒窦建德处,缅怀功业而立。高宗还为《孝敬皇帝睿德碑》题写碑额(洛阳偃师市缑氏镇滹沱村)。这是高宗第五子李弘墓。李弘是武则天长子,暴病而死。唐高宗将其追谥为“孝敬皇帝”,开创了太子死后追封为皇帝的先河。









与《越王勾践剑》的八个字不同,《王子午鼎》上刻有一篇鸟虫篆文章。文字非常美丽。鼎上有鸟虫篆铭文,文中记录了王子午一生的功德,表达了对先祖的追思,叙说了王子午自己施德政于民的业绩,并教育子孙以此为准则。全文语词流畅押韵,是楚国青铜器上不多见的长篇美文。王子午鼎是中国书法史上具有里程碑意义的重要作品。它标志着我国文字在发展中,从结构到书法风格都在发展变化。一改商代甲骨文风格,强调自身艺术价值,追求美化的自觉阶段。丰富的想象和深刻的寓意构成的图画美、文字美,启发了观赏者的无限联想。大家看这个 “孝”字,字的造形好像一位跪坐的母亲,怀抱孩子,若掌上明珠。这是母亲养育子女的永恒写照,留了下来。让千秋万代的孩子,看到这个字,就想起了母亲给予的爱。哪能不去用孝心感谢母亲呢?中间的“子”字,像一朵小花,两片细叶伸展着向上长。又像一个稚气的孩子,两条细叶,像两只细嫩的小手,高高举起,似在哭,似在笑,或者是正在接应着天降的甘淋,母亲的乳汁。展示给我们的:第一点,母爱的伟大。从古到今,母亲对子女的爱是博大无私的。第二点,对儿童的保护,祖先早把儿童比成花朵,倍加呵护,母爱为世人保护儿童做出了榜样。第三点,责任和义务的诠释。爱护子女,养育子女是父母的责任也是义务,同样孝敬父母,感恩父母是子女责任也是义务。第四点,母子享受天伦之乐。展示的是大爱无疆。


《王子午鼎》现藏河南省博物馆 出土于淅川县下寺,年代于春秋中期









English literal translation

Video location: 600 square meter studio of Beijing TV station Xintai

Guest: Wang Xiangyun: President of bird insect Seal Art Research Institute

Host: Sun Yu

Editor and director: Zhang Hongmei

Props: bird and insect seal calligraphy and painting (Prince Yu Ge, Jiufu, jiushou, fan, GUI, Zeng), bird and insect seal porcelain (climbing the stork tower, wealth into bottles, flying saucers, more than plates every year), bird and insect seal purple sand plate, bird and insect seal making, album, complete volume of Sun Tzu's art of war, health preservation treasure book, bird and insect seal by grandpa Wang Xiangyun and his father.

Host: exclusive memory, changeable life. Welcome to memory. I'm Sun Yu. People who have seen the TV drama Mi Yue Zhuan will be surprised by the words used in it. Whether it is "customs clearance copper Fu Festival", or letters, as well as the tortoise shell of divination, some people even say that these are heavenly books. In fact, these mysterious words are an aristocratic character - bird insect seal script, which has been used for more than 1200 years, Why are these words called "noble words"? What long history has been recorded?

This is an ancient writing, "let the ancient writing live". This is an ordinary person, leading a team and bearing the responsibility of the times, "let the ancient characters live"! This is a kind of extensive and exquisite text, showing the brilliance of China's Millennium culture!

Wang Xiangyun, President of bird insect Seal Art Research Institute

Before 9000 A.D., the symbols engraved on tortoise shells, bone ware, stone tools and pottery by the ancient Chinese continued the civilization history of "first building deeds instead of tying ropes", and opened the curtain of Chinese civilization“ As the "God" worshipped by ancient humans, the ancients combined birds with words, communicated with heaven and earth, communicated with gods and ancestors, "dispel evil spirits and accept blessing", and created the Chinese writing art - bird insect seal.

What is bird insect seal?

Bird insect seal is an ancient Chinese writing art, which originated in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. It is a special writing art evolved from totem, Oracle and gold inscriptions. Oracle bone inscriptions are contemporaneous with oracle bone inscriptions. Oracle bone inscriptions are used to describe historical events. They are widely used and we know them better. Bird insect seal is different from oracle bone inscriptions. It is a kind of calligraphy art, especially beautiful. This kind of writing is a special writing for the royal family of the dynasty. Ordinary people can't use it. It began in the Shang Dynasty. It is one of the eight official languages in the Qin Dynasty and six official languages in the Han Dynasty. After the Wei and Jin Dynasties, seal script was not used, but remained in the court until emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty. With the fall of the Qing government, the Qing court was no longer used and almost disappeared. We don't know much. It took root from the original symbols, walked out of the totem of Zhou Yi, the Shang Ding, and changed from the oracle bones of Xia and Shang Dynasties. It was interpreted as the glory of the bronze age and the fashion of the Qin and Han Dynasties. After quenching in the Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has become one of the symbols of Chinese history and culture.

Bird insect seal was popular in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. Where were they used?

According to unearthed cultural relics and historical records, bird insect seal is widely used in bronze ware and is a symbol of bronze civilization. The application scope of bird insect seal can be divided into six categories: writing runes, writing flags and letters, honor guards for the king's guard, ritual vessels for the king, living utensils and building components for the palace.

Do the weapons used by Xiang Yu and Zhang Fei use this text?

This kind of writing is meant to be a symbol of nobility, auspiciousness, integrity and wealth. Therefore, the emperor did not use it when making weapons, but used it in his honor guard to suppress the terror under the shadow of the sword, show his majesty and nobility, and show off his wealth and power.

Story 1: why do the letters, divination utensils and customs clearance documents of the TV drama Mi Yue Zhuan use bird insect seal characters?

Speaking of bird insect seal script, in the TV drama Mi Yue Zhuan, there is such a group of plot that Wei Changshi secretly stuffed the "customs clearance copper amulet" into Wei Yan's jewelry box to make Wei Yan return to his country smoothly. The rune reads bird and insect seal, which is equivalent to today's passport, and the letters written in the play also use bird and insect seal. Why did not many people know these mysterious words now, but they were so popular in that era?

Bird script and seal script are also called bird script. The strokes are like bird shape, that is, the characters are integrated with bird shape, or bird shape is added next to the characters for decoration. These mysterious characters are dedicated to the royal family and symbolize elegant culture, auspicious culture, integrity culture and religious culture. In the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, only bird insect seal can be engraved on Fu Jie. Fujie is equivalent to today's passport. Fujie is made of many materials, such as gold, silver and copper, and has different styles. It is a pass for the ancient Chinese court to convey orders, recruit soldiers and perform official duties. In addition, the identity of Fujie is also used in the harem. Only concubines and ministers with higher status will have it in the palace, and those who marry far away will contact and communicate with their relatives through Fujie.

Why was this kind of writing very popular in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period?

The development and prosperity of writing art are inseparable from the times. Although bird insect seal was produced in the Shang Dynasty, it developed slowly due to the restrictions of learning in the government. During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the emerging landlord class stepped onto the historical stage with vigorous vitality. Ideological emancipation has formed a situation in which a hundred schools of thought contend and a hundred flowers bloom. Such historical conditions provide unique conditions for the development of characters from practicality to art. The bird, insect and seal art represented by Chu culture has led the development direction of characters. This is one of them. In addition, the use of this character by Royal relatives and nobles in those years is a symbol of identity. It is also a symbol of integrity, auspiciousness and wealth. It is a trend of the times. Therefore, in the era represented in MI Yue Zhuan, bird insect seal characters were used as special characters for Fu Jie. At the same time, it also has the function of religious culture. It is used to "connect heaven and earth and communicate with gods".

When it comes to these mysterious characters that are exclusively used by aristocrats, I'll write a word for you on the spot to let you feel how the bird insect seal script is written. Why is this expensive word written like this?

Unearthed in Song Dynasty, it was recorded in the calligraphy of Yi ware appreciation of Zhongding in previous dynasties by Xue Shanggong

In modern Chinese, "Gui" is used to refer to a person's high social status. Since the earliest worship of "Earth" as the representative of wealth, "Gui" has been respected and valued. People with high status are called "distinguished guests" and "distinguished guests", and the emperor's wife is called "imperial concubine". Therefore, Chinese culture revolves around the word "expensive". It took root from the original symbols, walked out of the totem of Zhou Yi, the Shang Ding, and changed from the oracle bones of Xia and Shang Dynasties. It was interpreted as the glory of the bronze age and the fashion of the Qin and Han Dynasties. After quenching in the Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has become one of the symbols of Chinese history and culture. So what is "expensive" in the bird insect seal character art created by the ancients?

It was written in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period more than 2500 years ago“ The word "Gui" is a pictophonetic character. In terms of the structure of the characters, the original precious characters were held in both hands with soil and put into a treasure box for collection. The original meaning of the ancient characters was that "Earth" was the most precious, which could produce and feed all things and provide mankind with all kinds of materials needed for clothing, food, shelter and transportation. The ancients worshipped the earth that gave birth to all things, so they took "Earth" as the representative of wealth. Later, in the evolution of characters, the "soil" below became "shell". Why did it become "Bei"“ "Bei" in the Shang and Zhou dynasties refers to coins, beautiful decorations and a symbol of money and wealth.

Can money be said to be "expensive"? I don't think so. Money is greedy for enjoyment. When others are in danger, they should shrink their heads. No sense of responsibility and benevolence, not expensive. The configuration of the word "Gui" in bird insect seal tells us what "Gui" is.

"Expensive" is a responsibility. The "double arms" above the word "expensive" Representing "both hands" are bent and deformed into a long dragon, which reflects the national responsibility. Why did he transform the cross under the "middle" into a dragon? In the eyes of our Chinese nation, the Dragon represents auspiciousness, symbolizes holiness and is the embodiment of power. The king of Jin is the king of a country. Before he ascended the throne, he wandered abroad for a long time. He knew that without a country, there would be no king. After he ascended the throne, he selected and appointed talents and made great efforts to build Jin into a powerful country. He turned the middle and lower horizontal into a long dragon to protect national security, reflecting the king of Jin's will and quality of national responsibility. This sense of state responsibility is clearly confirmed in the inscriptions“ Never return the book, never do it, never regret it. " These two proverbs mean that if you accept the task of defending the country, you should be brave and actively participate, and never give up halfway. Even if you take on a job that doesn't do much, don't regret it, because you have participated in this great cause after all.

"Expensive" contains power. Bend the "arms" Representing "hands" into a city wall. Surrounded by high walls, noble people and wealth are in an independent space. Why deform into a wall? It reflects the noble power of the king of Jin. This is because the wall is a powerful image in ancient Chinese history. It reflects its power with a tough and monotonous shape. From Shang and Zhou Dynasties to Qin and Han Dynasties, various Vassal States built the Great Wall to defend against foreign invasion. In the Warring States period, more than 20 Vassal States built the Great Wall. When Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, he built the great wall connecting the northern border. Each vassal state built its capital according to the layout of "Feng Shui", defended the country with the Great Wall, the capital with the city wall, and the king with the palace wall. Ordinary people followed suit and protected themselves with the courtyard wall. Different interest groups and strata use clear boundaries, that is, through the powerful image of the fence, to express their respective powers.

"Expensive" is a kind of responsibility. It is bent and deformed into an arm, which reflects the responsibility spirit of the king of Jin and protects the precious property of the country“ In ancient times, Bei was a "currency", a "treasure" and a treasure of money. Putting the treasure representing national property, Royal Property and ordinary people's property in the center of the city and protecting it reflects not only the spirit of responsibility, but also the importance of economic security, but also the "dignity" of property. National economic security and the economic security of the people are the economic foundation and hard power of the country. This spirit of responsibility can also be confirmed in the inscriptions“ If you don't pursue profits, you will respect the people's property. " These two proverbs tell you that if you want to shoulder the important task of defending your country, you should not care about your personal fame, wealth, gains and losses. What we protect is not only the property of the state, but also the property of the people. Both state property and people's property should be respected and protected.

"Expensive" is self-esteem and security. The box representing treasure on the word "Gui" is transformed into a turtle, combined with the long snake representing "both hands" to form a Xuanwu, which reflects the self-esteem spirit of the king of Jin. According to the ritual system, the four spirits guard the four palaces in the East, West, North and south, which are used to ward off evil and adjust Yin and Yang. Below are two rosefinches. Two rosefinches guard the south to protect the safety of the country. They guard the "shell" in the middle and the happy and stable life of the country. It shows that the owner of the city is noble.

"Expensive" is a principle that must be adhered to. The word "expensive" is like a luxury villa. Two birds, like a pair of lovers, live in a garden villa. They live together day and night. It is a beautiful symbol of eternal unity and love. It shows us that life is still valuable and love is more expensive. This noble love, a stable, harmonious and happy life, is the spiritual life pursued by the king of Jin. Not only live a happy life, but also let the people live a happy life. This is the principle spirit of the king of Jin. The expression of this idea can also be confirmed in the inscription“ Do not choose high or low. " People should be respected. They should be treated equally regardless of their status, poverty or wealth. While respecting themselves, they should also respect others.

After reading this "expensive" word, our awe is born from however! The word "Gui" created by the ancients expresses a spirit of the royal family and the Chinese nation. That is, the consciousness of national responsibility, the consciousness of national power, the spirit of courage to play, the consciousness of national security, and the principle spirit of self-respect and self love. These tell us the nobility of the country, the nobility of property, the nobility of the family, the nobility of character and the nobility of identity. The spirit contained in the word "expensive" is the principles of self-cultivation, family harmony, governing the country and pacifying the world. These principles have become the standard of the noble personality of the Chinese nation and bless and protect China for thousands of years!

With the word "expensive" embodied in noble education and conduct, bless and protect the Chinese people's feelings of family and country《 The book of songs says, "hold your son's hand and grow old with your son." The Chinese are one of the nations with the most family concept. The happiness of the Chinese family is that their parents are alive, their husband and wife are harmonious, their children are filial and their family is safe. The ancients left a large number of poems expressing the dispersion of husband and wife and the separation of relatives, all of which originated from an agreement in the book of Songs: hold your son's hand and grow old with him. It is this agreement that has enabled many couples to overcome difficulties, multiply and live, and from home and country, so that the Chinese people have become the only nation in the world that has been inherited in the form of a country and has the same root, culture and species for thousands of years!

The word "expensive" embodied in noble moral sentiment and cultural spirit makes the personality value of the Chinese nation pass on from generation to generation《 Mencius said: "wealth and honour cannot be debauched, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, power and force cannot be subdued,..." Mencius's words have become the motto of many heroes and people with lofty ideals, and have cast the upright backbone of the Chinese nation for thousands of years! With the word "expensive" composed of generous love, pure character, courage to bear, tenacious perseverance and human dignity, the Chinese nation puts virtue and honor above all else. Wang Anshi, who dares to say that "heaven is not afraid, ancestors are not law, and people are not compassionate". Wen Tianxiang, who declared that "who has never died since ancient times, keeps his heart to shine on history", and Tan Sitong, who chanted "I smile from the horizontal knife to the sky". They are big husbands one by one! Zhang Zai, a great Confucian scholar of the Northern Song Dynasty, said, "stand up for heaven and earth, make life for the people, inherit unique knowledge for the saints, and open peace for all ages." The courage to take responsibility and fearlessness are widely praised!

This noble spirit of the Chinese nation, passed down from generation to generation, is the accumulation of Chinese values and realistic choices, and is our precious wealth.

Why is bird insect seal character the representative of honesty culture?

Carving bird insect seal characters on Fu Jie is a symbol of integrity. At that time, there was a story of a queen who finally fell into the river and died because she didn't see Fu Jie in the state of Chu《 The story of "Chu Zhaozhen and Jiang Jiantai waiting for Fu" is recorded in Taiping Yulan. Mrs. Zhenjiang is the daughter of Qi Hou and the wife of King Zhao of Chu. Once, King Zhao of Chu went on a trip and left Mrs. Zhen Jiang alone on the platform. Unfortunately, the river was flooded. King Zhao of Chu sent an envoy to meet his wife Zhen Jiang, but the envoy forgot to bring the king Zhao's amulet. Mrs. Zhen Jiang saw that the envoy did not bring the King Zhao's amulet and was unwilling to leave that dangerous situation with the envoy“ The lady said, "my concubine is a chaste girl. She doesn't break the contract. The brave are not afraid of death." The messenger returned to get the talisman. When he came back again, the platform collapsed and Mrs. Zhenjiang was washed away by the flood. Mrs. Jiang Zhen's behavior of "keeping promises" has become a model of honesty and trustworthiness and has been widely spread in society.

There are obvious differences between bird insect seal characters on Fu stanzas, because different times, different vassal countries and different writing fonts. It has been found in modern times that it was used by 13 vassal states, including Chu, Wu, Yue, Cai, Xu, song, Zeng, Shen, Xu, Qi, Ying, Jin and Zhongshan. At that time, there were only three writing methods in the state of Chu, and two writing methods were used for the two Fu stanzas.

Bird insect seal script is the exclusive use of the royal family. Emperors of all dynasties loved this kind of writing

Bird insect seal script originated in the Shang Dynasty. Ancient emperors loved bird insect seal characters. From Wang Hai, king of Shang Dynasty, to the princes of the Twelve Kingdoms in the spring and Autumn period. According to the arrangement of historical dynasties, there are emperors who like bird insect seal script in all dynasties. From the first emperor of Qin Dynasty to Xianfeng emperor of Qing Dynasty, the inheritance link of the emperor has been formed( Qin Shihuang → Emperor Ling of Han Dynasty → Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty → Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Rui → Tang Dynasty




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