


Health is the foundation of beauty in life. Without health, even if you live, you will lose the color of beauty in life. Without the support of color, how to talk about the beauty of life?

孩子: 你一定要懂点中医!

Child: you must know some Chinese medicine!


I hope you know something about Chinese medicine, because one day you will fly away from your parents and live your own life, and Chinese medicine will protect you.


If you know Chinese medicine, when you encounter great setbacks in life, you will not paralyze yourself with alcohol, fill your stomach with junk food, burn your body by staying up all night, and hurt your internal organs with excessive anger and depression.


You know how to cherish your health, you know that as long as you keep the "health" backing, you can make a comeback.



If you know Chinese medicine, you will adjust your life in time, or find Chinese medicine to recuperate, instead of accumulating into a serious illness, and then begin to regret.


If you know Chinese medicine, even if you encounter a major disease, you will not be scared to death by the name of the disease. Instead, you will know how to return to life, return to the inner world, stop and give yourself a chance, and you will eventually become a Phoenix Nirvana.


If you know Chinese medicine, you won't be entertaining guests in the hotel in the early morning, you won't party with friends all night, you won't sacrifice your health for money and friends, you won't be infatuated with entertainment places,


But love nature, you will meet more excellent friends and you resonance with the same frequency, live a life full of heart.


If you know Chinese medicine, your life will be full of fun. You can feel the changes of the 24 solar terms. You will understand the diet, exercise, massage and other lifestyle of each solar term. Your life will not be rough.


You may even find that music, calligraphy, collection, reading, martial arts and so on are all infusing full energy into your body. You may even feel a kind of joy in your heart because a flower is blooming. You will find all kinds of beauty in the world!



If you know Chinese medicine, you will know how to look at things objectively. You know that everything has Yin and Yang sides. You know that only when you give up can you get something. You know how to dig out the essence of things through appearances.


You will not be confused by various complicated appearances. You know how to think and analyze calmly and make correct judgments.


If you know Chinese medicine, you will become a good husband / wife, father / mother in the future. You know how to take care of the health of the whole family. When your family members are sick, you can be patient and know how to cooperate with the doctor to help them through difficulties.


My child, you can choose any career you like in the future, but my father still wants you to know Chinese medicine, because Chinese medicine will make your heart full of kindness and love,

因为中医会令你懂得自律,因为中医会令你懂得珍惜生命 ,因为中医会令你的生活充满了欢喜。

Because Chinese medicine will make you know self-discipline, because Chinese medicine will make you know how to cherish life, because Chinese medicine will make your life full of joy.

古人云: 天地间,暖则生,寒则杀!

The ancients said: between heaven and earth, warm is born, cold is killed!


The human body is also like this, whether the human body quality is good or not, is determined by your warm constitution or cold constitution.


Warm is vigorous, cold is killing. The human body is a small universe. If you want Yin and yang to be parallel, you will have a fever if you are too hot. If you are too cold, you will also have a fever because you are too cold to get fire. This is exactly the same as the burden of mathematics. Cold fire is mild with fever, and severe with neifu disease.


Life is nothing but health.




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