- 2021-04-08 17:03:33
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- 作者:秘书处Secretary's Office
Feel the beauty of art between the natural world and the world. From parks full of sculpture works to individual pieces of touching works, you can fully enjoy the pleasure brought by art in Sweden.
Heart of Trees,Umedalen雕塑公园,Jaume Plensa创作。Photo: GalleriAndersson/Sandström
The world-famous galleries and museums in numerous markets give Sweden a strong artistic atmosphere. And in the city and the countryside outdoor, also often can see the trace of art. Heart of trees, umedalen Sculpture Park, by Jaume Plensa. Photo: GalleriAndersson/Sandström
From sk å ne, the southernmost part of Sweden
到北部的于默奥 (Umeå),
To ume å in the north,
We will take you to enjoy it
Many famous sculpture parks
And personal outdoor art works,
They are scattered like pearls, each with its own style.
�� 瑞典南部
Southern Sweden
Kulaberg Nature Reserve
Kullaberg Nature Reserve
Kullaberg Nature Reserve
在斯科纳省默勒(Mölle)的库拉伯格自然保护区的海滨,有一处看起来极其抽象,如同用树枝构建的堡垒,这便是艺术家Lars Vilks创作的概念性艺术装置Nimis,它是瑞典最著名的户外艺术作品之一。
On the seashore of kulaberg Nature Reserve in M ü LLE, skona Province, there is a fortress that looks very abstract, like a fortress built with branches. This is the conceptual art installation nimis created by artist Lars Vilks. It is one of the most famous outdoor art works in Sweden.
Photo: Lars Vilks
Photo: Lars Vilks
Nimis is made of driftwood, wood and branches. The original version was completed in the early 1980s, and then gradually improved. The construction of such buildings in nature reserves has never been officially approved, which has also caused some controversy.
Part of nimis has been burned and rebuilt several times, which is regarded as an integral part of the whole concept by artists, and even the legal disputes caused by the work itself are regarded as a part of creation.
In the same area of kulaborg, you can also see another work of Vilks, ARX.
库拉伯格自然保护区。Photo: Apelöga/imagebank.sweden.se
Kulaberg nature reserve. Photo: Apelöga/ imagebank.sweden.se
落日下的库拉伯格半岛。Photo: Aske Jorgensen/visitskane.com
Kurlaberg Peninsula under the setting sun. Photo: Aske Jorgensen/ visitskane.com
附近的就餐选择包括Kullagårdens Wärdshus(营业时间因季节而异)。从Ängelholm乘坐公共交通可以抵达Nimis,车程约为35分钟(如果从赫尔辛堡/Helsingborg出发,花费的时间稍长一点)。Kullagårdens Wärdshus。Photo: Kullagårdens Wärdshus
Nearby dining options include kullag å rdens w ü rdshus (opening hours vary from season to season). Nimis is about 35 minutes by public transport from Ä ngelholm (a little longer from Helsingborg / Helsingborg). Kullagårdens Wärdshus。 Photo: Kullagårdens Wärdshus
沃纳斯 Wanås
Wonus Wan å s
隐逸于斯科纳的东约因厄市(Östra Göinge),沃纳斯艺术雕塑公园(Wanås Konst)是一处拥有世界一流当代艺术品的绿洲。
Reclusive in skona's East yoinge, Wan å s konst is an oasis of world-class contemporary art.
沃纳斯艺术雕塑公园。Photo: Mattias Givell
Wonas art sculpture park. Photo: Mattias Givell
Since its opening to the outside world in 1987, the sculpture park has cooperated with a number of artists at home and abroad, including world-renowned artists.
小野洋子的作品Wish Trees。Photo: Carolina Romare
Yoko Ono's work wish trees. Photo: Carolina Romare
超过70多件作品特别为沃纳斯而创作,其中包括小野洋子的Wish Trees,以及Jenny Holzer的沃纳斯墙(Wanås Wall)——一段长为1公里的被地衣覆盖的石墙,墙上刻有象征意义的文字。其它艺术家还有Ann Hamilton和Ann-Sofi Sidén。沃纳斯雕塑公园内由Poul Gernes创作的木制“金字塔”。Photo: Mattias Givell
More than 70 works have been created specifically for wonus, including Yoko Ono's wish trees and Jenny Holzer's Wan å s wall, a one kilometer long lichen covered stone wall with symbolic characters. Other artists include Ann Hamilton and Ann Sofi Sid é n. A wooden "pyramid" created by Poul gernes in the sculpture park of Warner. Photo: Mattias Givell
The sculpture park is open throughout the year with a parking lot and an indoor Gallery (closed in winter). The wonas hotel near the park provides rest and dining places for guests.
沃纳斯酒店。Photo:Fredrika Stjärne / Wanås
The vonnes hotel. Photo: Fredrika STJ ü rne / WAN å s
沃纳斯酒店内景。Photo: Magnus Mårding
warnas Hotel int. Photo: Magnus Mårding
Central Sweden
库姆拉 Kumla
Kumla kumla
位于库姆拉(Kumla)的Kvarntorpshögen是一处位于山丘上的雕塑公园,被称为“山丘上的艺术”,海拔约为100米。Kent Karlsson创作的“Absit Omen”教堂。Photo: Mikael Sundberg
Kvarntorpsh ü Gen in kumla is a sculpture park on a hill, known as "art on a hill", with an altitude of about 100 meters. "ABSIT omen" church by Kent Karlsson. Photo: Mikael Sundberg
1998年,这一石油工业的遗址吸引了越来越多的雕塑作品。��这座由Kent Karlsson创作的“Absit Omen”教堂,利用生锈的青铜网格打造出一座壮观的具有极强透视感的建筑,成为园内最有个性的一件作品。
In 1998, the site of the oil industry attracted more and more sculptures. This "ABSIT omen" church, created by Kent Karlsson, uses rusty bronze mesh to create a spectacular building with strong perspective, becoming the most personalized work in the garden.
Yggdrasil, 由艺术家Cecilia Jansson和库姆拉监狱的在押人员共同完成的作品。Photo: Kumla Kommun
Yggdrasil, a work by artist Cecilia Jansson and inmates of kumra prison. Photo: Kumla Kommun
雕塑公园内不仅有瑞典本国艺术家的杰作,也有来自世界知名艺术家的作品,如Lenny Clarhäll、Maria Miesenberger、Ulla Viotti、Anders Krisàr等。Lena Flodman创作。Photo: Kumla kommun
In the sculpture park, there are not only masterpieces by Swedish artists, but also works by world-famous artists, such as Lenny clarh ü ll, Maria miesenberger, Ulla Viotti, Anders Kris à R, etc. By Lena flodman. Photo: Kumla kommun
“山丘上的艺术”在夏季开放,此时道路更易通行。如果你愿意爬山的话,其实全年也可以来参观。从库姆拉可以驾车或者乘坐公共交通抵达这里。小镇中心的Restaurang Goda Rum有餐食服务,帮您补充体力。
"Art on the hills" opens in summer, when roads are easier to pass. If you are willing to climb mountains, you can visit them all year round. From kumra you can get there by car or by public transport. Restaurant Goda rum in the center of the town has a meal service to help you replenish your strength.
卡尔斯塔德 Karlstad
位于卡尔斯塔德(Karlstad)中心的博物馆公园(Museiparken)不仅完美融合了文化与园林,而且收藏了同在这座小镇长大的两位知名艺术家Siri Bjerke 和Lena Cronqvist的众多作品。韦姆兰省立博物馆。Photo: Per Eriksson
Museiparken, located in the center of Karlstad, not only perfectly integrates culture and garden, but also collects many works of two famous artists, Siri bjerke and Lena cronqvist, who grew up in the town. Wemland Provincial Museum. Photo: Per Eriksson
关系与母爱是Lena Cronqvist作品的两大主题,在博物馆公园里,她的作品尤其突显了这两点,如“手拉手”(“Hand i Hand”)。
Relationship and maternal love are the two main themes of Lena cronqvist's works. In the museum park, her works highlight these two points, such as "hand in hand".
顾名思义,Museiparken博物馆公园坐落于韦姆兰省立博物馆中,这座建筑由建筑师Cyrillus Johansson设计于上世纪20年代,博物馆最初的部分形似于庙宇,设计灵感来自于泰姬陵。在博物馆里有一家Matbruket餐厅,值得一试。Photo: Värmlands Museum
As the name suggests, museiparken Museum Park is located in the wemrand Provincial Museum. The building was designed by architect cyrillus Johansson in the 1920s. The original part of the museum is similar to a temple, inspired by the Taj Mahal. There is a matbruket restaurant in the museum, which is worth a try. Photo: Värmlands Museum
恩厄尔斯贝里 Ängelsberg
位于恩厄尔斯贝里的雕塑公园(Skulpturparken)于2003年开放后即成为夏天的一大亮点。每年,尤其是5月,一系列全新的艺术品都会在这片位于河畔的绿色空间展出。“Oändlig metamorfos” , Oleg Nourpeissov创作的镜面三角锥体。Photo: Fagersta turism
Sculpturparken, a sculpture park in Engels berry, became a highlight in summer when it opened in 2003. Every year, especially in May, a series of new works of art are displayed in this green space on the riverside. "O ü ndlig metamorfos", a mirror triangular cone by Oleg nourpeissov. Photo: Fagersta turism
去年艺术展出的主题是动物、人类与环境三者的协同共生,多位瑞典艺术家带来了他们的作品,或是抽象风格,或是具象演绎,其中包括Inger Hahn-Redin、Eva Skoglund、Lars Larsson 、Ole Drebold。Service Tower Life Lie - Lars Wilks用废木板搭建的艺术装置。Photo: Fagersta turism
The theme of last year's art exhibition was the symbiosis of animals, human beings and environment. A number of Swedish artists brought their works, either abstract style or concrete interpretation, including inger Hahn redIn, EVA Skoglund, Lars Larsson and OLE drebold. Service tower life lie - Lars Wilks art installation made of waste wood. Photo: Fagersta turism
在这座雕塑公园里,还有一些永久藏品,比如Sture Collin的“哲思长椅(Filosofiska bänken)”,俯瞰河水流淌;Uta Jacob的钢结构装置“天空拱门(Himmelsbåge)”。人们坐在“哲思长椅(Filosofiska bänken)”上野餐。Photo: Fagerstaturism
There are also permanent collections in the sculpture park, such as the "filosofiska B ü nken" of style Collin, overlooking the flow of the river, and the "himmelsb å Ge" of UTA Jacob's steel structure. People have picnics on "filosofiska B ü nken.". Photo: Fagerstaturism
紧邻恩厄尔斯贝里(5-10分钟步行即可达到公园)。Nya Serveringen咖啡馆和餐馆也是不错的休憩之所。
Next to Engels Berry (5-10 minutes walk to the park). Nya serveringen cafes and restaurants are also good places to relax.
斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm
位于斯德哥尔摩市中心的现代艺术博物馆(Modern Museum)不仅是瑞典,也是欧洲最重要的艺术机构之一。在进入博物馆之前,便可欣赏到一系列形式多样、令人印象深刻的艺术作品。博物馆周围的公园与庭院里可以看到多件著名的雕塑杰作,如Alexander Calder的“四要素(The Four Elements)”和“天堂(The Paradise)”,以及Niki de Saint Phalle和 Jean Tinguely的16件系列作品。斯德哥尔摩现代艺术博物馆。Photo: Åsa Lundén/Moderna Museet
Located in the center of Stockholm, the modern museum is not only Sweden, but also one of the most important art institutions in Europe. Before entering the museum, you can enjoy a series of impressive works of art in various forms. In the park and courtyard around the museum, you can see many famous sculpture masterpieces, such as Alexander Calder's "the four elements" and "the paradise", as well as 16 series works by Niki de Saint Phalle and Jean Tinguely. Stockholm Museum of modern art. Photo: Åsa Lundén/Moderna Museet
午餐或者休息时间,博物馆还提供不同的就餐选择,博物馆的餐厅也是斯德哥尔摩最受欢迎的餐厅之一,拥有美丽的滨水景观。现代博物馆坐落于斯德哥尔摩中心的船岛(Skeppsholmen)岛上,从市中心步行和骑车都可到达,交通便利。斯德哥尔摩现代艺术博物馆。Photo: Åsa Lundén/Moderna Museet
During lunch or break time, the museum also offers different dining options. The restaurant of the museum is also one of the most popular restaurants in Stockholm, with beautiful waterfront landscape. The modern museum is located on the island of Skeppsholmen in the center of Stockholm. It is accessible by walking and cycling from the city center. Stockholm Museum of modern art. Photo: Åsa Lundén/Moderna Museet
Northern Sweden
于默奥 Umeå
Ume å
作为一处重要的文化景点,Umedalen雕塑公园里共有超过40件来自瑞典国内外知名艺术家的作品,Antony Gormley、Jaume Plensa、Anish Kapoor等的作品都收录其中。Eye Benches, Louise Bourgeois创作。Photo: Galleri Andersson/Sandström
As an important cultural scenic spot, umedalen sculpture park has more than 40 works from famous Swedish artists at home and abroad, including Antony Gormley, Jaume plena, anish Kapoor, etc. By eye benches, Louise Bourgeois. Photo: Galleri Andersson/Sandström
雕塑公园内展出不断,一直以来最为知名的当属Louise Bourgeois的“Eye Benches II”、Johanna Ekström的“Ladder and Buky Schwartz’ Forest Hill”——用塑料管和混泥土制成的抽象球体。Vegetation Room, Christina Iglesias创作。Photo: Galleri Andersson/Sandström
The most famous sculptures in the park are "bowitz's" and "Woodhouse's" made of plastic. Vegetation room, by Christina Iglesias. Photo: Galleri Andersson/Sandström
The sculpture park is located in umedalen, 5 km from the city center of Mayo. You can get there by bus or by self driving. There is a parking lot nearby. It's open all year round for free.
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