【每日一星】第99号 徐熙媛 Barbie Hsu 大S


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A star of the day

第99号  徐熙媛

No. 99 Barbie Hsu, big S


徐熙媛(Barbie Hsu、大S),中国台湾演员、歌手、主持人、作家 。

Barbie Hsu, big s, Taiwan actor, singer, host and writer.


1976年10月6日,徐熙媛出生于台湾省台北市,毕业于台湾省台北市的华冈艺术学校戏剧科,与妹妹徐熙娣(小S)以“SOS”(Sisters Of Shu、徐氏姊妹,后改为ASOS)的名义发行首张唱片《占领年轻》,凭借歌曲《十分钟的恋爱》出道 。

Xu Xiyuan was born in Taipei, Taiwan Province on October 6, 1976. She graduated from the drama department of Huagang art school in Taipei City, Taiwan Province. She and her sister Xu Xidi (Xiao s) released their first record "occupy youth" in the name of "SOS" (sisters of Shu, Xu's sister, later changed to ASOs), and made her debut with the song "ten minutes of love".



Xu Xiyuan is the second eldest in her family, and her elder sister is Xu Xixian (breast name Zhenzhen) and her younger sister is Xu Xidi (little s, baby name Tingting).


SOS has been forced to publish several albums due to contract issues. Under the restriction of the law, Xu Xiyuan and her sister Xu Xidi, in the name of ASOs, went to Taiwan to host the entertainment news program "entertainment hundred percent" of the eight major TV GTV comprehensive stations.


1993年,徐熙媛与妹妹徐熙娣(小S)以歌唱组合“ASOS”出道,从而正式进入演艺圈 。1994年,推出组合首张音乐专辑《占领年轻》。1996年至1998年间,相继担任综艺节目《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》及《娱乐百分百》的主持人 。

In 1993, Xu Xiyuan and her younger sister Xu Xidi (Xiao s) made their debut as a singing group "ASOs", thus officially entering the performing arts circle. In 1994, he released his first music album, "occupy youth". From 1996 to 1998, he was the host of variety show "I guess, I guess, I guess" and "100% Entertainment".



In 2000, Xu Xiyuan appeared in the youth idol drama meteor garden, playing the role of "Chinese Fir". It was first broadcast in Taiwan in 2001, and after it was released in 2002, it became the fourth TV series in Taiwan with an average audience of 6.99. In the same year, meteor garden was broadcast in mainland China.

2004年出版首本美容书《美容大王》,该书在两周内再版七次,销售达十万本 。

In 2004, the first beauty book, beauty king, was published seven times in two weeks and sold 100000 copies.



In 2007, she starred in the TV drama "love around the corner", and was shortlisted for the best actress of the 14th Shanghai TV Festival - Magnolia Award.

2008年凭借电影《保持通话》提名第28届香港电影金像奖最佳女主角 。

In 2008, she was nominated for best actress of the 28th Hong Kong Film Awards with the film "keep talking".



In 2010, Wang Weizhong was officially divorced from his agent. The two sisters set up their own doors as "Taiping" and "dog elephant". On November 16, they got engaged to Wang Xiaofei in Beijing.


On March 22, 2011, Xu Xiyuan and Wang Xiaofei married in Hainan. They had a daughter and a son.


2012年凭Pantene Clinicare拿下大中华区“OL至爱品牌代言人”奖项。

In 2012, Pantene clinic won the "ol favorite brand spokesperson" award in Greater China.

2013年12月2日晚,徐熙媛在微博上宣布怀孕 。2014年4月2日,37岁的徐熙媛为汪小菲怀上了“小马妞”。

On the evening of December 2, 2013, Xu Xiyuan announced her pregnancy on her microblog. On April 2, 2014, 37 year old Xu Xiyuan conceived "Pony Girl" for Wang Xiaofei.


2015年4月22日,徐熙媛再次代班主持《康熙来了》 。

On April 22, 2015, Xu Xiyuan presided over "Kangxi is coming" on behalf of the class again.

2016年5月14日,徐熙媛剖腹产子, [81] 儿子取名叫汪希箖,小名希箖 [82] 。

On May 14, 2016, Xu Xiyuan delivered a baby by caesarean section, and her son was named Wang Xizhen and her nickname was Xiyan [82].



On May 9, 2019, we are real friends, a reality emotional show with Xu Xidi, Aya and fan Xiaoxuan was premiered on Tencent video.


On October 2, 2020, he won the first place in the selection activity of "one star of the day" of the World Federation of literary and art circles.





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