苍劲浑厚 大气磅礴——世界级书法大家 罗育珉作品赏析

  • 2024-04-16 15:23:29
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书画蕴含着民族博大精深的文化,在建设社会主义文化强国的大背景下,继承和发展书画艺术尤为重要。在深入生活的艺术创作中,创作者以饱蘸热情的丹青墨笔,以满怀激情的创作状态,把握时代脉搏,聆听时代声音,用一幅幅鲜活生动的作品展现出民族精神,领略书画的艺术真谛与哲学内涵,描绘新时代的精神图谱。 罗育珉先生作为当代著名的艺术家,在走进自然、走进文化、走进传统之中定位自己的创作。他的艺术作品在整体的诗意美与清新的韵致中,体现了传统美学、时代精神相融的特殊魅力。因此,在世界级艺术在行动的网络主题展频,从多个方面呈现他在书画传承与发展上孜孜不倦地探索;以鲜明的笔墨境界,铸造着民族的文化品格和精神;以至臻至美的艺术展现他胸有千壑的大境界大视野,抒发出学养胸襟及审美追求。



罗育珉,四川天全人中共党员,1943年出生,字东草、号灵飞、人称伏龙散仙,双腕为4级肢体残,只受过小学、初中不完整教育,当农民10年、民师 15年。1983年以优异成绩考试转为公办教师,2000 年退休。一生自学苦读勤研。2023年 12月1日至 15 日在中央文化和旅游管理干部学院高级文学创作师培训班学习成绩合格准予结业。

获:诗书画词曲艺术大师、国家一级美术师,国学大师、诗人、作家,国际文坛金牌作家称号;现为:中央文艺出版社名者社长,多家网、会、院、社团顾问;人民艺术博览馆副馆长、中国书法家协会和中国楹联学会会员;书法真、草、隶、皆精、能用篆书写文章。作品被评为世界艺术五大瑰宝之一,与齐白石、启功、张大千、吴冠中、沈鹏、黄永玉、新尚谊、张海、刘文西一起称“艺坛十大领袖”;与齐白石、启功、张大千、徐悲鸿、沈鹏、崔如琢、李锋、何家英、苏士澍一起称“中国艺坛十大泰斗”;与张芝、怀素、米芾、毛泽东、启功、沈鹏、刘金凯一起称“草书宗师八大家”:与吴冠中、刘炳森、启功、关山月等人一起称“中国艺坛流派宗师”;与金龙、刘炳森等人一起称“隶书宗师八大家”,与刘大为等人一起称中“国艺术界十大风云人物”;与颜真卿、欧阳询、柳公权、赵孟頫等人一起称“楷书宗师八大家”:与黄宾虹、黄胄等人一起称为“大国手”;与范曾、黄永王、欧阳中石等人一起称“辉煌 70 载新时代十大艺术伟人”;并获艺坛宗师典范金牌奖、建国文艺大师杰出贡献奖。特别金奖、金资、世界教科文贡献奖,入编 800 多部典籍。代表作有:280米长卷《祖国万万寿》和用 131800个不同写法寿宇组成的手卷《中华古寿十三万》长 1680 米、宽 0.33 米共 63 卷。艺术专辑有:《罗育珉作品选》、《沈鹏。罗育珉作品选》、《中国艺术品软黄金》等文学专著。40 多万字的《神游》《我的书画艺术》入编《百年散文力作选》第七卷并获金奖。2023年6月中国文联在全国杰出艺术家评选活动中被授予:中国艺术家终身成就奖。7月入选“中国艺术名人榜”此次入选艺术家分别是孙晓云、张海、何家英、沈鹏、冯远、范扬、苏士澍、顾亚龙、罗育珉。8月被评选为“全国第一批非物质文化遗产创新人才”。9月被文化和旅游部评为优秀书画导师。10月被中国艺术名家交流中心评为“中国当代世界级艺术家”。11月被中国近现代艺术评审委员会评为“中华人民共和国书法大家”。12月被中国文联评为“中国当代艺术巨匠”。2024年1月被书画从业者人才库评为:时代标杆。《岁月磨练人生》《会当凌绝顶》等多次获艺术和文学一等奖、金奖、特别金奖、受到多家网会、院、社团和业界人们的高度赞扬和评论。生命不息,奋斗不止,八十高龄的罗老先生每天仍坚持研习书画。越干越有劲。诗曰:老夫生性气清高,艺扬华夏堪自豪。梅花菊竹知劲节,敢与秋冬竞洁操。



Luo Yumin, a member of the Communist Party of China from Tianquan, Sichuan, was born in 1943. His courtesy name was Dongcao, his nickname was Lingfei, and he was also known as Fulong Sanxian. He had a Grade 4 disability in both wrists and only received incomplete education in primary and secondary schools. He worked as a farmer for 10 years and as a teacher for 15 years. In 1983, he was converted to a public teacher with excellent grades and retired in 2000. Self study, hard study, and diligent research throughout one's life. From December 1st to 15th, 2023, passing the training class for senior literary creators at the Central Academy of Culture and Tourism Management Cadres is eligible for graduation.

Received the titles of Master of Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting, Ci and Qu Art, National First Class Artist, Master of Chinese Studies, Poet, and Writer, and Gold Medal Writer in the International Literary Circle; Currently serving as the President of the Central Literature and Art Publishing House, as well as an advisor to multiple websites, associations, colleges, and clubs; Vice curator of the People's Art Expo, member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and the Chinese Couplet Society; Calligraphy is true, cursive, and clerical, all of which are exquisite, and one can write articles in seal script. The work has been rated as one of the five treasures of world art, and together with Qi Baishi, Qigong, Zhang Daqian, Wu Guanzhong, Shen Peng, Huang Yongyu, Xin Shangyi, Zhang Hai, and Liu Wenxi, it is known as the "Top Ten Leaders in the Art World"; Together with Qi Baishi, Qigong, Zhang Daqian, Xu Beihong, Shen Peng, Cui Ruzhuo, Li Feng, He Jiaying, and Su Shishu, they are known as the "Top Ten Masters of Chinese Art"; Together with Zhang Zhi, Huai Su, Mi Fu, Mao Zedong, Qigong, Shen Peng, and Liu Jinkai, they are referred to as the "Eight Masters of Cursive Script"; together with Wu Guanzhong, Liu Bingsen, Qigong, Guan Shanyue, and others, they are referred to as the "Masters of Chinese Art Schools"; Together with Jin Long, Liu Bingsen, and others, they are referred to as the "Eight Masters of Lishu", and together with Liu Dawei and others, they are referred to as the "Top Ten Influential Figures in the Chinese Art World"; Together with Yan Zhenqing, Ouyang Xun, Liu Gongquan, Zhao Mengfu and others, they are referred to as the "Eight Masters of Regular Script"; together with Huang Binhong, Huang Zhou and others, they are referred to as the "Great Masters"; Together with Fan Zeng, Huang Yongwang, Ouyang Zhongshi, and others, they are known as the "Top Ten Artistic Greatest Figures of the New Era for 70 Glorious Years"; And won the Gold Medal for Exemplary Art Masters and the Outstanding Contribution Award for National Art Masters. Special Gold Award, Financial Contribution Award, and UNESCO Contribution Award, with over 800 classics included in the compilation. Representative works include a 280 meter long scroll titled "Long Live the Motherland" and a hand scroll titled "One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Chinese Ancient Souls" composed of 131800 different writing styles, totaling 63 volumes, with a length of 1680 meters and a width of 0.33 meters. Art albums include literary monographs such as "Selected Works of Luo Yumin", "Selected Works of Shen Peng and Luo Yumin", and "Soft Gold of Chinese Art". More than 400000 words of "Shenyou" and "My Calligraphy and Painting Art" were included in the seventh volume of "Selected Works of Centennial Prose" and won a gold medal. In June 2023, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Artists in the National Outstanding Artist Selection Event. In July, the artists selected for the "Chinese Art Celebrity List" were Sun Xiaoyun, Zhang Hai, He Jiaying, Shen Peng, Feng Yuan, Fan Yang, Su Shishu, Gu Yalong, and Luo Yumin. August was selected as the first batch of innovative talents in intangible cultural heritage in China. In September, he was awarded the title of Excellent Calligraphy and Painting Mentor by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In October, he was awarded the title of "Contemporary Chinese World Class Artist" by the China Art Masters Exchange Center. In November, he was awarded the title of "Master of Calligraphy in the People's Republic of China" by the China Modern and Contemporary Art Review Committee. In December, he was awarded the title of "Chinese Contemporary Art Giant" by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In January 2024, it was rated as a benchmark of the times by the talent pool of calligraphy and painting practitioners. Years have honed life, and Huidang Lingjue Ding have won first prize, gold award, and special gold award in art and literature multiple times. They have received high praise and comments from multiple online conferences, institutions, clubs, and industry people. With a never-ending life and continuous struggle, Mr. Luo, who is 80 years old, still insists on studying calligraphy and painting every day. The more you work, the more energetic you become. The poem says: I have a pure and noble nature, and I am proud of my outstanding skills in China. Plum blossoms, chrysanthemums, and bamboo know their strength, daring to compete with autumn and winter in clean gymnastics.























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