大型网络剧《艺恋人的故事》300名人物篇之4号 周向党






周向党是新中国培养的第四批女飞行员,能承担四种不同机种的飞行任务。对于名字中的向党两个字,还有一段来历,周向党介绍说:“因为自己是个孤儿,7岁父亲去世了,14岁母亲又离开了人间,实际上是在党和人民的培养之下长大的。我叫向党,我心向党,自己所作所为,自己的行动时刻要向党向人民负责。” 1973年八一电影制片厂以周向党为主角拍摄了纪录片《英姿飒爽上蓝天》,数十载飞行生涯,周向党出色圆满地完成了接送中央领导人、两次参加南疆保卫战、唐山大地震救援,运输紧急物资等艰巨工作。她与飞行员陈义红结成蓝天伉俪,并肩战斗。陈义红多年飞中央领导人专机,他驾驶过的飞机也曾是奉命侦查唐山大地震灾情的第一架飞机。 上世纪九十年代,周向党陈义红夫妇先后结束戎马生涯,却依然把心与军队、与国防紧紧联系在一起。回到第二故乡上海,





1968 年,18 岁的周向党应征入伍了,是艰苦的地方——贵州军区。 毛主席在1961 年为女民兵的照片题七绝一首,后来发表在《人民文学》上,当时有人把它谱写成歌,那个时代的青年几乎人人会唱—— 飒爽英姿五尺枪, 曙光初照演兵场。 中华儿女多奇志, 不爱红装爱武装。 周向党喜欢这首歌,别人,甚至她自己内心里都觉得,她就是毛主席表扬的形象。她有着1 68的身材;有着永不服输、勇往直前的劲头;有着一不怕苦、二不怕死的精神;有着爽朗热烈的性格,还有漂亮的模样。 她刚当新兵就成为班长,1969 年她参加云南救灾表现突出,昆明军区授予她三等功。 1970 年军委下令调她回北京提干,她放弃了,继续留在基层当战士,同时也放弃了回北京照顾两个妹妹的机会。但她抓住了另一个机会,参加空军当飞行员。那是一场场千辛万苦的磨练,集胆量、智慧、信心、感性和理性等因素于一体的磨练。在磨练的过程中,1970 12 月她光荣加入中国共产党,并当上飞行学员班长。而后,她成为中国空军第四代女飞行员,能够飞四种机型。



周向党的父亲是山东人,是老共产党员,担任过游击队长和贫协主席。他没有死于敌人的暗算和枪弹,而是作为工人代表光荣进京,参加了纪念碑的奠基。而后,他带领三十多位家乡优秀的石匠,为纪念碑的修建鞠躬尽瘁。在人民英雄纪念碑即将建成的时候,因积劳成疾撒手人寰。 父亲追随英烈而去。那年,父亲只有43 岁,给周向党留下了生命、姓名和记忆。那年,周向党7 岁。14 岁时,母亲又去世了,周向党还有两个妹妹,三姊妹成为孤儿。周向党挑起生活的重担,像正常家庭一样过日子。周向党说,她们是在党中央、地方各级政府和人民群众的关心照顾下成长起来的,她曾受到过毛主席、周总理等党和国家领导人的多次接见。



1974 年周向党到了空军34 专机师,圆满地完成了接送中央领导人、两次参加南疆保卫战、唐山大地震救援、运输紧急物资等艰巨任务。期间,周向党收获了荣誉,也收获了爱情。 她是中国空军的一枝花,花儿理应在空军中开放。陈义红是唐山大地震后第一个驾机飞入地震上空侦察的英雄,多年飞中央领导人的专机,与周向党“门当户对”,他们成了蓝天伉俪。





















网络剧《艺恋人的故事》以世界文化艺术界联合会三届核心成员的发展变化为线索,以2015年 9月第一届文艺大会至2021年10月第三届文艺大会期间发生的故事为背景。主要表现文联人怀揣梦想、克服种种困难、为传承中华文明,促进世界文化大融合努力奋斗,播洒星光的感人故事。此剧是来自世界各国优秀文化艺术工作者、爱好者的一次集体展现,号召舞蹈家、音乐家、演艺工作者等不同领域的文艺工作者积极参与,本色出演最真实的自己。

The online drama let love go home takes the development and changes of the three core members of the World Federation of cultural and art circles as the clue, and takes the stories that took place from the first art conference in September 2015 to the third art conference in October 2021 as the background. It mainly shows the touching stories of the people of the Federation of literary and art circles who have dreams, overcome various difficulties, strive to inherit Chinese civilization and promote the great integration of world culture, and spread the stars. This play is a collective show of outstanding cultural and artistic workers and lovers from all over the world. It calls on dancers, musicians, performing artists and other literary and artistic workers in different fields to actively participate and play the most real themselves.



The plot of the play has ups and downs, which is highly ornamental. The real person plays the real thing, which has high authenticity; Most importantly, the play can be used as valuable personal audio-visual historical materials for permanent preservation.

正如亚洲电影协会副主席宋金奇先生所言:《艺恋人的故事》爱中藏美,世艺联美, 图境美、故事美、剧中人物美。剧组一定不负众望,竭尽全力编拍好网络剧《艺恋人的故事》 。

As Mr. Song Jinqi, vice president of the Asian Film Association, said: "let love go home" loves the beauty of China, Tibet, the United States of world arts, the beauty of picture, story and characters. The crew must live up to expectations and make every effort to make up and make a good online drama "let love go home".



Basic members of the crew of let love go home


Chief planner and director: Luo huadang (Lehua)

执行导演:陈昆 (乐昆)汤红星(乐星)黄万军(乐军)

Director: Chen Kun (Le Kun), Tang Hongxing (Le Xing), Huang Wanjun (Le Jun)

编剧: 徐仕杰(乐楼)罗华党 (乐华 )谭石蓉 【乐蓉】凯莉米勒(乐勒)等

Screenwriter: Xu Shijie (Le Lou), Luo huadang (Le Hua), Kelly Miller (Le Le Le), etc

总制片 :谭邦兰 (乐兰)

Chief producer: Tan banglan (lelan)

制片主任: 胡珂(乐珂 ) 朱悦侨(乐悦)

Production director: Hu Ke (Leke), Zhu Yueqiao (leyue)

摄像 : 秦志明(乐秦) 廖杰(乐杰)等

Camera: Qin Zhiming (Leqin), song Jinqi (Leqi), Liao Jie (Lejie), etc

音乐总监 、作曲: 罗华党(乐华 )

Music director and Composer: Luo hua dang

主题歌演唱 :张华敏(乐敏)王昭君(乐君)等

Theme song: Zhang Huamin (Le min) Wang Zhaojun (Le Jun)

美术总监 :牛卓(乐卓 )甘慧美 (乐甘 )成斌( 乐斌)管敬革(乐敬)

Art Director: Niu Zhuo (Le Zhuo), Gan Huimei (Le GaN), Cheng bin (Le bin), Guan Jingge (Le Jing)


Dance director: Jiang Lili (Leli) Yina (Lena) dongnia (Leni) Zheng Lili (Leli) yiro (Ayi)

统筹 :李丹萍(乐丹)曾令旗(乐旗)汪秀生(乐秀 )黄馨锐(乐锐)段冬生 (乐冬 )韩清华( 乐清 )汪小平( 乐平 )阿依古丽(乐古 ) 刘鹏(乐鹏)小凤英〈乐凤)

Overall planning: Li Danping (ledan), Zeng Lingqi (Leqi), Wang Xiusheng (Lexiu), Huang Xinrui (Lerui), Duan Dongsheng (Ledong), Han Qinghua (Yueqing), Wang Xiaoping (Leping), ayguli (legu), Liu Peng (Lepeng), Xiao Fengying (Lefeng)

服饰 :张瑜 (乐瑜) 罗镧【乐镧】盘满菊(乐菊)

Dress: Zhang Yu (Leyu) pan Xiuju (Leyu)

主要演员:李元华(乐元 )舒耀瑄 (乐瑄)宋金奇【乐奇】姜莉莉(乐莉)玛丽娅芳音、【乐芳】 等 一至三届主席团及全体会员

Main actors: Li Yuanhua (Le Yuan), Shu yaoyu (Le Yuan), Jiang Lili (Le Li) and other members of the first to third presidium



People who let love go home: biographies of 300 celebrities in the world

第1章 人物篇(1——10号)

Chapter 1 characters (No. 1-10)

周向党、 李元华 、张瑜〈奥大利亚)、 牛卓 、朱悦乔 、姜莉莉 、甘慧美(马来西亚)、 舒耀暄 、张华敏、 谭邦兰

Zhou Xiangdang, Li Yuanhua, Zhang Yu (Australia), Niu Zhuo, Zhu Yueqiao, Jiang Lili, Gan Huimei (Malaysia), Shu yaoxuan, Zhang Huamin, Tan banglan

第2章:人物篇(11一20号)(入选名单 )

Chapter 2: characters (No. 11-20)(shortlist)

孟晓驷、于引、 陈昆、 捷克百合(捷克)、 凯莉米勒 (美国) 、王昭君 、莎拉翟(德国)、郑莉莉(奥大利亚)、 宋金奇、 阿依古丽

Meng Xiaosi cited Chen Kun, Czech Lily (Czech Republic), Kelly Miller (United States), Wang Zhaojun, Sarah Zhai (Germany), Zheng Lili (Australia), song Jinqi, ayguli

第3篇 人物篇〈21一30号)入选名单:

Selected list of Chapter 3 characters (No. 21-30):

乐赛(赛克、 乐光 (陈晓光) 乐兰(楼兰)、 乐生(陈元生)、 乐星(汤红星)、 乐琼(梅丽琼)、乐佟(佟文西)丶 乐娅〈马娅)丶乐尼(汤尼) 乐芳(玛丽娅芳);

Le Sai (seck), Le Guang (Chen Xiaoguang), Le LAN (Loulan), Le Sheng (Chen Yuansheng), Le Xing (Tang Xing), Le Qiong (Mei Liqiong), Le Tong (Tong Wenxi), Le ya (Maya), Le Ni (Tony) and Le Fang (Maria Fang)

第4篇 人物篇〈31一40号)入选名单;

Chapter 4 list of candidates for people (No. 31-40)

金曼(联合国健艺美组织音协名誉副主席丶第三代江姐);王渭(世文联音协会名誉副主席 丶中科院物理学家);李多海(联合国健艺美组织影协名誉常务理事丶韩国演员);王健 (联合国健艺美组织影协名誉副主席丶原河南省话剧院长);王元沁(联合国健艺美组织马来西亚主席);傅庚辰(联合国健艺美组织音协名誉主席 原军艺院长);习红丽(世文联亚洲总部秘书长);高伟松(联合国健艺美组织电影协会副主席、 全球华人总导演);苏名君(联合国健艺美总会外联部主任、台湾演员);杰西卡.史丹(联合国健艺美组织名誉常务理事 丶加拿大模特)

Kim man (honorary vice chairman of the United Nations Organization for health, art and beauty Music Association and the third-generation sister Jiang);Wang Wei (honorary vice chairman of the World Federation of literary, art and phonology Association and physicist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences);Duohai (honorary executive director of United Nations jianyimei Film Association and Korean actor);Wang Jian (honorary vice chairman of the film association of the United Nations jianyimei organization and former president of Henan drama);Wang Yuanqin (Malaysian president of the United Nations health, art and Beauty Organization);Fu Gengchen (honorary chairman of the Music Association of the United Nations health, art and beauty organization, former president of military art);Xi Hongli (Secretary General of the Asian headquarters of the World Federation for Cultural Affairs);Gao Weisong (vice chairman of the film association of the United Nations jianyimei organization and general director of global Chinese);Su Mingjun (director of the outreach Department of the United Nations Federation of health arts and beauty, Taiwanese actor);Jessica Stan (honorary executive director of United Nations health arts and beauty organization and Canadian model)

第5篇 人物篇〈41一50号)入选名单;

Selected list of Chapter 5 characters (No. 41-50);

帕丽斯·希尔顿、孟世强、 王元沁、柳亚庭、艾什莉·约翰逊、李双江、杨亚鹏、李治群、丁海峰、袁莉

Paris Hilton, Meng Shiqiang, Wang Yuanqin,Liu Yating, Ashley Johnson, Li Shuangjiang, Yang Yapeng, Li Zhiqun, Ding Haifeng, Yuan Li

第6篇 人物篇〈51一60号)入选名单;

Selected list of Chapter 6 characters (No. 51-60);

段冬生 侯立娜 焦通 朱丹 昆娜 余秋华 于魁智 孟庭苇 李舒玉 阿斯莉拜拉姆

Duan Dongsheng Hou Lina Jiao Tong Zhu Dan Kun Na Yu Qiuhua Yu Kuizhi Meng Tingwei Li Shuyu Asli bairam

第7篇 人物篇〈61一70号)入选名单;

Selected list of Chapter 7 characters (No. 61-70);

张卓娅(军旅词作家)、陈太平中国五老工程组委会秘书长、娜塔莎.金斯基(德国演员)、金燕子(重庆电视台主持人)、 蔡义批(泰中艺术家联合会会长)、马兰 (黄梅戏表演艺术家)、克里斯.派恩〈国际影视演员)、 婉娜拉.宋提查(泰国演员)、焦恩俊(台湾影视演员)、 罗华党 〈空军作曲家)、 刘璐(中央台主持人)

Zhang Zhuoya (military ci writer), Chen Taiping, Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of the five elders project of China, Natasha Jinsky (German actor), Jin Yanzi (host of Chongqing TV station), Cai Yipi (president of Thai Chinese Artists Federation), Malan (Huangmei opera performing artist), Chris Film and television actor "Nara", international film and television Song ticha (Thai actor), Jiao Enjun (Taiwanese film actor), Luo huadang (air force composer), Liu Lu (host of CCTV)

第8篇 人物篇〈71一80号)入选名单;

Selected list of Chapter 8 characters (No. 71-80);

保罗·贝坦尼、雷雷、 周涛 、张含韵、萨拉.卡波内罗、 高步明 、基特.哈灵顿、 唐人、 胡彩英

Rose Bosi, Lei Lei, Zhou Tao, Zhang Hanyun, Sarah Capello, gaobuming, KITT Harrington, Chinaman, hucaiying



The editorial board will also select the fourth batch of performers from the applicants. The recruitment notice is as follows:


All members of the United Nations General Association of jianyimei cultural industry (UNB) and the World Federation of cultural and art circles can apply to participate in the online drama let love go home. The way of participation is to compile personal artistic life into scripts or videos, which are collected and sorted by the crew. Finally, they are edited into the online drama, which is jointly published by UNB and the World Federation of cultural and art circles and promoted at home and abroad.


☆ after the good news was sent out, members paid extensive attention and asked how to participate. Due to the large number of members of the Federation of literary and art circles, the crew committee gave priority to comrades with membership cards and initiated the way of registration and continuous selection of performers.

▽第 4 批报名接龙报名:

▽ the 4th batch of continuous registration:


20: Le Dan (Li Danping: Chairman of Andersen's Federation)


21: Lesheng (Wang Jinsheng: President of Beijing Children's Opera Association)

22 :乐镧(罗兰:华服学院院长)

22: Le La (Roland: Dean of Huafu College)

23 :乐墨(夏墨彦:著名诗人 )

23: Le mo (Xia Moyan: a famous poet)

24:乐敬(管敬革 总监书画家)

24: Le Jing (director of Guan Jingge, calligrapher and painter)

25:乐令(曾令旗:国际旅游小姐大赛 主席)

25: Leling (Zeng Lingqi: Chairman of Miss International Tourism Competition)

26:乐连(林连友 华人卫视 总制片,台长)

26: Le Lian (Lin Lianyou, chief producer and director of Chinese satellite TV)


27: Le Hui (Hu Huili), vice president of Asia Music Association


28: Le Hong (vice chairman of Xi Hongli Promotion Association)

29 :乐鹏 〈刘鹏 亚洲收藏协秘书长)

29: Le Peng (Liu Peng, Secretary General of Asian Collection Association)


30:Sarah Zhai (executive vice president of the European Sound Association)




Website: sslg33.com World Federation of literary and art elite network


Contact: Mr. Le Xiaolou



△ in the film, the composer Mr. Luo huadang and a number of musicians personally composed music for the play, and completed more than 30 music works:


All singers and stars with certain strength can participate in singing (the crew makes professional accompaniment tapes for free). Solitaire registration:

1 王圣依 (演唱《快乐美业人》)

1 Wang Shengyi (singing "happy Meiye man")

2 谭邦兰(演唱《我的悄悄话想对你说》

2 Tan banglan (singing my whisper to you)

3 楼兰(青春酷毙帅》

3 Lou Lan (cool and handsome in youth)

4 黑玛丽娅《中国流行曲》

4 Black Maria, Chinese pop

5 李舒玉《情怀》

5 feelings by Li Shuyu

6 巴黎望月《大团圆》

6 Paris moon watching "Reunion"

7 王昭君(其实天很蓝)

7 Wang Zhaojun (in fact, the sky is very blue)

8 江琴(兰花)

8 jiangqin (orchid)

9 马丽娅芳(芭堤娅姑娘)

9 Malia Fang (pattia girl)

10 姚文军〈其实天很蓝)

10 Yao Wenjun (in fact, the sky is very blue)


11 Sara Zhai (to be determined)

12 张华敏(豌豆花)

12 Zhang Huamin (pea flower)




Registration conditions of Solitaire: he must be the first to third executive directors of the World Federation of literary and art circles or above. Those without professional titles can participate in the registration of solitaire after joining the association.


[story of art lovers] theme song

罗华党 作曲

Luo huadang composition




李治群 世界中老年协会副主席

徐颖 重庆秘书长 (右起第一位)

罗慧霞 郑洲分会副秘书长

石春莲 天津协会秘书长

袁 莉 上海分会主席

秦志明 湖南分会主席





据悉,中国首届职工健艺美大赛是围绕 “举旗帜、聚民心、育新人、兴文化、 展形象”的使命任务,以培育和践行社会主义核心价值观为主线,以 “中国梦·劳动美”为主题,以职工对自身健艺美文化需求为中心,着力增强职工文化的政治性、先进性、群众性,着力创新职工文化建设的理念、机制和手段,着力构建职工文化繁荣发展,着力增强广大职工的文化自信,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,提供强大价值引导力、文化凝聚力和精神推动力。



据悉,2023中国首届职工健艺美大赛将由中国五老公益工程组织委员会、中国职工技术协会、中国文学艺术基金会主办,中国职工技术协会新纪实影像技术专业委员会、杉杉兰格(重庆)文化发展有限公司承办。届时,大赛将重庆、北京、上海、郑州、 杭州、三亚、成都、深圳、沈阳 、天津等10个赛区进行,将致力于打造中国最具权威性和影响力的职工比赛,也是各行业职工音乐艺术爱好者学习、交流、展示、提升的重要平台。





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