《每日一星》 第472号 舒耀瑄
- 2022-08-30 15:05:05
- 点赞量:8869
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- 作者:秘书处Secretary's Office
World cultural artists list
Star of the day
No.472 Shu yaoyu
Shu yaoyu, an actor from mainland China.
1956年10月9日出生于北京市,从小作文就写得很好,在北京东四十二条小学,他跟叶圣陶先生的孙女叶小沫是同班同学。文革时期,到云南“上山下乡”后来回城当了工人 。
Born in Beijing on October 9, 1956, he has written a good composition since he was a child. In Beijing Dongsi shiertiao primary school, he and Ye Shengtao's granddaughter Ye Xiaomo are classmates. During the cultural revolution, he went to Yunnan to "go to the mountains and go to the countryside" and later returned to the city as a worker.
In 1970, he took part in the amateur literature and art group of workers and performed on the stage; he went to the film academy and drama academy to attend classes; while learning and acting, Shu Yaozhen "performed" in the air administration drama company;
In 1977, he was admitted to the air administration drama company;
1990年,出演抗战类电视剧《烈火金钢》中,被观众熟知 ;
In 1990, he appeared in the Anti Japanese War TV series "fiery steel" and was well known by the audience;
2000年,古装剧《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚》 开始饰演大反派;
In 2000, the costume drama "iron teeth and copper teeth Ji Xiaolan" began to play the villain;
In 2003, he acted in the love drama "golden powder family";
2005年,签约中国国际电视总公司。北京演艺人协会的全明星高尔夫球队成立之初,舒耀瑄就已加入该协会 。
In 2005, it signed a contract with China International Television Corporation. At the beginning of the establishment of the All Star Golf Team of Beijing entertainers Association, Shu yaoyu has joined the association.
In September 2010, he took part in the historical film the great cause of Party building;
In April 2013, he took part in Guo Baochang's Zhaimen opera "Da Zhaimen 1912"; in August of the same year, he took part in Wu Ziliu's revolutionary drama "Deng Xiaoping in the turning of history";
In December 2015, he acted in the emotional drama "an Niang Tian Xiao Cao" directed by Wang Zi.
In 2018, he acted in the conspiracy drama "hidden dragon in the abyss of Secrets of the Three Kingdoms" jointly directed by you Dazhi and Zheng Weiwen.
2019年,出演田七执导的电影《疯狂的王二》 。
In 2019, he will play in the film "crazy Wang Er" directed by Tianqi.
On October 29, 2020, the anti abduction movie "no abduction in the world" was officially announced at the Hengdian promotion conference that it will be released on November 20 (World children's day).
On February 1, 2021, "the age of awakening" premiered on CCTV, playing Lin Shu.
On August 30, 2022, he won the fifth place in the selection of the "Daily Star" of the world cultural artist list.
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