

Why can peony become the national flower?


The official interpretation: when peony flowers bloom, they are full of flowers, making people feel elegant, rich and auspicious. It symbolizes the National People's vision for a better tomorrow and implies the prosperity and prosperity of the country.


Peony is known as the "king of flowers". It has been known as China's national color and natural fragrance since ancient times. It is China's national flower. In China, it is the embodiment of wealth and auspiciousness.


Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty described the peony of Chang'an in the capital: "the peony demon in front of the court is not qualified, and the lotus on the pool is clean and less affectionate. Only the peony is really national, and it moves the capital in the season of flowers."

牡丹花语: 圆满、浓情、富贵、吉祥、幸福、雍容华贵、国色天香!

Peony flower language: perfection, passion, wealth, auspiciousness, happiness, grace, national color and natural fragrance!


Wealth, honor and auspiciousness. Peony is the most common flower in traditional Chinese painting. Peony has always appeared in ancient Chinese ceramics. Peony is expressed incisively and vividly in ancient art ceramics in various forms.


Peony is the representative of wealth and auspiciousness, so now Chinese people use traditional Chinese paintings with peony to imply beautiful auspiciousness and wealth.


Noble and elegant, peony has auspicious and noble intentions. One is elegance and elegance, so peony can be used to refer to some elegant literati.


Peony has been loved by many people since ancient times because of its rich color, gorgeous color and Yuxiao flower fragrance.


Peony and rose are painted together. Because the rose is called Changchun flower, it has the meaning of wealth and honor, implying "wealth and honor Changchun".


Peony and Begonia are painted together, which represents the meaning of wealth and auspiciousness and implies "full wealth and honor".


Peony is painted with Narcissus, lotus, chrysanthemum and plum blossom, which has the meaning of wealth and auspiciousness all year round and implies "wealth and honor all year round".


Peony and Narcissus are painted together, which represents the meaning of God bless wealth, auspiciousness and happiness, and implies "immortal wealth" and "first wealth".


Peony with Begonia means "wealth and honor".


Peony with rose flowers, meaning "rich Changchun".


Peony with pomegranate means "wealth and many children".


Peony with longan means "wealth and marriage".


Peony with hibiscus flower means "prosperity".


Peony with peach, or peony with chrysanthemum, or peony with long round longevity word, or peony with chrysanthemum and longevity stone, all imply "wealth and longevity test".


Peony, lotus, chrysanthemum, plum blossom and miscellaneous treasure mean "entering treasure in four seasons".


Peony and morning glory symbolize "wealth and honor for thousands of years".


Peony flowers are big and colorful, known as the "king of flowers". Peony symbolizes good luck and wealth.


Peony flowers are noble and elegant, gentle and poetic, graceful and colorful.

这些字面上的意思,如果你没有真正的实物领略过真花的美 你也真可能感觉不出牡丹花为什么这么美。

These literally mean that if you don't really appreciate the beauty of real flowers, you may not feel why peonies are so beautiful.


The following pictures really show me the true meaning of peony beauty.

通过图片见到牡丹花整株花都是光艳夺目的,首先它的叶子是那么的柔润清雅,绿得娇艳,看着有点水灵灵的样子 ,牡丹花的叶子不多。

Through the picture, we can see that the whole peony flower is brilliant and eye-catching. First of all, its leaves are so soft and elegant, green and charming. It looks like a little water spirit. There are not many leaves of peony.

再看它的花朵,简直让你流口水,流连忘返,它的花瓣薄不厚,柔软而挺,聚而不散,水灵幽亮,花朵有一种幽光,它的攝眼力十分强,只要你见过一眼就能记住它的存在。而过目不忘 在你的脑海里形成一个艳丽的亮点,

Looking at its flowers, it makes you drool and forget to return. Its petals are thin and not thick, soft and firm, gathered but not scattered. The water is quiet and bright. The flowers have a faint light, and its eyesight is very strong. As long as you see it, you can remember its existence. And never forget to form a bright spot in your mind,


Peony flower ~ light, gorgeous, classic, elegant, soft, pretty, beautiful!



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