"Roar out of the mirror"
罗建辉作品创作思路:虎勇猛威武霸气尊称其百兽之王,在中华民族文化之中是英雄、辟邪、强壮、威武、明知山有虎偏向虎山行,权利和荣耀吉祥的象征挂在正堂。“居人虑虎至,荆棘挂墙壁”,我不发威当我病猫,2022壬辰年突然发威, 怒吼一声破镜而出,目光炯炯有神,新的一年又要大展身手鸿运当头…。
Creative ideas of Luo Jianhui's works: the tiger is brave, powerful and domineering. It is honored as the king of all animals. In Chinese national culture, it is a hero, ward off evil spirits, strong and powerful. It knows that there are tigers in the mountain and prefers to walk in the tiger mountain. The symbols of power, glory and auspiciousness are hung in the main hall. "People worry about tigers, thorns hang on the wall". I don't get angry. When I'm a sick cat, I suddenly get angry in 2022. I burst out of the mirror with a roar and bright eyes. I have to show my skills and good luck in the new year.
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