


Ten reasons why Chairman Mao is loved by the people


As long as you pay a little attention, you will find that there is such a situation in real life. As soon as you mention Mao Zedong's name, many people have endless stories, endless feelings, feelings of respect and love, and even tears in their eyes. In fact, not only the general public, but also some outstanding figures. It is said that Ye Jianying burst into tears when she heard someone mention Chairman Mao's name or talk about Chairman Mao in the 1980s. Why is Mao Zedong so tearful and always missed? It was moved by Mao Zedong's great personality.



Why is Mao Zedong always remembered? Because he "depends on the people, for the people". Mao Zedong once profoundly pointed out: "Another remarkable sign that distinguishes us Communists from any other political party is that we have the closest ties with the broadest masses of the people. We serve the people wholeheartedly and never break away from the masses; everything is in the interests of the people rather than the interests of individuals or small groups; the consistency of being responsible to the people and to the party's leading organs; these are me Our starting point. " Mao Zedong cherished morality, supported the weak and the poor, helped the people, relied on the people, served the people and served the people. "Those who love will always love them". It is natural that the people love him.

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Why is Mao Zedong always remembered? Because he "changed the world and achieved unparalleled merit and virtue". Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said affectionately, "without Chairman Mao, there would be no new China. This is no exaggeration at all." "China's anti imperialist and anti feudal revolution has experienced countless tragic failures. Didn't Mao Zedong Thought enable the Chinese people, who account for about a quarter of mankind, to find the correct revolutionary path, obtain the national liberation in 1949 and basically complete the socialist transformation in 1956? These series of great victories have not only fundamentally changed China's destiny, but also changed the shape of the world Potential. " "If we can embark on the four modernizations in today's international environment, we must bear in mind Comrade Mao Zedong's achievements."

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Why is Mao Zedong always remembered? Because he "hates evil as hatred and fights corruption with an iron fist". At the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China, he warned the whole Party: "governing the country is managing officials. Etiquette and shame are the four dimensions of the country. If the four dimensions are not open, the country will be defeated. If everyone is shameless, corrupt and reckless, and the country has no way to treat them, the world will be in chaos." Dealing with the corruption cases of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan, when someone pleaded, Mao Zedong said, "do you want them or the country?" "Because of their high status, great credit and great influence, they are determined to execute them. Only by executing them can we save 20, 200, 2000 and 20000 cadres who have committed various degrees of mistakes."

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Why is Mao Zedong always remembered? Because he "bid farewell to the official state and refused privileges". Mao Zedong was the first person in Chinese history to break with the official state. When the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea broke out, he sent his son to join the army. When others dissuaded him, he said, "who calls him Mao Zedong's son? Who won't go?" After Mao anying died for his country; When his daughter goes to school, he is not allowed to pick her up by bus; After receiving the gifts, he ordered them to be handed over to the public; His relatives and friends asked him to find a job, but he refused. He strictly asked the staff around him: "we have deep feelings, but if you are corrupt, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing you." "He is upright and does not obey orders." His words and deeds have influenced and inspired the broad masses of the people and become the cohesion and centripetal force of the party's cause.

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Why is Mao Zedong always remembered? Because he "thinks thrifty and thin, and the best is like water". As the leader of the party and the people, Mao Zedong lived a life roughly equal to the living standards of ordinary people. He believes in frugality and is fond of patched clothes. During the three years of economic difficulties, he shared joys and sorrows with the people and took the lead in reducing wages. Mao Zedong's salary was originally 610 yuan. After the country entered a difficult period, he was the first to reduce his salary to 404.80 yuan. At the same time, he announced that he would not eat meat, eggs and food. He had not eaten a mouthful of meat for seven months. He was as hungry as the common people, and his legs and feet were often swollen. As a result, he simply tightened his belt, led the people of the whole country to invent the atomic bomb and set up a "nuclear umbrella" for new China.

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Why is Mao Zedong always remembered? Because he "eradicated the underworld and banned prostitution, and was clean and thorough". At the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China, there was devastation and waste waiting to flourish. Mao Zedong said with a stirring voice: "new China will never allow prostitutes everywhere and gangs to run rampant!" At the preparatory meeting of the New Political Consultative Conference, it was pointed out: "once China's destiny is in the hands of the people themselves, China will shine on the earth with its own brilliant flame as the sun rises in the East, and quickly clean up the dirt and muddy water left by the reactionary government..." in November 1949, Beijing closed all brothels in the city overnight, and then prostitution was banned all over the country one after another, And successfully transformed prostitutes. They "changed from ghosts to people" and transformed them into self-supporting workers, which impressed the world.

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Why is Mao Zedong always remembered? Because he "despises power and stands upright". "All reactionaries are paper tigers!" Mao Zedong's earth shaking words are enough to make imperialism and all reactionaries shudder and sweep away their authority. Westerners believe that they can best reflect Mao Zedong's strong will and fighting spirit. When it comes to national sovereignty and national interests, Mao Zedong is always tit for tat and never gives up an inch of land. He never knows what submission and fear are. Whether it was to resist US aggression and aid Korea or to Aid Vietnam and resist US aggression, Mao Zedong hit hard. He once said in an enlightening way: "even if there is another eight nation coalition, we China will fight with you! Play a truth."


Why is Mao Zedong always remembered? Because he is "angry and strong, returning to the old things". American scholar Maurice Meisner said, "Mao Zedong's era is far from the so-called era of economic stagnation in current rumors, but the greatest era of modernization in world history, which is no worse than the most intense period in the industrialization process of several major rising stars on the modern industrial stage, such as Germany, Japan and Russia. Mao Zedong's era is promoting China's modern industrial transformation - and it is very important Under unfavorable international and domestic conditions - great achievements have been made in the process. " Another western scholar said with emotion: "China has received as little foreign aid as gold. That is, they are still stronger and stronger day by day. In the 1960s and 1970s, 'two bombs and one satellite', as well as what we can't see and know, we can't help but fear and panic!"


Why is Mao Zedong always remembered? Because he "rejoices when he hears it, and changes when he knows his mistakes". Mao Zedong is a man, not a God, and his judgment sometimes deviates and makes mistakes. But the most valuable thing is that he follows good advice like a stream, likes it when he hears it, and changes it when he knows his mistakes. In Yan'an period, he was often worried that he could not hear negative opinions, so he stood on his opposite side and criticized his views. In 1942, some people in the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region said Mao Zedong's strange words. The Security Department wanted to trace them. He firmly opposed them, but said, "think about what we did wrong and cause disgust." Later, the inspection found that the people's burden was too heavy, so they decided to reduce the public grain to 160000. At the same time, they carried out a large-scale production campaign to do it themselves and have plenty of food and clothing, which was supported by the people.


Why is Mao Zedong always remembered? Because he is "devoted to learning and far sighted". Mao Zedong is talented, intelligent and far sighted. However, this has something to do with his love of reading. One of Mao Zedong's historic creations is to build a learning party, and he himself is a model of learning. He devoted himself to learning all his life and was tireless in his old age until the last breath of his life. He applied what he learned, combined it with practice, deeply understood it, drew inferences from one instance, and often achieved twice the result with half the effort. Such as the common idiom "seeking truth from facts", Mao Zedong made the past serve the present, pushed through the old and brought forth the new, and made a new explanation for it: "facts" is all things that exist objectively, "yes" is the internal connection of objective things, that is, regularity, "seeking" is what we study. He used this idiom to educate cadres. Everything starts from reality and leads to its inherent regularity. As a guide to action, it has become the ideological line of our party.

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Mao Zedong's great style was earth shaking and shocking, and even convinced his political enemies. His great thought has greatly transcended the limitations of time and space and has become a valuable asset of human civilization. Some philosophers say that there is a spirit that will be renewed over time through the clouds of history; There is a kind of nostalgia, which has become more mellow after the wind and rain of the times. Mao Zedong thought is the spirit of renewing with each passing day; Mao Zedong is a great man who will be remembered forever and become more mellow. Mao Zedong will always live in the hearts of the Chinese people and the people of the world! (Cui LAN) original title: why is Mao Zedong always remembered

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