《英雄 共产党》
- 2020-12-26 16:34:48
- 点赞量:8582
- 点击量:333643
- 作者:东方茉莉 Oriental jasmine
In memory of the great man:
他是诗人,又是革命家;是战士,又是统帅;他运筹帷幄,实现了中华民族的伟大复兴;他好学深思,把马克思主义中国化;他不缀探索,实现了中国式的社会主义;他纵横捭阖,创造了中华人民共和国 。
He is a poet and a revolutionist; a soldier and a commander in chief; he devises strategies and realizes the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; he is fond of learning and thinking, and sinicizes Marxism; he does not devote himself to exploration and realizes Chinese style socialism; he maneuvers freely and creates the people's Republic of China.
2020年12月26日,是伟大领袖毛主席诞辰127周年的日子,虽然他已经离开我们44年了,但他仍然活在亿万中国人民的心中。下面这首爱国歌曲《英雄 共产党》选在今日凌晨零时零分上线,全网发布,既表达了对毛主席的纪念之情,也歌颂了全心全意为人民的伟大共产党!
December 26, 2020 is the 127th anniversary of the birth of the great leader Chairman Mao. Although he has left us for 44 years, he still lives in the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. The following patriotic song "heroic Communist Party" was released online at 0:00 this morning. It not only expresses the commemoration of Chairman Mao, but also praises the great Communist Party that serves the people wholeheartedly!
Song appreciation:
Hu Huili, a young military singer, is versatile. She can not only compose words, but also compose music and sing. She is an all-round singer. She can easily control different styles of music, express emotions, rap, bass, baritone and treble. In order to encourage Hu Huili, general Zhou Xiangdang, the fourth batch of female pilots of China's special plane, personally wrote a calligraphy and painting as a gift, which read: "be a good red propagandist", with great expectation.
With the elaboration of the party's historical achievements, the thoughts and feelings gradually rise to the climax, and then the short sentence narration of continuous fire style, each sentence is full of emotion and emotion, and each note of the last sentence is a high note, which has a feeling of spitting out what is in your heart.
Teacher Hu Huili strictly adopts parallelism sentence pattern and lists the facts with her fingers. She is well-organized, harmonious and full of emotion. She describes the real historical events in a delicate, vivid and majestic way. It gives people a strong and unquestionable sense and pushes the song to a warm climax.
胡慧丽▕ 中国人民解放军文工团著名歌唱家 (点击查看)
Hu Huili ▕ famous singer of the people's Liberation Army literary and Art Troupe (click to view)
The lyrics are simple, the rhythm is compact and concise, which is convenient for the masses to sing and remember. The beginning and the end of the song echo each other from afar, forming a unity of coherent development and tight structure. This song sings the broad masses of the people's heartfelt support for the Communist Party of China and their firm belief in following the party. It also sings the historical inevitability that only the Communist Party of China can lead the Chinese people to strive for national independence, national liberation and people's happiness.
Zhe Jianfeng, the writer of Ci
Singer Hu Huili
Lyrics appreciation:
With the continuous strengthening of Hu Huili's study of party history and the approaching of the centennial of the party, the study of the spirit and spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China has entered a new stage, which reflects that Hu Huili's attention and cognition to the spirit of the party have been raised to a new level.
2020年的新冠疫情再次证明中国共产党的领导是强国之魂,习近平主席曾指出:“中国人独特而悠久的精神世界,让中国人具有很强的民族自信心,也培育了以爱国主义为核心的民族精神。”胡慧丽老师作《英雄 共产党》,便是对习主席红色精神的最好证明。
The new crown of 2020 proved that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the soul of a powerful nation. Chairman Xi Jinping once pointed out: "the unique and long spiritual world of Chinese people has given the Chinese people a strong national self-confidence and nurtured the national spirit with patriotism as the core." Hu Huili's heroic Communist Party is the best proof of President Xi's red spirit.
《英雄 共产党》
《Heroic Communist Party》
Lyrics: Hu Huili, zhe Jianfeng
Composer: Hu Huili
Singing: Hu Huili
Composer: Li Jianchang
Recording and mixing: Wang Xiaoli
Issue: Shenghe Yiyuan Culture Communication Co., Ltd
一九二一年 是你不畏凶险
In 1921, you were not afraid of danger
山雨欲来时 拨开云天
When the mountain rain is about to come, clear the sky
一路执著 如履薄冰
All the way persistent like treading on thin ice
Spread faith before the Dark Dawn
一九四九年 是你敢为人先
In 1949, you were the first
一片欢呼中 开启新纪元
A new era in cheers
标新立异 改天换地
Be innovative and change the world
Compose magnificent poems with confidence
二零二零年 是你心怀大爱
The year of 2020 is your year of great love
让友谊之花 全球都开遍
Let the flower of friendship bloom all over the world
灿如星火 世界惊叹
Amazing world
You raise the sail of love
啊中国共产党 我英雄的党啊
Ah, the Communist Party of China, my heroic party
是你不甘蹂躏 是你心怀苍生
It's you who don't want to trample, it's you who cherish life
是你历经沧桑 是你饱受磨难
It's you who have gone through the vicissitudes, it's you who have suffered
啊中国共产党 我亲亲的党啊
Ah, the Communist Party of China, my own party
是你不甘贫穷 是你不辱使命
It's you who are unwilling to be poor, it's your mission
是你胸怀若谷 是你无私奉献
It's your heart. It's your selfless dedication
Let the Chinese nation
Have a happy home
(No cover or use without permission)
历史从哪里开始,精神就从哪里产生。《英雄 共产党》朴实的歌词、滚烫的旋律,表达出亿万中国人民的心声,始终如旗帜,似号角,坚定着人民跟党走的信念,鼓舞和激励着中国人民在中国共产党的旗帜下奋勇前进。
Where history begins, spirit comes from. The simple lyrics and hot melody of "heroic Communist Party" express the aspirations of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. It is always like a banner and a horn, which firm the people's belief in following the party and encourage and encourage the Chinese people to forge ahead under the banner of the Communist Party of China.