毛体书法十强 资水作家毛军儒 梅山魔幻小说三部曲 《齐云子》 《梅山剑影》《小妹闯江湖》




Qi Yunzi and Meishan sword shadow have been brewing for five years, and the basic plot and relevant historical and mythological systems have been fully prepared.


The next online comedy magic novel is "little sister into the Jianghu". Cheering for young girls who dare to go out and fight is also a hymn of feminism, and a kind criticism of this patriarchal world.

一 《齐云子》 梗概

I. outline of Qi Yunzi


In the past, Gonggong and Zhuanxu fought for the emperor. When they were angry, they touched the mountains of Zhou, the pillars of heaven were broken, and the earth was unique. The sky leans to the northwest, so the sun, moon and stars move; The land is not satisfied with the southeast, so the water is scratched and the dust returns to Yan.


In the past, there was a colorful auspicious cloud at the South Tianmen gate, which fell to the North Kunlun Mountain and circled the kunlun peak for 5000 years. Dissatisfied with the southeast, China's mountains and rivers are ectopic. The colorful auspicious clouds drift to South Kunlun and turn into snow. Therefore, South Kunlun mountain becomes Xuefeng mountain. There is a snow lotus on the top of the snow peak, which is surrounded by auspicious clouds day and night. There is a spirit snake who seeks immortality day and night. It comes from admiration and turns into a leaf to absorb its heaven and earth aura under the snow lotus flower. For hundreds of millions of years, the snake and lotus are one, and ye Yun is the same. Finally into human form, it is Qi Yunzi.


Qi Yunzi was born and the three realms shook in all directions. The Jade Emperor of the Tathagata discussed Tao in Shangxuan of the heavenly palace. I don't know what the omen of the birth of Qi Yunzi is?


Binghan Erming of the north and south poles was ordered to March south. Qi Yunzi's Jade Flute blew horizontally, moved mountains and seas, and pressed Binghan Erming with 72 peaks. At this time, it was the glacial period hundreds of millions of years ago.


The Empress Dowager flew into Qi Yunzi with the Bagua stove, and Qi Yunzi waved his long sleeve, and the Bagua stove turned into an asteroid and went away from the sky. The gods were amazed, and the Tathagata suggested to retreat.


According to the Tathagata, there may be a robbery in the future. The jade emperor doesn't understand


Taibai Venus made an urgent suggestion. One day, one month, one year, the asteroid transformed by the gossip stove will hit the earth, and countless dinosaurs will be destroyed! There was a bat who wrote this in his heart and engraved it in the cave. Hundreds of millions of years later, the bat virus wreaked havoc in the world. Qi Yunzi came out of the mountain again. With the art of Qi Huang and the way of talisman, he combined the doctors of the world and opened the world to peace for 5000 years


In the past, three Buddhas, VIPA ^ SYI, S / ikhi ^, and Vis / vabhu at the end of the solemn robbery, and four Buddhas at the beginning of the xianrobbery, including krakuccchanda, kanakamuni, Ka ^ YS / A ^ PA, and S / akyamuni. These seven Buddhas have been destroyed, so they are also called the past seven Buddhas.

毗婆尸佛,巴利语 Vipassi, 梵语 Vipa?yin,汉语音译毗婆尸,意译为观,以其如月圆智满,则云遍见。魄尽惑亡,则云净观。既圆且净,则云胜观、胜见,是为七佛之首也。

Vavashi Buddha, Pali vipassi, Sanskrit VIPA? Yin, Chinese transliteration of vavashi, free translation for view, with its full moon, clouds can be seen everywhere. When the soul is confused and dead, the cloud is clean. If it is round and clean, the cloud wins the view and view, which is the first of the seven Buddhas.


The moon is full, the wisdom is full, and the clouds are everywhere. The integration of Buddha and devil, Qi Yun and Qi Yue, are the embodiment of the head of the past seven Buddhas. Later, Qi Yunzi and Qi Yueya met again. Qi Yunzi had an epiphany when tasting tea, as evidenced by poetry:


Always good tea is like a beauty


I feel pity for the soul in the leaves


At that time, the moon was holding jade dew


Today's cup is full of ups and downs


二 《梅山剑影》

II. Meishan sword shadow


Meishan is green and the capital is vast


Fairies and chivalrous shadows, Taoism is hidden

这是刻在梅山 降魔涯上的一首四言古诗。寓含一套最上乘的驱魔剑法。相传为赤松子之友齐云子以最上乘的剑法齐云剑所刻写。然而齐云剑派自齐云子创立两千年来,已渐渐衰落。如今是桃木剑 雷公剑 冰碛剑 齐云剑 七星剑,五剑争锋。梅山魔道互斗,百姓苦不堪言。齐云剑第一百六十代传人松之雪与师弟壶千两和叶孤城立志重振师门,并报师弟南宫铎被害之仇,于是梅山风云再起,时闻鬼哭狼嚎………

This is a four character ancient poem engraved on Meishan's demon subduing career. It contains a set of the best exorcism sword technique. It is said that it was carved by Qi Yunzi, a friend of Chi Songzi, with the best sword technique Qi Yun sword. However, Qi Yun sword school has gradually declined since Qi Yunzi was founded two thousand years ago. Now it's peach wood sword, Lei Gong sword, moraine sword, Qi Yun sword, seven star sword and five swords. The people are miserable because of the fighting between the demons in Meishan. Song Zhixue, the 160th generation of Qi Yunjian, together with his younger martial brother Hu Qianliang and ye Gucheng, determined to revive the school and avenge the murder of his younger martial brother nangongduo, so the wind and cloud in Meishan rose again, and ghosts cried and wolves howled


Pine snow and pot thousand Liang. Ye Gucheng's master was killed ten years ago. So far, no bones have been found. Therefore, all three of them were raised by martial uncle nangongduo. Qi Yun has only learned one beginner level nine moves. Nangong duosheng foreword, elder martial brother's Qiyun sword technique will be lost, because he only learned Qishan sword technique.

在松之雪几人追踪 南宫铎一案的同时,他们最终发现,其师父之失踪居然与南宫铎的一位已经出家的法号苦芹的尼姑朋友有关。

While song Zhixue followed nangongduo's case, they finally found that the disappearance of his master was actually related to a nun friend of nangongduo who had become a monk and was called bitter celery.


Three magic comedy novels "little sister into the Jianghu"


It tells about a white-collar Beauty who can't stand the unreasonable torture of her boss and the intrigue of her colleagues. At the same time, her boyfriend is weak and incompetent, has been bullied by street gangsters many times, and has lost her job because of the epidemic. Therefore, my little sister decided to go to Meishan to worship Qi Yunzi as a teacher and learn the supreme Meishan Taoism. From this, she began a Jianghu adventure in which history and reality cross each other. The novel profoundly reveals the story of how women break free from layers of fetters and pursue their dreams in the patriarchal world. The author positions it as a satirical story of the patriarchal world and a hymn of feminism.



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