浣溪沙 参观张澜先生故居有感











[1] 张澜先生1941年参加发起中国民主政团同盟(1944年改为中国民主同盟),任中国民主同盟主席 [1]  ,1941年10月担任中国民主政团同盟中央执行委员会主席,后任民盟中央执行委员会主席、民盟第一届中央委员会主席。 [3]  1949年9月出席中国人民政治协商会议,当选为中央人民政府副主席,1954年当选全国人大常委会副委员长、全国政协副主席。

[2] 张澜先生不仅是中国著名的民主革命家、伟大的爱国主义者,也是杰出的人民教育家。他积极投身教育事业,创办小学、中学和女校,他办的新式学校.对当时四川教育的革新起了先锋作用,吸引了大量进步青年前往就学;政治方面,他领导民盟始终坚持和平、民主、统一的主张。

[3] 1930年(中华民国十九年),为抗议国民党压制思想和学术研究自由,辞职回南充,继续从事中小学教育。


. 当选为中华人民共和国中央人民政府副主席、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员。

[4] 1912年(中华民国元年),任四川军政府川北宣慰使。



[5] 张澜家的菜园子





Huanxisha: impressions of visiting Mr. Zhang Lan's former residence

Pu Wenqiang

July 12, 2021

Ming Dynasty alliance taidou [1] made great achievements,

Loyal soul and courage,

Being an official and a teacher is a model.

The number table of the two dynasties,

Honest and clean,

The sun and the moon hang in the fragrance.


[1] In 1941, Mr. Zhang Lan participated in the initiation of the China Democratic League of political groups (changed to the China Democratic League in 1944) and served as chairman of the China Democratic League [1]. In October 1941, he served as chairman of the central executive committee of the China Democratic League of political groups, and later as chairman of the central executive committee of the China Democratic League and chairman of the first Central Committee of the China Democratic League[ 3] In September 1949, he attended the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference and was elected vice chairman of the Central People's government. In 1954, he was elected vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference.

[2] Mr. Zhang Lan is not only a famous Chinese democratic revolutionist, a great patriot, but also an outstanding people's educator. He actively devoted himself to the cause of education and founded primary, middle and girls' schools. His new schools played a pioneering role in the reform of education in Sichuan at that time, attracting a large number of progressive young people to go to school; On the political side, he led the NLD to insist on peace, democracy and unity.

[3] In 1930 (the 19th year of the Republic of China), to protest against the Kuomintang's suppression of freedom of thought and academic research, he resigned and returned to Nanchong to continue his primary and secondary education.

In March 1941 (the thirtieth year of the Republic of China), he participated in the initiation and organization of the China Democratic Political League, was elected as the executive member of the Central Committee, and was elected as the chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic League

He was elected vice chairman of the Central People's Government of the people's Republic of China and standing member of the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference.

[4] In 1912 (the first year of the Republic of China), he served as the northern Sichuan military mission.

In April 1913 (the second year of the Republic of China), Zhang Lan was elected to the Congress of the Republic of China and met Cai E.

In 1949, he became Vice President of the Central People's Government of the people's Republic of China

[5] Zhang Lan's vegetable garden

On October 1, 1949, the people's Republic of China was founded. Zhang Lan, who did not want to be an official, was elected vice president of the Republic. At that time, some comrades from the liberated areas looked at the old watch wearing a melon skin cap, a long shirt, and looked like old people, and expressed their opposition. As a result, Zhu De made a public speech: "when it comes to revolution, none of you is as early as him." From the revolution of 1911 to the anti Yuan Shikai movement, and then to the organization of the Democratic League at the risk of beheading, they refused to participate in the puppet National Congress, and completely isolated the Kuomintang and Chiang Kai Shek.

Premier Zhou specially allocated a clothing fee, hoping that Zhang Lan would appear in Tiananmen Gate Tower in a new place. Zhang Lan declined and said, "how can I use the money of the country, that is, the money of the people, to make a robe for myself?" At his own expense, he made a long cloth shirt. This is the image of Zhang Lan in the oil painting of the founding ceremony.

At that time, the state assigned Zhang Lan a large quadrangle with high specifications, but he refused and only lived in a very small house. Liu Huizheng, his wife with small feet, worked in person and planted some home-made vegetables. In his later years, Zhang Lan wrote Si Mian Yi Jie: "one can't stop self love, self-cultivation, self-respect, self-improvement and self deception." This is the moral standard of his life.



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