- 2021-06-11 11:16:38
- 点赞量:6021
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- 作者:秘书处Secretary's Office
中新社巴黎6月10日消息,掌掴法国总统马克龙的男子达米安·塔雷尔当地时间10日在法国东南部德龙省瓦朗斯出庭受审。 瓦朗斯的法庭当天判处其监禁4个月。
China News Agency, Paris, June 10 - Damian tarrell, the man who slapped French President Nicolas macarone, appeared in court on June 10 local time in valance, Delong Province, southeast France. The court of Wallace sentenced him to four months' imprisonment on the same day.
Makron was slapped by tarrell during his visit to Delong Province on the 8th local time. Tarrell was immediately arrested and has been imprisoned. He can be sentenced to up to three years' imprisonment and a fine of 45000 euros.
法国检方形容塔雷尔掌掴马克龙的行为“绝对不可接受”,为“蓄意的暴力行为”,要求法庭判处其入狱18个月。 瓦朗斯的法庭当天判处其入狱18个月,但缓刑14个月,最终刑罚为监禁4个月。
French prosecutors described tarrell's slapping of macarone as "absolutely unacceptable" and "deliberate violence" and asked the court to sentence him to 18 months in prison. On the same day, the court sentenced him to 18 months' imprisonment, but suspended for 14 months, and the final sentence was 4 months' imprisonment.
According to French BFM television, the 28 year old tarrell expressed sympathy for the "yellow vest" movement when he appeared in court on the same day, and said that he had thought of throwing eggs or cream pies at the president before makron visited the southeastern provinces of France. But at the same time, he claimed that his slapping of makeron "was not premeditated.".
In an interview with BFM TV station on the 10th, Ma Kelong was asked about the incident and responded that "it's a stupid and violent act" and thought it was the result of some remarks on social media poisoning the social atmosphere. People are getting used to the hatred spread on social media, he said. Earlier, makron described it as an "isolated incident" and said that violence and hatred are a threat to democracy.
塔雷尔现在已被关押在瓦朗斯当地监狱。如果他不再上诉,他将在那里被监禁4个月。 同时,塔雷尔5年内禁止持有武器,被剥夺公民权利3年,还要在未来两年接受心理治疗。塔雷尔的律师表示,塔雷尔不会反驳已发生的事实。
Tarrell is now being held in the local prison in valance. If he does not appeal, he will be imprisoned there for four months. At the same time, tarrell has been banned from holding weapons for five years, deprived of civil rights for three years, and will receive psychological treatment for the next two years. Tarrell's lawyer said that tarrell would not refute what had happened.
According to a preliminary investigation by the police, tarrell is a native of Delong Province, has no criminal record, is not a member of any radical organization, has no regular job, and recently lives on social subsidies.
(原题为《掌掴马克龙的男子出庭受审 被法庭判处监禁4个月》)
(originally titled "the man who slapped Ma Kelong appeared in court and was sentenced to four months' imprisonment by the court)"
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