踏雪组诗 因果关系
真的不看不知道 一看吓一跳
不鸣则已 一鸣惊人
所谓包罗万象 变化无常
自私 贪婪 又自大
知错能改 善莫大焉
哪怕只是一个慰问 还得不断学习
认为自己好的 别人会枪毙这样的说法
忘记自大自负 最后才是自己的
If you don't go out and have a look, you don't know the world is big
I don't know if I can't see it. I'll be scared
If you don't, you will be surprised
Don't know how big the world is
Live in your own world
And finally, you have to get criticism
There is no wonder in the world
How much do you really know
So called all kinds of variability
How much do you really understand the secrets
I don't know how big the world is without learning
Everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages
How much more is the real vanity
The most vulnerable of human nature
Selfish, greedy and arrogant
Knowing mistakes can change the way we can improve
There is no wonder in the world
What can we do once lost
It's not all
What we call living in the present
Cherish your own
Less than one place, I don't know the advantages of a place
Even if it's just a consolation, you have to learn
That someone who thinks he's good will shoot
Forget to be arrogant and conceited, and finally it's your own
Even if you have a smile
天地有正气 人间走正道
大千世界包罗万象 无所不有
变化无常 防不胜防
所谓因果关系 逃离不了这茫茫宇宙
存在的事物 思想 意识
起因 经过 结果 都有一个过程
外在的内在的 主要的次要的
都分得清清楚楚 缺一不可
经历过就很幸运 无论成败得失
在此一举 成功了自然欢喜
失败了从头来过 认识了因果关系
再努力一把 把失去的赢回来
骗子很多 套路很多
你又认识了哪种呢 防不胜防
又不得不防 要知道没有免费的午餐
放不下执念 害苦了别人又害苦了自己
一个善意的微笑和提醒 或许能救下一条命
凡事做之前 先问个为什么
啥可以做 啥不可以做
啥可以说 啥不可以说
清明时节雨纷纷 去坟头看望故亲
宁静致远 淡泊名利 没有啥不好呢
放下执念 一心向善 保持清醒头脑
causal relationship
The world is healthy and the world is healthy
There is everything in the world
It's impossible to guard against change
The so-called causality cannot escape from the vast universe
The ideology of being
It exists in a certain space
I can't get rid of it
There is a cause, there is a result
The cause, the process and the result all have a process
It can't be simplified
External, internal, primary, secondary
The main and secondary aspects of the contradiction
It's all very clear. It's indispensable
I'm lucky to have experienced it, whether it's success or failure
In this way, the success of the natural joy
Failure, start over, understand the causal relationship
Try again to win back what you lost
There is no need to be discouraged
There are many swindlers and many routines
Which one do you know? It's impossible to prevent
You have to know that there is no free lunch
Don't touch things that don't belong to you
Even if it's just an idea
We know the causality
Keep a clear head
I can't let go of obsession. It hurts others and myself
A kind smile and reminder may save a life
In this era of convenient and developed technology
Keep your head clear
Ask why before you do anything
What can and cannot be done
What can and cannot be said
During the Qingming Festival, the rain went to the grave to visit her relatives
Don't forget the old teachings
There's nothing wrong with being quiet and indifferent to fame and wealth
Let go of the obsession and keep a clear mind for the good
Just work hard while others are drinking coffee
经历一定时间 长得一些年纪
好的坏的想法 善的恶的作为
都要承担责任 无论成败得失
获得永远的幸福 不是那么容易的事
获得永远的幸福 需要付出很多代价的
是与非 对与错 付出与汗水
只有世人来评判 没有所谓最好的标准
在特定的时间 或是到一定年纪
或是随时随地 放下执念 放下忙得
不可开交的活计 放下所有的一切
思考人生 忏悔检查是否有错的地方
毕竟我们全身上下 并非完美无缺
人有悲欢离合 月有阴晴圆缺
此事古难全 但愿人长久 千里共婵娟
人无完人 谁也不是圣人
知错能改 善莫大焉
哪怕在生命的最后一刻 反省反省
封闭欲望 并非不是不去做事
还得生活 人来世间不容易啊
你看到的 想到的 做过的 没有做过的
万事顺意很难 万物皆有灵 皆有因果定数
到一定时候 我们都归于尘土
封闭欲望 也要争取属于自己的人生
还得生活下去 在规定的区域范围内
合理合法的做事 封闭不好的想法
每天清晨起床推开窗帘 呼吸空气
Closed desire
After a certain period of time, I get older
Good ideas, good ideas, good deeds
We have to take responsibility regardless of success or failure
It's not so easy to be happy forever
The sky doesn't fall pie for no reason
There won't be a free lunch
It takes a lot of money to be happy forever
Right and wrong pay and sweat
Only the world can judge, there is no so-called best standard
At a certain time or at a certain age
Or put down the obsession anytime and anywhere, put down the busy
Hard work, put everything down
Think about life repentance and check if there is anything wrong
After all, our whole body is not perfect
People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs
It's hard to do it all in the past. I hope people can live together for a long time
No one is perfect, no one is a saint
It's impossible to know what's wrong and correct what's wrong
Even in the last moment of life to reflect
Closing desire is not doing nothing
It's not easy for people to come to the world
What you see, what you think, what you've done, what you haven't done
Isn't there a trace of fate in it
It's hard for everything to go with its will. Everything has spirit, and everything has cause and effect
At a certain time, we all return to dust
Closed desire to strive for their own life
After all, we are not perfect saints
Still have to live in the prescribed area
Do things reasonably and legitimately and close down bad ideas
Every morning I get up and open the curtains to breathe the air
That is the greatest happiness
家乡有个习俗 斋月来临看看月亮
是否有牙儿了 是否露尖尖了
这是乡愁 是传统 也是文化
初一不见 初二接着找
道路漫长 生活还得继续
去探索幸福 初一不见 初二不见
初三一定出现 这个是必然规律
世界每个角落 算日子的方法不一
望月是一种习俗 一种文化
月牙露尖了 生活还得继续
斋月里斋戒 不是绝食 而是敬畏生命
珍惜粮食 每天清晨天不亮前封斋吃饭
太阳落山 天黑之前要开斋吃饭
这些只为敬畏自然 清理肠胃 血液循环
新陈代谢 体质增强
现代好了 可以用望远镜观察月亮
初一不见 初二不见 初三一定出现
365天还得继续 日月星辰规律运转
道路漫长 行善不能等
行善积德 只为敬畏生命大自然
面对高山 白云 流水 沙漠
我们很渺小 左手用尽所有海水
右手用尽所有树枝 我们是感谢不完
每天清晨呼吸空气 那是多自由多幸福
望月是一种文化 一种乡愁
月亮在的地方 就是家的方向
斋月行善 功德无量 只为敬畏生命
full moon
There is a custom in my hometown. Ramadan is coming. Look at the moon
Do you have teeth? Do you have pointed teeth
This is nostalgia, tradition and culture
I don't see the first day of junior high school. I'll look for the second day of junior high school
It's like looking for hope in life
It's a long way to go, and life has to go on
To explore the happiness of the first day is not seen, the second day is not seen
The third day of junior high school must appear, which is an inevitable rule
The time difference is different in every place
In China, there are lunar and solar calendars
Every corner of the world has different ways to count the day
All year round, 365 days is the same
Looking at the moon is a custom and a culture
Life has to go on
Do good in all time and place
Fasting in Ramadan is not a hunger strike, but a fear of life
Cherish food and fast before dawn every morning
Before the sun goes down, we should have a fast
These are only for the natural cleaning of gastrointestinal blood circulation
Metabolism and physical fitness
Now you can look at the moon with a telescope
If you don't see grade one, grade two or grade three will appear
365 days to continue the regular operation of the sun, moon and stars
The road is long, good deeds cannot wait
Not when you're old
Don't wait for the money
Even move the obstacles on the road to one side
Even give a smile to the one you love
Happiness comes from struggle
Doing good and accumulating virtue only for fear of life and nature
Facing the high mountains, white clouds, flowing water and desert
We're small. We use up all the water
We can't thank you enough for using up all the branches with our right hand
How free and happy it is to breathe the air every morning
Looking at the moon is a kind of culture and nostalgia
Adults in their hometown remind themselves at any time
Home is where the moon is
Do good at all times and places
Ramadan's good deeds are boundless, just for fear of life
Let the people you love and those who love you have a happy life
世上无难事 只怕有心人
来过 哭过 笑过 奋斗过
啥可以做 啥不可以做
与熟悉的人交流 总会碰出火花
与熟悉的人交流 总会碰出火花
Act as if nothing had happened
I'm not happy
But pretend to be nothing
Nothing in the world is difficult for those who want to
There is no mountain of flame that can't be crossed
No matter how big the barrier is, it will pass
If you are not happy, go to see the colorful world
It's not easy for others to see
I've been crying, I've been laughing, I've been fighting
Experience is luck
You know, every day is not easy
It's better to do than talk too much
If you do it, ask for advice
Even a word of comfort
What can and cannot be done
There are always sparks when communicating with familiar people
It's not easy to live each day well
Don't pretend to be nothing
There are rules in every business
If you break it, you have to take responsibility
Even a joke
The world is so beautiful
Don't give up easily
People around you cherish
Try to do everything
There are always sparks when communicating with familiar people
Even if it's just a consolation
Don't wait for time to slip away
Pretending nothing will hurt you
Breathing air in the world
It's not easy to understand many things
在这个盛世年华里 不成功都难
创业 学习 工作 生活 就医
条件那么好 怎么说难的话呢
一点一滴 一步一步来 哪有不成功的道理
啥事还不是要一点一滴 一步一个脚印来
慢是慢了些 试问一下
堆积如山的财富 你能带走其中的一丝一毫吗
后天努力 汗水不会白流的
挤一挤总会有的 哪怕很少
如果带着金属味很浓 铜臭味很多
这样去生活的话 身边的人和事
美梦要成真 就得对生活充满希望
一句问候 一幅图片 一个微笑
有时会给你带来快乐 或是意想不到的收获
谁也不欠谁的 成了家人或是朋友
却要还不少的债 哪怕只是一个微笑
美梦要成真 少不了这些陪伴
Dream come true
It's hard not to succeed in this golden age
Entrepreneurship, study, work, life, medical treatment
How can we say that the conditions are so good
Start with the industry you are familiar with
Bit by bit, step by step, there is no reason why we can't succeed
A hoe will not produce a golden doll
We have to keep digging
There's no pie in the sky for no reason
I wish I was rich
That makes sense
What is not a step by step step
There's nothing wrong with being down-to-earth
Is it slow? Let's ask
Can you take away a little of the mountain of wealth
Dreams come true from childhood ideals
The day after tomorrow, sweat will not be in vain
Other people's success comes when you drink coffee
Time is squeezed out
There will always be a squeeze, even if very few
If you live with an artistic vision
Please remember to write down the beautiful moments
Sometimes it will bring you happiness and unexpected surprise
If it smells of metal, it smells of copper
If you live in this way, people and things around you
I feel like I owe you something
To make a dream come true, you have to be hopeful about life
A greeting, a picture and a smile
All are the best wealth
Sometimes it will bring you happiness or unexpected harvest
No one owes anyone. They become family or friends
But I have to pay a lot of debt, even if it's just a smile
It's necessary for dreams to come true
Or a casual greeting
Remember to look around with artistic eyes
A picture may bring you good luck
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