滑稽戏 盛行于江浙一带的吴语戏曲

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Farce, one of the national intangible cultural heritage, is a local traditional drama in Shanghai and its surrounding Wu dialect areas.


From the end of Qing Dynasty to the middle of the Anti Japanese War, farce is a new type of opera, which was gradually formed by the influence of comedy, farce and local opera in Jiangnan. It is popular in many areas of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Its traditional repertoire preserves the folk custom of Shanghai and the unique Secularity of "shiliyangchang", and its creative method is highly Shanghai style.


Farce is the art of laughter. It plays comic plots in laughter, reveals dramatic conflicts in laughter, shows characters in laughter, completes script theme in laughter, and achieves expected social effects in laughter.


Each farce contains characters with different personalities, either positive or negative. In farce, no matter the positive or the villain, the bigwigs or the masses should explore and highlight the comic side of their character. That is to say, editors and directors should design and embody the comic character of characters, which must be embedded in the characters' thoughts, language and actions.


Comic language is one of the core elements of farce. An excellent farce needs to rely on a large number of comic language to achieve strong comic effect. With comic plot and comic character, the comic language of characters has a solid foundation. In the specified situation of comedy, it is quite natural for the characters with comic character to speak comic language. The setting of comic language in farce has its own rules and techniques, and even makes these comic language produce comic effect.

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The repertoire of farce can be roughly divided into five categories: the first category is based on the development and adaptation of monologues. Among them, "San Mao's students" and "72 lodgers" have become excellent traditions of farce because of their profound ideology and complete artistry. They have retained the repertoire and been put on the screen. The second type is transplanted from civilized drama. There are mainly "Fang Qing meets the girl", "Bao Gong catches the wind of falling hat", "Ji Gong" and so on. The third type was transplanted and adapted from drama, drama and movie script in the early days of liberation. The transplanted local operas include Suzhou Er Ying (Lian Yin) and Hao Hao sir (San Jia Fu); the adapted local operas include happiness and looking at Chang'an in the West; the adapted local operas include little nine sisters (Dragonfly aunt) and no mistake (Tianluo Diwang). The fourth type is adapted from foreign scripts, such as the living Bodhisattva, which has been performed continuously for one year and nine months, setting a record for the largest number of performances since its own farce. The fifth category is newly created plays. Such as "everything", "village without night", "spring in the garden", "sex and life", "one thousand and one days" and so on.


On May 23, 2011, farce was approved by the State Council and listed in the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.

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