【每日一星】第97号 艾什莉 本森 Ashley Benson


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第97号  艾什莉·本森

No. 97 Ashley Benson

艾什莉·本森(Ashley Benson),美国女演员。

Ashley Benson, American actress.

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1989年12月18日,艾什莉·本森(Ashley Benson)出生于加利福尼亚洲长滩,她在3岁时开始学习多种舞蹈,包括芭蕾、爵士舞、嘻哈舞和抒情舞。她也很热爱唱歌,参与了很多合唱队和音乐剧的活动。

Ashley Benson was born in Long Beach, California on December 18, 1989. At the age of three, she began to learn a variety of dances, including ballet, jazz, hip hop and lyric. She also loved singing and participated in many chorus and musical activities.



At the age of four, she was invited to sing for a Christmas party in a church that could hold 2500 people. Ashley Benson signed up with Ford models and worked as a graphic model when she was eight, and she also appeared in some music videos.


艾什莉·本森在10岁时开始了她的表演历程。她一开始出演了很多商业广告,之后她便开始了向电影和电视剧演艺界进军 。

Ashley Benson started her acting career at the age of 10. She first appeared in a lot of commercials, and then she began to enter the film and TV show industry.


Ashley Benson was named the top 100 sexiest women in 2013 by a well-known American men's magazine. Ashley Benson became famous for her roles in the TV series "the lie of a beautiful girl" and the film "spring break". She has a sweet charm.


2002年艾什莉·本森首次出现在电视屏幕上,她在连续剧《白宫风云》、《Nikki》和《The District》上客串表演。2004年艾什莉·本森出演了自己的处女作电影《女孩梦三十》,在影片中与 Jennifer Garner合作演出。

Ashley Benson first appeared on television in 2002, guest starring in the series the White House, Nikki and the district. In 2004, Ashley Benson starred in her debut film, a girl's dream 30, in which she co performed with Jennifer Garner.


从2004年起到2007年,她连续出演了NBC的肥皂剧《我们的日子》,在连续剧扮演Abby Deveraux 。艾什莉·本森在2005年出演了短片《邻居》,在连续剧《七重天》和《在校生日记》客串演出;

From 2004 to 2007, she starred in NBC's soap opera "our days" and played Abby Deveraux in the series. Ashley Benson appeared in the short film neighbor in 2005, guest starred in the series "seven days" and "student diary";


2006她客串了连续剧《橘子郡男孩》 。2007年艾什莉·本森《美女拉拉队4》中饰演了拉拉队队长Carson。

In 2006, she made a cameo in the Orange County boys. Ashley Benson played the cheerleader Carson in 2007 in "beautiful cheerleaders 4.".

2008年艾什莉·本森出演了两部电视电影《五人组:拉拉队丑闻》,《Mother Goose Parade》和电影《衰仔也有春天》。同年还客串了连续剧《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》和《邪恶力量》。

In 2008, Ashley Benson starred in two TV films "the group of five: cheerleading scandal", "Mother Goose parade" and "the declining boy has spring". He also guest starred in the series CSI: Miami and the forces of evil.


2009年艾什莉·本森ABC电视网的《东镇女巫》第一季里出演Mia Torcoletti这个配角 。

Ashley Benson played Mia torcoletti in the first season of 2009's east town witch on ABC.

2010年艾什莉·本森出演了电影《圣诞爱神》,在电影里扮演Caitlin Quinn;这一年开播的ABC频道的《美少女的谎言》让艾什莉·本森的演艺事业迎来了春天。这部被称为“青少版《绝望主妇》+悬疑版《绯闻女孩》”的剧集虽然剧情为人所诟病,但是美女加帅哥的养眼组合却吸引了不少粉丝 。

Ashley Benson played Caitlin Quinn in the film "God of love at Christmas" in 2010; this year's ABC channel's "pretty girl's lie" has ushered in the spring of Ashley Benson's acting career. Although the plot of this drama, which is called "the young version of desperate housewives + the suspense version of gossip girl", is criticized, the eye-catching combination of beautiful women and handsome men has attracted many fans.


2012年艾什莉·本森和另外三个美女瓦妮莎·哈金斯、赛琳娜·戈麦斯和海瑟·莫里斯一同主演了电影《春假》,在电影中四个女演员扮演了四个女大学生,这四个为了去佛罗里达度春假联合抢劫一家快餐店,计划失败后又被利用去杀人的故事 ;同年还出演了电影《Time Warrior》。

In 2012, Ashley Benson and three other beauties, Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez and Heather Morris, starred in the film spring break. In the film, four actresses play four female college students. They jointly rob a fast food restaurant in Florida for spring break, and then are used to kill people after their plan fails He also appeared in the film time warrior in the same year.



In 2013, Ashley Benson guest starred in the CBS longevity comedy "Mom and dad's romance" and ABC's "pretty girl's lies" spin off "crow Grove".

2019年6月,卡拉·迪瓦伊在同志骄傲月期间,正式官宣和艾什莉·本森的恋情。8月,艾什莉·本森已和卡拉·迪瓦伊秘密完婚。整场婚礼是在拉斯维加斯一间小教堂举行,还是“猫王”主题,场地租赁经费一共花了245欧元 。

In June 2019, Carla Divay officially announced her love affair with Ashley Benson during Gay Pride Month. In August, Ashley Benson married Carla Divay in secret. Whether the wedding was held in a small church in Las Vegas or the theme of "Elvis Presley," the venue rental cost 245 euros.



On September 30, 2020, he won the first place in the selection activity of "one star of the day" of the World Federation of literary and art circles.





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