第一章 总则
第一条 本团体的名称是亚洲直播协会(简称“亚播协”),本团体主管机构为世界文化艺术界联合会。
第二条 本团体致力于亚洲文化艺术/直播领域的交流与合作,是亚洲各国文化艺术/直播领域家自愿结成的、非营利性的国际性非政府组织。
第三条 本团体的宗旨:应对经济全球化和亚洲文化艺术/直播领域多元化创新日益活跃的国际环境,紧密围绕联合国的亚洲文化多元化发展目标,为亚洲文化艺术/直播领域多元化创新与亚洲文化艺术/直播领域的交流与合作搭建综合服务的平台。充分利用亚洲文化艺术/直播领域资源和开放的国际合作环境,开展全方位、宽领域、多层次的对外文化艺术/直播领域交流,为亚洲各国文化艺术/直播领域提供更多更优质的服务,指导需要在直播行业发挥作用的个人会员和单位会员提供帮助,让直播、文化、艺术、产业有机结合。
第四条 本团体接受世界文联理事会的管理。
第五条 本团体的总部注册地:中国南京市中山南路89号江苏文化大厦2503号。
第二章 业务范围
第六条 本团体的业务范围:
第三章 会员
第七条 本团体的会员种类:个人会员和单位会员。
第八条 申请加入本团体的会员,必须具备下列条件:
第九条 会员入会的程序是:
第十条 会员享有下列权利:
第十一条 会员履行下列义务:
第十二条 会员退会应书面告知本团体,并交回会员证。会员逾期三个月不交纳会费,视为自动退会,协会将作内部情况通报。
第十三条 会员如有严重违反本章程的行为,经理事会或授权机构表决通过,予以除名。
第四章 组织机构和负责人产生、罢免
第十四条 本团体的最高行政权力机构是会员代表大会;会员代表大会设立理事会、常务理事会,对会员代表大会负责。
第十五条 会员代表大会须有1/2以上的会员代表出席方能召开,其决议须经到会会员代表半数以上表决通过方能生效。会员代表的产生办法由秘书处在会议召开前3个月制定公布。会议可以现场或网络方式召开。
第十六条 会员代表大会每届5年。因特殊情况需提前或延期换届的,须由理事会表决通过。但延期换届最长不超过1年。
第十七条 理事会是会员代表大会的执行机构,在闭会期间领导本团体开展日常工作,对会员代表大会负责。
第十八条 理事会的职权是:
(三)筹备召开会员代表大会 ;
第十九条 理事会须有2/3以上理事出席方能召开,其决议须经到会理事2/3以上表决通过方能生效。
第二十条 理事会每年至少召开一次会议。情况特殊的,也可采用通讯/网络形式召开。
第二十一条 本团体设立常务理事会。常务理事会由理事会选举产生,在理事会闭会期间行使第十八条第一、三、五、六、七、八、九项的职权,对理事会负责(常务理事人数不超过理事人数的1/3)。
第二十二条 常务理事会须有2/3以上常务理事出席方能召开,其决议须经到会常务理事2/3以上表决通过方能生效。
第二十三条 常务理事会至少半年召开一次会议。情况特殊的,也可采用通讯形式召开。
第二十四条 本团体的会长、秘书长、副会长必须具备下列条件:
第二十五条 本团体副会长、秘书长如超过最高任职年龄的,须经理事会表决通过,报世界文联主席审查批准同意后,报上级主管机构备案方可任职。
第二十六条 副会长、秘书长任期5年,最长不得超过两届。因特殊情况需延长任期的,须经会员代表大会2/3以上会员代表表决通过,报理事会审查批准同意后方可任职。
第二十七条 本团体会长为团体法定代表人,法定代表人代表本团体签署有关重要文件。
第二十八条 本团体会长行使下列职权:
(二)检查会员代表大会 、理事会、常务理事会决议决议落实情况;
第二十九条 本团体秘书长行使下列职权:
第五章 资产管理、使用原则
第三十条 本团体经费来源:
第三十一条 本团体参照世界文联有关规定收取会员会费。
第三十二条 本团体经费必须用于本章程规定的业务范围和事业的发展,不得在会员中分配。
第三十三条 本团体建立严格的财务管理制度,保证资产来源合法、真实、准确、完整。
第三十四条 本团体配备具有专业资格的会计人员。会计不得兼任出纳。会计人员必须进行会计核算,实行会计监督。会计人员调动工作或离职时,必须与接管人员办清交接手续。
第三十五条 本团体的资产管理接受会员代表大会和监事会的监督。资产来源属于政府拨款或者社会捐赠、资助的,必须接受审计机关的监督,并将有关情况以适当方式向社会公布。
第三十六条 本团体换届之前必须接受管理机关组织的财务审计。
第三十七条 本团体的资产,任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分和挪用。
第三十八条 本团体专职工作人员的工资和保险、福利待遇,参照世界文联的国际通用标准以及相关的规定执行。
第六章 章程的修改程序
第三十九条 对本团体章程的修改,须经理事会表决通过后报会员代表大会审议通过。
第七章 终止程序及终止后的财产处理
第四十条 本团体完成宗旨或自行解散或由于分立、合并等原因需要注销的,由理事会提出终止动议。
第四十一条 本团体终止动议须经会员代表大会表决通过,并报主管单位和业务主管单位审查同意。
第四十二条 本团体终止前,须在理事会指导下成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理善后事宜。清算期间,不开展清算以外的活动。
第四十三条 本团体经世界文联办理相关手续后即为终止。
第四十四条 本团体终止后的剩余财产,在主管单位的监督下,按照世界文联的有关规定,由世界文联代管并用于发展与本团体宗旨相关的事业。
第八章 附则
第四十五条 本章程的解释权属本团体的理事会。
Parliamentary documentation bis
Articles of association of Asian Broadcasting Association
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1: the name of this group is the Asian Broadcasting Association (hereinafter referred to as "Asian Broadcasting Association"), and the competent organization of this group is the World Federation of cultural and art circles.
Article 2 the group is committed to exchanges and cooperation in the field of culture, art and live broadcasting in Asia. It is a non-profit international non-governmental organization voluntarily formed by countries in the field of culture, art and live broadcasting in Asia.
Article 3: the purpose of the group is to respond to the international environment of economic globalization and the increasingly active diversification and innovation in the field of culture, art and live broadcasting in Asia, closely focus on the development goal of Asian culture and diversity of the United Nations, and build a comprehensive service platform for the diversification and innovation in the field of culture, art and live broadcasting in Asia and the exchange and cooperation in the field of culture, art and live broadcasting in Asia. Make full use of the resources in the field of Asian culture and art / live broadcasting and the open international cooperation environment to carry out all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level exchanges in the field of foreign culture and art / live broadcasting, provide more and better services in the field of culture and art / live broadcasting in Asian countries, guide individual members and unit members who need to play a role in the direct broadcasting industry, and provide help for live broadcasting, culture, art Organic integration of industries.
The group abides by the Charter of the United Nations, international laws and regulations and the laws and regulations of the people's Republic of China, and abides by the moral customs of the international community.
Article 4: this organization is under the management of the Council of the World Federation of literary and art circles.
Article 5 the registered place of the head office of the group: No. 2503, Jiangsu culture building, No. 89, Zhongshan South Road, Nanjing, China.
Chapter II business scope
Article 6 business scope of the group:
(1) Organize exchanges and cooperation in the field of culture, art and live broadcasting in Asia, and establish stable exchanges and cooperation with counterpart organizations in the field of culture, art and live broadcasting in Asian countries;
(2) Carry out research on the diversified development of Asian culture, art and live broadcasting, and provide policy suggestions for relevant government departments and social organizations in Asian countries to carry out exchanges and cooperation in the field of Asian culture, art and live broadcasting. Entrusted by governments, international organizations and the United Nations or according to the needs of industrial development, Organize or undertake international exchange activities or relevant meetings in the field of culture and art / live broadcasting;
(3) Organize training for workers in the field of culture and art / live broadcasting or people in the field of culture and art / live broadcasting;
(4) Organize academic exchange activities in the field of Asian culture and art / live broadcasting.
(5) Provide a comprehensive, wide-ranging and multi-level service platform for experts in the field of culture and art / live broadcasting in various countries, pay attention to and collect the achievements and wisdom in the field of culture and art / live broadcasting in Asia, regularly provide relevant professional reports to the United Nations / World Federation of literary and Art Circles, and give international awards and reputation recognition under the authorization of the United Nations / World Federation of literary and art circles.
Chapter III members
Article 7. Membership types of the group: individual members and unit members.
Article 8 members applying to join this association must meet the following conditions:
(1) Support the constitution of the group;
(2) Willing to join the group;
(3) Have certain achievements in the field of culture and art / live broadcasting;
(4) Engaged in performing or creative work in the field of culture and art / live broadcasting.
Article 9} membership procedures are as follows:
(1) Submit the application for membership; Individual applications for membership shall be recommended by a director of the Asian Broadcasting Association and reviewed by the Secretariat;
(2) Discussed and adopted by the Council or authorized body;
(3) The membership card shall be issued by the Council or an institution authorized by the Council.
Article 10} members shall enjoy the following rights:
(1) The right to vote, stand for election and vote of the group;
(2) Participate in the activities of the group;
(3) Obtain the services of the group;
(4) The right to suggest and supervise the work of the group;
(5) Voluntary membership and free withdrawal;
(6) Free access to our publications and media links.
Article 11 members shall perform the following obligations:
(1) Implement the resolutions of the group;
(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the group;
(3) Complete the work assigned by the group;
(4) Pay dues according to regulations;
(5) Provide excellent works, industry trends and relevant information to the group.
Article 12 a member who withdraws from the association shall notify the organization in writing and return his membership card. If a member fails to pay his dues within three months, he will be deemed to withdraw automatically, and the association will make an internal briefing.
Article 13 If a member commits any serious violation of the articles of association, it shall be removed from the list after being voted by the Council or authorized institution.
Chapter IV selection and removal of organizational structure and responsible persons
Article 14 the highest administrative authority of this organization is the member congress; The member congress shall establish a Council and a standing council, which shall be responsible to the member congress.
The functions and powers of the member congress are:
(1) Formulate and amend the articles of Association;
(2) Election and removal of directors;
(3) To consider the work report and financial report of the Council;
(4) Formulate and revise membership fee standards;
(5) Decide on termination;
(6) Decide other major matters.
Article 15 a member's Congress can be convened only when more than half of the members' representatives are present, and its resolutions can come into force only after more than half of the members' representatives present vote. The selection method of member representatives shall be formulated and announced by the Secretariat three months before the meeting. The meeting can be held on site or online.
Article 16 the member congress shall be held for five years. If it is necessary to advance or postpone the general election due to special circumstances, it shall be voted by the Council. However, the extension of the term of office shall not exceed one year.
Article 17 # the Council is the executive body of the members' Congress. It leads the group to carry out daily work during the intersessional period and is responsible to the members' Congress.
Article 18. The functions and powers of the Council are:
(1) Implement the resolutions of the member congress;
(2) To elect and recall the vice president and the Secretary General; To elect and remove the executive directors;
(3) Preparing for the convening of the member congress;
(4) Report work and financial status to the member congress;
(5) Decide on the admission or removal of members;
(6) To decide on the establishment of offices, branches, representative offices and entities;
(7) To decide on the appointment of vice presidents, deputy secretaries general and main principals of various institutions;
(8) Lead the work of each organization of the group;
(9) Formulate internal management system;
(10) Decide on other major matters.
Article 19 the Council can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after more than two-thirds of the directors present vote.
Article 20 the Council shall convene at least one meeting every year. Under special circumstances, it can also be held in the form of communication / network.
Article 21 the group shall establish a standing council. The Standing Council shall be elected by the Council. When the Council is not in session, it shall exercise the functions and powers of items 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Article 18 and be responsible to the Council (the number of standing directors shall not exceed 1 / 3 of the number of directors).
Article 22 The Standing Council can be convened only when more than 2 / 3 of the standing directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after more than 2 / 3 of the standing directors present vote.
Article 23 The Standing Council shall convene a meeting at least once every six months. Under special circumstances, it can also be held in the form of communication.
Article 24 the president, secretary general and vice president of the association must meet the following conditions:
(1) Adhere to the basic laws of Asian countries and the Charter of the United Nations;
(2) Have a great influence in the business field of the group;
(3) The maximum age of the Secretary General shall not exceed 70 years old, and the Secretary General shall be a full-time;
(4) The maximum age of the Vice President shall not exceed 70 years old;
(5) Healthy and able to work normally;
(6) Have not received criminal punishment of deprivation of political rights;
(7) Having full capacity for civil conduct;
(8) The candidate for the Secretary General of the association shall be nominated by the relevant leaders of the World Federation of literary and art circles, and the vice president and Deputy Secretary General shall be nominated by the president or Secretary General of the association, elected by the Council and reported to the superior competent authority for the record.
Article 25 If the president and vice president of the World Federation are approved by the Supreme Council, they can hold office after being approved by the Secretary General of the World Federation.
Article 26 The term of office of the vice president and the Secretary General shall be five years, and the longest term shall not exceed two. If the term of office needs to be extended due to special circumstances, it shall be approved by more than 2 / 3 of the member representatives of the member congress and submitted to the Council for review and approval.
Article 27 the president of the group shall be the legal representative of the group, who shall sign relevant important documents on behalf of the group.
Article 28 the president of the association shall exercise the following functions and powers:
(1) Convene and preside over the Council and the Standing Council;
(2) Inspect the implementation of resolutions of member congresses, councils and standing councils;
(3) Propose and preside over the review of the group's development policy and work plan;
(4) Preside over the important activities of the group.
Article 29 the Secretary General of the group shall exercise the following functions and powers:
(1) Preside over the daily work of the office and organize the implementation of the annual work plan;
(2) Coordinate the work of branches, representative offices and entities;
(3) Nominating the deputy secretary general and the principal heads of various offices, branches, representative offices and entities for decision by the Council or the Standing Council;
(4) To decide on the employment of full-time staff of administrative offices, representative offices and entity institutions;
(5) Handle other daily affairs.
Chapter V principles of asset management and use
Article 30: the fund source of the group:
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Donations;
(3) Government funding;
(4) Income from activities or services carried out within the approved scope of business;
(5) Interest;
(6) Other legal income.
Article 31 the group collects membership dues in accordance with the relevant regulations of the World Federation of literary and art circles.
Article 32 the group's funds must be used for the business scope and career development specified in the articles of association, and shall not be distributed among members.
Article 33 the group shall establish a strict financial management system to ensure that the source of assets is legal, true, accurate and complete.
Article 34 the group shall be staffed with accountants with professional qualifications. An accountant may not concurrently serve as a cashier. Accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision. When an accountant transfers or leaves his job, he must go through the handover procedures with the receiver.
Article 35 the members and the representatives of the board of supervisors shall be subject to supervision. Where the sources of assets are government appropriations or social donations or subsidies, they must be subject to the supervision of audit institutions and publicize the relevant information to the public in an appropriate manner.
Article 36 before the change of office, the group must accept the financial audit organized by the management organ.
Article 37 No unit or individual may occupy, privately divide or misappropriate the assets of the group.
Article 38 the wages, insurance and welfare benefits of the full - time staff of the group shall be implemented with reference to the international general standards of the World Federation of literary and art circles and relevant regulations.
Chapter VI procedures for amending the articles of Association
Article 39 amendments to the articles of association of the group shall be submitted to the member congress for deliberation and approval after being voted by the Council.
Chapter VII termination procedures and property disposal after termination
Article 40 If the group completes its purpose or dissolves on its own or needs to be cancelled due to separation, merger and other reasons, the Council shall propose a motion for termination.
Article 41 the motion for the termination of this group must be voted by the member congress and reported to the competent unit and business competent unit for examination and approval.
Article 42 before the termination of the group, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the Council to clear up creditor's rights and debts and deal with the aftermath. During liquidation, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out.
Article 43: the group shall be terminated after the WFC has gone through the relevant procedures.
Article 44 the remaining property after the termination of the group shall be managed by the World Federation of literary and art circles under the supervision of the competent unit and in accordance with the relevant regulations of the World Federation of literary and art circles, and shall be used for the development of undertakings related to the purpose of the group.
Chapter VIII supplementary provisions
Article 45 the power of interpretation of the articles of association belongs to the Council of the association.
October 5, 2020