“绝止减画价!”齐白石门条书法中的“真情告白”"Stop painting price!" The "true confession" in the calligraphy of Qi Baishi's door

  • 2018-02-13 16:14:11
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《庚午直白》齐白石 1930年 北京画院藏。“花钱买画”本是理所应当,但总有人想攀交情索画,齐白石不胜其烦,一九三〇年他贴出门条,直言“卖画不论交情,君子有耻,请照润格出钱”。
《庚午直白》齐白石 1930年 北京画院藏。“花钱买画”本是理所应当,但总有人想攀交情索画,齐白石不胜其烦,一九三〇年他贴出门条,直言“卖画不论交情,君子有耻,请照润格出钱”。




《自书润例》齐白石 1948年 北京画院藏。那么齐白石的润格是多少呢?北京画院藏的《自书润例》中可见三七年齐白石扇面润格“扇面:大者三十元,中者二十五元。红色:重用十元,少用五元。刻印:朱文廿元,白文十五元。以上每元加一角。出门之画回头加印,加字不答应。三十七年十月,本主人。”
《自书润例》齐白石 1948年 北京画院藏。那么齐白石的润格是多少呢?北京画院藏的《自书润例》中可见三七年齐白石扇面润格“扇面:大者三十元,中者二十五元。红色:重用十元,少用五元。刻印:朱文廿元,白文十五元。以上每元加一角。出门之画回头加印,加字不答应。三十七年十月,本主人。” 
《门条》齐白石 1940年 辽宁省博物馆藏。买画的人都希望把画价压低,还有一些熟人或半熟人企图通过请齐白石吃饭来得到画。更有甚者有人用与齐白石合影在外卖假画骗钱。对于这些人当面不好拒绝,为此他只好通过书面告示表达自己的意图。 “绝止减画价,绝止吃饭馆,绝止照相。”,不但如此,他还以自己的年龄为提价的理由:“吾年八十矣,尺纸六元,每元加二角。”
《门条》齐白石 1940年 辽宁省博物馆藏。买画的人都希望把画价压低,还有一些熟人或半熟人企图通过请齐白石吃饭来得到画。更有甚者有人用与齐白石合影在外卖假画骗钱。对于这些人当面不好拒绝,为此他只好通过书面告示表达自己的意图。 “绝止减画价,绝止吃饭馆,绝止照相。”,不但如此,他还以自己的年龄为提价的理由:“吾年八十矣,尺纸六元,每元加二角。” 
齐白石八十一岁又写有一条综合性的告示 “凡藏白石之画多者,再来不画,或加价;送礼物者不答;介绍者不酬谢;出门之画,回头补虫不应;已出门之画,回头加印加题不应;不照相(凡照相者,多有假白石名,在外国展卖假画。);厂肆只顾主顾,为我减价定画,不应。九九翁坚白。”原来有的老顾客,他们因为买的多了便会凭借这点往往会在再买时要求减价。为了应付这样的买家,齐白石只好规定,除非你加价,别再企图凭借老买家占便宜。有些人为了省钱以送礼代替现金,齐白石则直接加以拒绝。再有对那些企图利用介绍人身份得到赠送者,也是明确的表示了不白送的态度。还有些买家在买到手出门后,琢磨着能再沾点便宜,因为他们知道齐白石的画中如果有草虫,价钱会高些,为此有返回来要求补虫的;有的知道齐白石印章好字好,印章多的、题字多的价钱也会相对高些,于是也有出门又返回来加章加题的。齐白石在这些方面得到不止一次的教训。他就是告知买者买卖当面搞定,出门后没有义务再加画的。在齐白石出大名后,冒牌的画也兴盛起来。作假者为了使买者相信,便与齐白石的合影去骗。所以齐白石写“不照相”。齐白石卖画许多时候要通过厂肆(商店),厂肆为了多卖画,有时候不遵守与齐白石预约的价格,把价格压低。这样势必会伤了白石的利益。为此齐白石明确的告知厂肆,如此的压价自己不接受。为了表明自己的态度,在告示中齐白石特别用了“坚白”二字。
齐白石八十一岁又写有一条综合性的告示 “凡藏白石之画多者,再来不画,或加价;送礼物者不答;介绍者不酬谢;出门之画,回头补虫不应;已出门之画,回头加印加题不应;不照相(凡照相者,多有假白石名,在外国展卖假画。);厂肆只顾主顾,为我减价定画,不应。九九翁坚白。”原来有的老顾客,他们因为买的多了便会凭借这点往往会在再买时要求减价。为了应付这样的买家,齐白石只好规定,除非你加价,别再企图凭借老买家占便宜。有些人为了省钱以送礼代替现金,齐白石则直接加以拒绝。再有对那些企图利用介绍人身份得到赠送者,也是明确的表示了不白送的态度。还有些买家在买到手出门后,琢磨着能再沾点便宜,因为他们知道齐白石的画中如果有草虫,价钱会高些,为此有返回来要求补虫的;有的知道齐白石印章好字好,印章多的、题字多的价钱也会相对高些,于是也有出门又返回来加章加题的。齐白石在这些方面得到不止一次的教训。他就是告知买者买卖当面搞定,出门后没有义务再加画的。在齐白石出大名后,冒牌的画也兴盛起来。作假者为了使买者相信,便与齐白石的合影去骗。所以齐白石写“不照相”。齐白石卖画许多时候要通过厂肆(商店),厂肆为了多卖画,有时候不遵守与齐白石预约的价格,把价格压低。这样势必会伤了白石的利益。为此齐白石明确的告知厂肆,如此的压价自己不接受。为了表明自己的态度,在告示中齐白石特别用了“坚白”二字。
《门条》齐白石  1937年 辽宁省博物馆藏。“凡我门客,喜寻师母,请安问好者,请莫再来!丁丑十一月谨白”。从这些门条上,可以看出齐白石带有童稚气的锱铢必较。当然,也从另一个方面看出由于名气在外,可能有人在齐白石处碰钉子,转而去求师母,齐白石不堪其扰,于是写下了这个“门条”。
《门条》齐白石  1937年 辽宁省博物馆藏。“凡我门客,喜寻师母,请安问好者,请莫再来!丁丑十一月谨白”。从这些门条上,可以看出齐白石带有童稚气的锱铢必较。当然,也从另一个方面看出由于名气在外,可能有人在齐白石处碰钉子,转而去求师母,齐白石不堪其扰,于是写下了这个“门条”。
《启事》 齐白石  1940年 北京画院藏。“中外官长,要白石之画者,用代表人可矣,不必亲驾到门。从来官不入民家,官入民家,主人不利。谨此告知,恕不接见。”从这个门条可以领略齐白石的铮铮风骨。这段告白专门贴给那些前来向他索画的日寇和汉奸的大小头目们看的,说如果你买画,找专门的经纪人来就可以了,不必亲自驾到,从来都说官不入民家,您若来了,那就是方我,恕不接见。时为1940年。到1943年,他干脆贴出了“停止卖画”的告白。
《启事》 齐白石  1940年 北京画院藏。“中外官长,要白石之画者,用代表人可矣,不必亲驾到门。从来官不入民家,官入民家,主人不利。谨此告知,恕不接见。”从这个门条可以领略齐白石的铮铮风骨。这段告白专门贴给那些前来向他索画的日寇和汉奸的大小头目们看的,说如果你买画,找专门的经纪人来就可以了,不必亲自驾到,从来都说官不入民家,您若来了,那就是方我,恕不接见。时为1940年。到1943年,他干脆贴出了“停止卖画”的告白。
《告白》齐白石  1930年 北京画院藏。“鄙人养病,午前出门闲游,午后申时接客。”
《告白》齐白石  1930年 北京画院藏。“鄙人养病,午前出门闲游,午后申时接客。”



"Stop painting price!" The "true confession" in the calligraphy of Qi Baishi's door

《庚午直白》齐白石 1930年 北京画院藏。“花钱买画”本是理所应当,但总有人想攀交情索画,齐白石不胜其烦,一九三〇年他贴出门条,直言“卖画不论交情,君子有耻,请照润格出钱”。

"Qi Baishi" Gengwu straightforward 1930 Beijing Tibetan painting. "Buy the painting" this is as it should be, but there are people who want to climb friendship cable paintings, Qi Baishi 193, he be pestered beyond endurance, stick out, say "sell paintings regardless of friendship, a shame, please pay rengar".
Mr. Qi Baishi is a modern calligraphic and painting artist. As a great artist, his personality is very popular. It is different from the "personality" of our artistic master. Mr. Qi Baishi's personality is reflected in his practical and serious life. Some evaluation, Wu Changshuo and Qi Baishi could become the two mountains of modern painting, Wu Changshuo is on the stone, Qi Baishi taste "by" pyrotechnic gas".
This "pyrotechnic gas" embodied in Qi Baishi's creation, with the use of color, originality, conception style is vulgar to see adaiah, at the same time, "pyrotechnic gas" is also reflected in Mr. Qi Baishi's character, specifically in the Beijing Art Museum recently exhibited "I no Tian Shipo - Yan Qi Baishi's calligraphy implication of the two" special exhibition "door" calligraphy works, see.
The exhibition is jointly organized by the Beijing Museum, Art Museum of Hunan Province, Liaoning Province, with the capital museum, Chongqing Museum and the China Central Academy of Fine Arts China Three Gorges Museum, the six domestic important Qi Baishi collection agency 60 sets boutique together to trace Qi Baishi calligraphy evolvement.

《自书润例》齐白石 1948年 北京画院藏。那么齐白石的润格是多少呢?北京画院藏的《自书润例》中可见三七年齐白石扇面润格“扇面:大者三十元,中者二十五元。红色:重用十元,少用五元。刻印:朱文廿元,白文十五元。以上每元加一角。出门之画回头加印,加字不答应。三十七年十月,本主人。”

"From the book" the remuneration of Qi Baishi 1948 Beijing Tibetan painting. How much is the price of Qi Baishi? The Beijing Tibetan painting "from the book" seen in the 37 years the remuneration of Qi Baishi's fan fan: big price thirty yuan, twenty-five yuan. Red: reuse ten yuan, less use five yuan. Mark: Zhu Wennian Bai Yuan, fifteen yuan. Plus one corner per yuan. Go out of print painting back, plus the word do not agree. In October, the master of the thirty-seven year. "
"From the book" the remuneration of Qi Baishi 1948 Beijing Tibetan painting. How much is the price of Qi Baishi? The Beijing Tibetan painting "from the book" seen in the 37 years the remuneration of Qi Baishi's fan fan: big price thirty yuan, twenty-five yuan. Red: reuse ten yuan, less use five yuan. Mark: Zhu Wennian Bai Yuan, fifteen yuan. Plus one corner per yuan. Go out of print painting back, plus the word do not agree. In October, the master of the thirty-seven year. "

《门条》齐白石 1940年 辽宁省博物馆藏。买画的人都希望把画价压低,还有一些熟人或半熟人企图通过请齐白石吃饭来得到画。更有甚者有人用与齐白石合影在外卖假画骗钱。对于这些人当面不好拒绝,为此他只好通过书面告示表达自己的意图。 “绝止减画价,绝止吃饭馆,绝止照相。”,不但如此,他还以自己的年龄为提价的理由:“吾年八十矣,尺纸六元,每元加二角。”

"Gate" Qi Baishi 1940 Museum in Liaoning province. People who buy pictures want to keep the price down, and some acquaintances or half acquaintances try to get Qi Baishi to get a picture by asking for dinner. Even someone with a photo with Qi Baishi in the takeaway scam fake paintings. For these people, he had to express his intentions through a written notice. "Stop drawing prices, stop eating restaurants and stop photographing." Not only that, he is also the reason for his age to raise the price: "I am eighty, six yuan, two angles per yuan."

齐白石八十一岁又写有一条综合性的告示 “凡藏白石之画多者,再来不画,或加价;送礼物者不答;介绍者不酬谢;出门之画,回头补虫不应;已出门之画,回头加印加题不应;不照相(凡照相者,多有假白石名,在外国展卖假画。);厂肆只顾主顾,为我减价定画,不应。九九翁坚白。”原来有的老顾客,他们因为买的多了便会凭借这点往往会在再买时要求减价。为了应付这样的买家,齐白石只好规定,除非你加价,别再企图凭借老买家占便宜。有些人为了省钱以送礼代替现金,齐白石则直接加以拒绝。再有对那些企图利用介绍人身份得到赠送者,也是明确的表示了不白送的态度。还有些买家在买到手出门后,琢磨着能再沾点便宜,因为他们知道齐白石的画中如果有草虫,价钱会高些,为此有返回来要求补虫的;有的知道齐白石印章好字好,印章多的、题字多的价钱也会相对高些,于是也有出门又返回来加章加题的。齐白石在这些方面得到不止一次的教训。他就是告知买者买卖当面搞定,出门后没有义务再加画的。在齐白石出大名后,冒牌的画也兴盛起来。作假者为了使买者相信,便与齐白石的合影去骗。所以齐白石写“不照相”。齐白石卖画许多时候要通过厂肆(商店),厂肆为了多卖画,有时候不遵守与齐白石预约的价格,把价格压低。这样势必会伤了白石的利益。为此齐白石明确的告知厂肆,如此的压价自己不接受。为了表明自己的态度,在告示中齐白石特别用了“坚白”二字。

The eighty-one year old Qi Baishi has written a comprehensive notice "where the white stone painting hidden more, again not painting, or increase; gift not answer; do not go out of the reward; draw back up, should not have to go out of the worm; painting, print and title should not look back; not photography (where the photographer, a fake white stone, in the foreign sale of fake paintings). The factory is only patronage, for me to reduce the price of painting, not to. 99 white weng." There are old customers who, because they buy more, will often ask for a reduction when they buy it. In order to deal with such buyers, Qi Baishi has to stipulate that unless you raise the price, don't try to take advantage of the old buyer. Some people to save money to give gifts instead of cash, Qi Baishi directly refuses. For those who have tried to use the identity of the sender is introduced, made it clear that no free attitude. Some buyers to buy home, wondering to get a bargain, because they know that Qi Baishi's painting if there are insects, the price will be higher, so it is required to fill back worms; some know Qi Baishi good words good seal, seal, multi inscription than price will be relatively higher, so have to go out and back with chapters with questions. Qi Baishi has learned more than once in these aspects. He is to tell the buyer that the sale is done on the face and that he has no obligation to draw again after going out. After Qi Baishi's name, the impostor also flourished. In order to convince the buyer, the fake is deceived with Qi Baishi's photo. So Qi Baishi wrote "no photography". Qi Baishi sells paintings many times through shops (shops), shop shops in order to sell more paintings, sometimes do not comply with Qi Baishi's reservation price, to lower the price. This is bound to hurt the interests of white stone. To this end, Qi Baishi clearly informed the factory, such a price that they do not accept. In order to show their attitude, in the notice of Qi Baishi with a special "hardness and whiteness" two words.
The eighty-one year old Qi Baishi has written a comprehensive notice "where the white stone painting hidden more, again not painting, or increase; gift not answer; do not go out of the reward; draw back up, should not have to go out of the worm; painting, print and title should not look back; not photography (where the photographer, a fake white stone, in the foreign sale of fake paintings). The factory is only patronage, for me to reduce the price of painting, not to. 99 white weng." There are old customers who, because they buy more, will often ask for a reduction when they buy it. In order to deal with such buyers, Qi Baishi has to stipulate that unless you raise the price, don't try to take advantage of the old buyer. Some people to save money to give gifts instead of cash, Qi Baishi directly refuses. For those who have tried to use the identity of the sender is introduced, made it clear that no free attitude. Some buyers to buy home, wondering to get a bargain, because they know that Qi Baishi's painting if there are insects, the price will be higher, so it is required to fill back worms; some know Qi Baishi good words good seal, seal, multi inscription than price will be relatively higher, so have to go out and back with chapters with questions. Qi Baishi has learned more than once in these aspects. He is to tell the buyer that the sale is done on the face and that he has no obligation to draw again after going out. After Qi Baishi's name, the impostor also flourished. In order to convince the buyer, the fake is deceived with Qi Baishi's photo. So Qi Baishi wrote "no photography". Qi Baishi sells paintings many times through shops (shops), shop shops in order to sell more paintings, sometimes do not comply with Qi Baishi's reservation price, to lower the price. This is bound to hurt the interests of white stone. To this end, Qi Baishi clearly informed the factory, such a price that they do not accept. In order to show their attitude, in the notice of Qi Baishi with a special "hardness and whiteness" two words.

《门条》齐白石  1937年 辽宁省博物馆藏。“凡我门客,喜寻师母,请安问好者,请莫再来!丁丑十一月谨白”。从这些门条上,可以看出齐白石带有童稚气的锱铢必较。当然,也从另一个方面看出由于名气在外,可能有人在齐白石处碰钉子,转而去求师母,齐白石不堪其扰,于是写下了这个“门条”。

"Gate" Qi Baishi 1937 Museum in Liaoning province. "Where I like to find my wife, Menke, best regards, please don't come back! Dingchou November with white". From the door bar, you can see Qi Baishi with child childish pennywise. Of course, from another aspect that due to fame outside, people may have hit a snag in Qi Baishi, to find his wife, Qi Baishi unbearable, he wrote the article "door".
"Gate" Qi Baishi 1937 Museum in Liaoning province. "Where I like to find my wife, Menke, best regards, please don't come back! Dingchou November with white". From the door bar, you can see Qi Baishi with child childish pennywise. Of course, from another aspect that due to fame outside, people may have hit a snag in Qi Baishi, to find his wife, Qi Baishi unbearable, he wrote the article "door".

《启事》 齐白石  1940年 北京画院藏。“中外官长,要白石之画者,用代表人可矣,不必亲驾到门。从来官不入民家,官入民家,主人不利。谨此告知,恕不接见。”从这个门条可以领略齐白石的铮铮风骨。这段告白专门贴给那些前来向他索画的日寇和汉奸的大小头目们看的,说如果你买画,找专门的经纪人来就可以了,不必亲自驾到,从来都说官不入民家,您若来了,那就是方我,恕不接见。时为1940年。到1943年,他干脆贴出了“停止卖画”的告白。

Qi Baishi's Beijing Painting Academy in 1940. "Chinese and foreign rulers, white stone painting, the representative can carry, do not have to drive to the door of the pro. The official does not enter the people's house, the official enters the people's house, the master is disadvantageous. I would like to inform you that you are not subject to acceptance. " The door can appreciate Qi Baishi's unyielding strength of character. This special advertisement posted to those who came to him to draw the Japanese aggressors and the traitors who see the size of the leader, said that if you buy a painting, a special agent to find it, don't have to drive to, never say officials do not into the home, if you come, that is the party without me interview. It was 1940. By 1943, he put up a "stop selling painting" confession.
Qi Baishi's Beijing Painting Academy in 1940. "Chinese and foreign rulers, white stone painting, the representative can carry, do not have to drive to the door of the pro. The official does not enter the people's house, the official enters the people's house, the master is disadvantageous. I would like to inform you that you are not subject to acceptance. " The door can appreciate Qi Baishi's unyielding strength of character. This special advertisement posted to those who came to him to draw the Japanese aggressors and the traitors who see the size of the leader, said that if you buy a painting, a special agent to find it, don't have to drive to, never say officials do not into the home, if you come, that is the party without me interview. It was 1940. By 1943, he put up a "stop selling painting" confession.




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