《我要上春晚》周杰伦爱徒合唱景甜 巩汉林之子追忆赵丽蓉"I recall Zhao Lirong to show" Tian Jing Gong Hanlin's son Jay Chou disciple Chorus

  • 2018-01-08 10:54:21
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《我要上春晚》周杰伦爱徒合唱景甜 巩汉林之子追忆赵丽蓉

"I recall Zhao Lirong to show" Tian Jing Gong Hanlin's son Jay Chou disciple Chorus



  巩汉林之子首次冲击春晚 忆赵丽蓉当年苦练毛笔字



  周杰伦爱徒被赞活力四射 方文山现身打call

  自《我要上春晚》开播以来,便迎来越来越多的名师高徒。本期节目中,周杰伦亲自挖掘的第一位徒弟派伟俊也来到《我要上春晚》的舞台。小派虽然年仅18岁,但却展现了他惊人的创作能力与舞台感染力。不仅与助梦嘉宾景甜合作一曲《告白气球》向师傅致敬,更用自己的原创歌曲《我的时代》将现场气氛引爆。就连一向严格做派的朱军也自叹不如:“小派自己写歌曲,而且得到前辈们的认可,说实在的,我在18 岁的时候比你差远了。”著名歌唱家李谷一也极力为小派的青春活力点赞:“这孩子的前途是不可估量的!”除此之外,著名词作家方文山也惊喜现身为小派助阵。除了前辈们的支持,派伟俊的妈妈姐姐也来到现场,讲述了派伟俊拜师学艺的经历。令人意想不到的是,派伟俊家里的经济并不宽裕,六个孩子都由妈妈一个人抚养,小派借机演唱为家人写的歌曲《保护你》,感恩妈妈一直以来的付出与支持,并且感动宣言:“谢谢妈妈这么辛苦,我以后会更努力,让妈妈过好日子!”


  付笛声任静之子唱孝心 蔡国庆盼儿子快长大





"I recall Zhao Lirong to show" Tian Jing Gong Hanlin's son Jay Chou disciple Chorus

In January 6th (Saturday) 19:30, the large interactive entertainment program "I want to go to Spring Festival Gala" will be broadcasted in the tenth phase, launched by CCTV large program center. The first time Vincent Fang recommended this stage is "I want to be in the Spring Festival Gala". Zhu Jun, Kaili Zhang, Cai Guoqing, review Li Guyi together for the program content pointing checks, the punchline became a stage".

This offer is more exquisite beyond compare way for the audience in the show, "I want to show" stage, there are a variety of pop songs with the current "new era" has jumped up, thrilling acrobatics "twins" have joined the phantom mirror, propose musical elements to bring a new experience for the audience "special" sketch...... In the Spring Festival Gala, Cai Guoqing brought a "can't do without you", go to the audience and sing together, as if to pull the scene back to 1996.

Gong Hanlin's son first hit the Spring Festival Gala to recalling Zhao Lirong's writing brushes

In the Spring Festival Gala, the sketch has always been a form of hot discussion. This time, Gong Hanlin's son Gong Tian Kuo is also playing the role in the stage of "I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala". The sketch he brings with his partner is a special love story under the background of the newly opened S1 maglev train in Beijing. But as the first show on the stage of "I'm going to the Spring Festival" stage, the judges are all very strict. Zhu Jun knew him when he was very small, but Zhu Jun, a spicy judge, still kept his harsh attitude. Li Guyi also put forward his own opinions on the details of the sketch. Meanwhile, Li Guyi also eagerly hoped that he could choose the best new spring festival gala for the audience. She also laughed at herself: "every year is these faces, including myself, hate!" How can Zhu Jun be moved by Kuo Tian, who is a family member of a small family? It's really stressful!

Although Mr. Li Guyi was so ridiculed about himself, in the audience, the older generation of artists was always their warm spring evening memory. Mention "Yuye palace wine", most people will immediately think of that kind and gentle old lady Zhao Lirong, and then blurted out "Yibaibayi Cup", visible old artist charm and excellent pieces of vitality. Gong Tian Kuo was also reminded of the memory of his predecessor, teacher Zhao Lirong. He came to the Spring Festival show for the first time when he was eleven years old. He opened the door and saw the rehearsal room, full of newspapers. Above all is the eight calligraphy "genuine goods at a fair price, fair trade". Gong day broad also affectionately known as "Zhao Nainai Zhao Lirong", he was full of admiration to recall the past "said Zhao grandmother that year, in addition to their own name, nor write other words, but because the program needs, she practiced hard for several months, he wrote the eight words, write the words to the end that is a master level." Because of the reasons for the Spring Festival Gala, the last eight brush words were simplified into four words, "real goods", but it is precisely because of such a conscientious old artist Zhao Lirong that they only have the classic "work adventure" that the audience has never forgotten for more than ten years.

Jay Chou disciple is like energetic Vincent Fang appeared at call

Since "I want on the show" since its launch, will usher in more and more famous. In this programme, Jay Chou's first apprentice, Wei Jun, also came to the stage of "I want to go to the Spring Festival". Although the small school is only 18 years old, it shows his amazing creative ability and stage infection. Not only to cooperate with the dream guest Tian Jing to cooperate with the "confession balloon" to pay tribute to the master, but also to use his own original song "my time" will be detonated in the scene. Even Zhu Jun has always been strict style sighed: "Andy write their own songs, and predecessors recognition, to tell the truth, I at the age of 18 is far worse than you." Li Guyi, a famous singer, also strongly praised the youth's vitality: "this child's future is immeasurable". Besides this, the famous writer Vincent Fang also surprised to come out to help the small school. In addition to the predecessors, send Wei Jun mother sister also came to the scene, about the school teacher's experience of Wei Jun. Unexpectedly, sent Wei Jun home economy is not well-off, six children by the mother of a person who, for the song "small school concert took the opportunity to write protect your family", my mother has always been paying since gratitude and support, and moved the Declaration: "thank you mom so hard, I will work harder after mom, let a good life!"

The program can be described as a big cross between the two sides, not only a new show from Taiwan, but also a woman from Hongkong. Vincy Chan and Xu Jingyun, the Hongkong singer, and Xu Jingyun, will pass the new year's bustle and joy to each of the audience with a new year's "spring flower". Using the strength of female singer Vincy Chan live a cappella "unforgettable tonight", called teacher Li Guyi on the show's memories, and said: "domineering" unforgettable tonight "is the show's logo!" what cross-strait singer who can get more praise, Jay Chou favorite original songs can green blue?

Fu Disheng and Ren Jing's son sings filial piety Cai Guoqing expecting his son to grow up

16 years ago, a song of "love" in Ren Jing Fu Disheng will also be on both sides of the Changjiang River, the popular model couple. On the stage of "I'm going to Spring Festival Evening" in this period, two couples take their son Fu to the stage, a new time of integration of fashion and popular elements such as electronics and rap.



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