贵州:将戏曲艺术资源作为“贵州文化云”建设的重要内容Guizhou: the important content of the opera art resources as the construction of "Guizhou culture cloud"
近日,贵州省政府办公厅下发关于加强戏曲传承发展的意见,其中指出,到 2020 年,贵州省将建成健全完善的戏曲艺术保护传承工作体系、学校教育与戏曲艺术表演团体相结合的人才培养体系等,同时建立一批戏曲传承发展基地,培养一批戏曲名家,储备一批戏曲人才。将黔剧、花灯戏打造成为贵州特色、全国知名并有广泛影响的戏曲品牌。
意见指出,将全面完成贵州省地方戏曲剧种普查,深度摸清贵州省地方戏曲剧种的数量、发展历史等情况,建成准确、完整、规范的戏曲艺术档案体系。2018 年 9 月底前,建成完善的贵州省地方戏曲数据库和信息共享平台,对戏曲文化资源实行常态的数字化、动态化、科学化管理。将戏曲艺术资源作为 " 贵州文化云 " 建设的重要内容。
2018年8月底前,运用现代科技手段完成贵州省戏曲剧目的文字、1、影像、声音等戏曲艺术资料的留存和备份。同时将戏曲演出纳入基本公共文化服务体系,开展 " 菜单式 "、" 订单式 " 服务。利用广场、凉亭、文化站等场所建立戏曲文化角,鼓励群众自发开展戏曲传唱。
此外,还将遴选一批戏曲艺术院团作为重点扶持对象,以点带面,发挥示范带动作用。并大力推动戏曲 " 双进 "(戏曲进校园、学生进剧场)。开展学校戏曲通识教育,向中小学生推荐优秀戏曲。鼓励学校组建戏曲社团等兴趣小组、举办 " 戏曲艺术节 " 等有关活动。
Guizhou: the important content of the opera art resources as the construction of "Guizhou culture cloud"
Recently, the office of the Guizhou provincial government issued on the strengthening of the opera development, which pointed out that in 2020, Guizhou province will build a perfect opera art heritage protection work system, school education and drama art performing groups combining the personnel training system, and set up a number of opera development base, cultivate a group of reserve a number of famous opera, opera talent. Will become the Guizhou lantern show, Guizhou opera features, and have broad implications for the well-known brand of opera.
It is pointed out that the census of local operas in Guizhou province will be fully completed, and the number and the development history of the local operas in Guizhou province can be thoroughly investigated, so as to establish an accurate, complete and standardized drama archives system. Before the end of September 2018, built the local opera database and information sharing platform of Guizhou province and improve the implementation of the norm for opera cultural resources digitization, dynamic and scientific management. The art resources of the opera are the important content of the construction of the "Guizhou cultural cloud".
Before the end of August 2018, the use of modern technology to complete the Guizhou opera to text, pictures, images, sound and other opera art data retention and backup. At the same time, the opera performance is included in the basic public cultural service system, and the "menu" and "order" services are carried out. The cultural corner of the opera was set up in places such as square, pavilion, cultural station and other places to encourage the masses to carry out the singing of opera spontaneously.
In addition, the selection of a number of opera art troupes as key targets, to play a leading role model. And vigorously promote the "double entry" of the Opera (opera into the campus, the students into the theater). To carry out general education in school opera and recommend outstanding opera to primary and middle school students. Schools should be encouraged to set up interest groups such as opera societies and other activities such as "Opera Art Festival".
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