世界文联2018最美的100名俄罗斯舞蹈学院大学生摄影作品选评World Cultural Federation's 2018 most beautiful 100 Russian Dance College Students' photography selection

  • 2017-12-15 01:21:57
  • 点赞量:3321
  • 点击量:62732
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World Cultural Federation's 2018 most beautiful 100 Russian Dance College Students' photography selection

   为了推动世界文化艺术交流; 为了rdxs在健康向上的校园环境中xx,dxs才能在花样的年龄里,为人生谱写最动听的青春旋律和铺垫未来腾飞的跑道/世界文化艺术界联合会摄影家协会,将举办世界各国系列艺术摄影作品评选/       【2018最美的100名俄罗斯舞蹈学院大学生摄影作品选评】是系列活动之一。





以上有不清楚的地方请联系本届活动总负责人 手机:18610766399
                                                       sjwh syjxh


The world's literary union 2018 most beautiful 100 Russian Dance College Students photography works selected World Cultural Federation's 2018 most beautiful 100 Russian Dance College Students'photography selectionv sixth college student photography exhibition work collection notice.



. in order to promote world cultural exchange; to rdxs in healthy campus environment in XX, DXS in the age of pattern, to compose the most beautiful melody of youth life and pave the way for the future growth of the runway / world culture and Art Federation Photographers Association, will be held around the world series of works of art photography the selection of / [2018 most beautiful 100 Russian Dance College photography selected] is one of the series of activities. College art photography works of the Russian Academy of dance contest, relying on the "recording career learning art school of dance, salute the youth theme, rich dance college students after school life, active campus learning atmosphere. Increase National Academy of dance art photography AC / selected topics: works to reflect the "sexy charm of youth movement" to evaluate the photo and photography. The selection of the works is the selection of the 2018 most beautiful 100 photographic works of the Russian dance college students.   



Award and display

Sjwl professional photographer PWH, all photos of this event will be displayed on the sjwl publicity platform.

All photos involve the portrait rights problem xlxwm activity sponsor has the final explanation to the activity!

This is not clear, please contact the chief executive of this event: 18610766399


Sjwh syjxh

December 2017.12.30, 











    男性:阳光钢毅/  女性:曲线优优 /  在表现人类形体美丽健美的同时/借用表达人类在社会交流中的真善美/


The Russian outstanding human photography: what is a good body art photography / we think everything in the world is beautiful page / body is more bright and brilliant page / / the intelligent part of the universe such as: Male / female: Sun Yi steel curve in human form youyou / beauty and fitness use / expression of human in social communication Zhenshanmei / world culture and Art Federation Photographers Association



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