笔墨随时代 丹青绘山河—中国世界级艺术大师孟广龙精品赏析














2016年被邀“书画界新闻人物献礼全国两会”“聚焦书画传奇人物系列推荐”“深入生活扎根人民优秀人民书画家成果 展”。

2017 年12 月,孟广龙老师现身中央电视台,全程参与2017年特别节目《温暖2017》录制并与中央电视台著名主持人朱军合影留念。



2019年11月参加由韩国书画协会举办的“墨香之约 魅力中国——中韩文化艺术交流大会”并授予“中韩两国文化交流大使”荣誉称号。



2020年4月参加全国书画网络精品展《大美中国 大美书画》并授予“新时代优秀书画家”。






2022年3月,书法名家孟广龙老师经过有关权威单位强烈重点举荐,入选“中华英才2022年度人 物”,其代表作品入刊《中华英才》半月刊,作为2022全国两会特别推荐书画名家。

2022年11月——12月,其十幅代表作品被评选参加《大美无疆 共通共享》一带一路十国数字艺术巡展,作品已展出,荣获诸多赞誉。





Meng Guanglong, born on World Reading Day on April 23, 1956, Han nationality, Ao, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia

From Grassland Village, Xiawa Town, Han Banner. Joined education and teaching work on September 1, 1977, majoring in Chinese languageGraduated, Deputy Senior Teacher of Primary School. Chinese national guest ceremony artist. Passionate about calligraphy, preparing for lessons in teachingTry to use regular script, official script, and running script to write lesson plans, and use regular script, running script, and blackboard script to write knowledge when teaching,Zhidian has established a neat blackboard writing model for students, integrating calligraphy knowledge into the subject, cultivating students' good writing habits, and enabling them to love calligraphy and have a strong interest in calligraphy in their studies. It has organized students to participate in calligraphy competitions and actively participated in their own activities.

Mr. Meng Guanglong is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association and a visiting professor at the Shanghai Training Center of the Hong Kong International Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association. He is an art consultant for the "Art Capital" column of China Enterprise Report. He has studied Li Si's Xiaozhuan, Wang Xizhi's Buddhist scriptures, the twelve chapters of Wang Xizhi's brushwork of 17 essays on the "Kuejue Song", Sun Guoting's calligraphy, Chunhua Pavilion's calligraphy, the Diamond Sutra of Wen Huiming, and Yan Zhenqing's Tahōtō. Diligence  Stele. Studied oracle bone inscriptions, Sanshipan, Mao Gongding, and Zhang Qianbei, specializing in Zhiyong's Thousand Character Classic, holy religious preface, and Ouyang Xun's Jiucheng Palace Tiquan inscription. Specializing in official script and large seal script. Being obsessed with learning calligraphy gradually perfects the art of calligraphy. I am a student of the first calligraphy and painting training course for Guangxi calligrapher Lu Rujie. Under the guidance of renowned calligraphers, the art of calligraphy has become more exquisite, thus actively participating in the national calligraphy essay competition. We have meticulously created eight types of calligraphy works, bringing new achievements and making significant contributions to the Chinese calligraphy industry!


Honorary Experience:

In December 2013, he won the Excellent Award for the "Second National Young Pioneers Brigade Counselor Calligraphy and Painting Works Collection and Exhibition".

In June 2014, he won a silver medal in the "Red Sorghum Cup" Calligraphy, Painting, and Seal Cutting Competition (the first edition).

In October 2014, it won the entry award for the first "Jinwu Needle Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition.

In December 2014, he was nominated for the first "Hanmo Jiuzhou" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition.

In 2014, he was awarded the third prize and certificate in the calligraphy and painting exhibition of "National Soul: Chinese Dream" and "Deyi Shuangxin Cup".

In March 2015, 100 media outlets jointly selected it as the media special exhibition "Inviting the Most Popular People's Calligraphers and Painters to Present to the National Two Sessions".

In 2016, he was invited to present gifts from news figures in the calligraphy and painting industry to the National Two Sessions, recommend a series of legendary figures in calligraphy and painting, and showcase the achievements of outstanding people's calligraphers and painters who deeply rooted in life.

In December 2017, Teacher Meng Guanglong appeared on CCTV and participated in the recording of the 2017 special program "Warmth 2017" and took a photo with the famous host Zhu Jun of CCTV.

In May 2018, he was awarded the title of "Most Distinctive Calligrapher and Painter of Contemporary China" and "Famous Artist of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Inheritance" at the 18th Century Great Collection and Commendation Conference and CCTV Annual Character Ceremony.

In March 2019, Meng Guanglong was awarded the title of Vice President of China Century Great Collection Calligraphy and Painting Academy by China Century Great Collection Calligraphy and Painting Academy.

In November 2019, he participated in the "Ink Fragrance Charming China - Sino Korean Cultural and Art Exchange Conference" organized by the Korean Calligraphy and Painting Association and was awarded the honorary title of "Ambassador for Cultural Exchange between China and South Korea".

In November 2019, his works were recorded and archived in the CCTV National Treasure Archives Calligraphy and Painting Column Group as a model of calligraphy and painting national treasures.

Won the "Best Star Award" at the Hunan TV Spring Festival Gala in January 2020.

In April 2020, he participated in the national calligraphy and painting network boutique exhibition "Beautiful Chinese Calligraphy and Painting" and was awarded the title of "Excellent Calligrapher and Painter of the New Era".

In 2021, he was recommended as an art consultant of the the Belt and Road, and led students to record interview programs, adhering to his duty and dedication to the society in promoting and inheriting excellent traditional culture education.

In October 2021, due to his outstanding artistic attainments and exemplary reputation as a representative of eight types of calligraphic artists, he was recommended to have his works evaluated and praised by multiple treasure appreciation experts from a senior evaluation team. Coincidentally, he was recommended to have his works annotated by Professor Shan Guoqiang as a witness and encouragement.

In October 2021, after review and approval, I was included in the "I dedicate art to the Party · New China Calligraphy Classic Literature", which was awarded an honorary certificate and publicly reported by multiple media outlets.

In November 2021, he was recommended to be the art ambassador of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. His representative calligraphy works were selected to customize the porcelain plate paintings of the Winter Olympic Games, to demonstrate the breadth and depth of Chinese culture and promote friendly cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

On January 1, 2022, as an artist representative, I was invited to participate in the Diplomatic New Year's Eve Dinner and witness the military officer's award ceremony.

In March 2022, renowned calligrapher Meng Guanglong passed through relevant authoritiesThe Wei unit strongly recommends and is selected as the "2022 Figures of Chinese Talents". His representative works are published in the semi monthly issue of "Chinese Talents", and he is recommended as a famous calligrapher and painter in the 2022 National Two Sessions.

From November to December 2022, his ten representative works were selected to participate in the the Belt and Road Digital art Tour of Ten Countries in the Great Beauty, Boundless and Shared. His works have been exhibited and won many praises.

On March 18, 2023, he attended and participated in the National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, the exhibition work is Qinyuan Spring and Snow, and the exhibition place is the Art Museum of Rong Bao Zhai Painting Academy.

On April 16, 2023, attend and participate in the Academic conference on the Inheritance and Breaking the Circle of Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Painting Masters, which is held by the semimonthly magazine of Chinese Talents

Published a book on BRICS artists on behalf of the country in May 2023




图片9.png八体  刘禹锡《陋室铭》.png

八体  刘禹锡《陋室铭》

图片9.png草书  诸葛亮《诫子书》.png

草书  诸葛亮《诫子书》

图片9.png楷书   诸葛亮《诫子书》.png

楷书   诸葛亮《诫子书》

图片9.png楷书   毛xx《沁园春·雪》.png

楷书   毛主席《沁园春·雪》



图片10.png八体  毛xx《七律·答友人》.png

八体  毛主席《七律·答友人》

图片10.png八体  毛xx《七律·登庐山》.png

八体  毛主席《七律·登庐山》

图片10.png八体  毛xx《七律·到韶山》.png

八体  毛主席《七律·到韶山》

图片10.png八体  毛xx《清平乐·会昌》.png

八体  毛主席《清平乐·会昌》

图片10.png八体  毛xx《七律·送瘟神》.png

八体  毛主席《七律·送瘟神》

图片10.png八体  毛xx《七律·送瘟神》2.png

八体  毛主席《七律·送瘟神》

图片10.png八体书法  《习xx语录》.png

八体书法  《习xx语录》

图片10.png扇面 宋 辛弃疾《西江月·夜行黄沙道中》.png

扇面 辛弃疾《西江月·夜行黄沙道中》

图片10.png扇面  隶书  毛xx《七律·长征》.png

扇面  隶书  毛主席《七律·长征》

图片10.png扇面 小篆 毛xx七律·长征》.png

扇面 小篆 毛主席七律·长征

图片10.png隶书 毛xx《蝶恋花·答李淑一).png

隶书 毛主席《蝶恋花·答李淑一)

图片10.png楷书 毛xx《七律·登庐山》.png

楷书 毛主席《七律·登庐山》





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