笔墨随时代 丹青绘山河—世界级艺术大师卿笃武精品赏析




卿笃武,男,汉族,59年8月生,湖南省洞口县石江镇人。1977年高中毕业,1978 年至1981年服役广州军区,其中1979年2月参加对越作战并荣立“三等功”一次, 至今一 直在家务农,但却始终在追求一种信念、一种文化、一种境界。


Qing Duwu, male, Han nationality, was born in August 59 in Shijiang Town, Dongkou County, Hunan Province. Graduated from high school in 1977 and served in the Guangzhou Military Region from 1978 to 1981. Among them, in February 1979, he participated in the war against Vietnam and was awarded "Third Class Merit" once. He has been working as a domestic farmer, but he has always pursued a belief, a culture, and a realm.

In March 2007, he participated in the "National Calligraphy and Painting Competition to Commemorate the 15th Anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's Southern Tour Speech" for the first time with the work of "Purifying the Mind", and was subsequently included in the competition with the title of "Seeking Truth from Facts". "Serving the People", "The Style of a Great Family", "Pursuing the Right Way in the World is the vicissitudes of life", "Dragon", and "Going Home, It's Good" all won awards and were included in the national calligraphy and painting competition. Currently, he has won more than 40 "gold" and "silver" awards in the national calligraphy competition. At that time, he was fortunate to be invited to edit the book "Leading Figures in Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting" by Xu Beihong Memorial Museum, which in fact confirmed the true calligraphy career of the calligrapher for more than ten years, but also injected new impetus into his calligraphy creation, and made him feel the expectation and heavy trust of inheriting the traditional culture of the motherland!





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