



 我的爷爷辈都是些开国时候出生的人。我从小耳濡目染,也像他们一样,总喜欢对一些国事发表自己的意见。而且每次都能获得他们的赞赏。想必大家都知道12月25日是什么日子吧,那么肯定会有很多人不假思索的说: 圣诞节!

12月26号呢?是什么日子?知道吗?不知道吧,12月26号是开国领袖毛主席的诞辰。今年也正是他127岁的诞辰。那么问题又来了,能有多少人能回答出我这个问题呢?想必寥寥无几。为什么你们能记住西方的圣诞节,却记不住开国领袖毛主席的诞辰呢?难道他不值得纪念吗?我很想问一下那些出过国,对外国恭恭敬敬,对我们中国嗤之以鼻的人: 你们是中国人吗?你们的良心难道被狗吃了?如果没有毛主席领导共产党的中国革命抗战,我们的幸福生活在哪里?既然你们这么喜欢外国那为什么不在疫情的时候提出要去外国过呢?

在你们信誓旦旦的说出:I love USA. I love UK.的时候,你们有没有想过是哪方水土养活你的?现在满大街都是圣诞节的南瓜灯、鬼服、圣诞树等等。





初一学生 陈滢君



"Tolerance is greatness"


English literal translation

This is a composition of grade one in middle school. It's well written. It's a good student with ideal, ambition and political consciousness.

I like it! Forward to friends to enjoy.

My grandparents were all born at the beginning of our country. I have been influenced since childhood, and like them, I always like to express my opinions on some state affairs. And I get their appreciation every time. We all know what December 25 is, so many people will say without thinking: Christmas!

What about December 26? What day is it? Do you know? I don't know. December 26 is Chairman Mao's birthday. This year is his 127th birthday. Then the question comes again. How many people can answer my question? It must be very few. Why can you remember Christmas in the west, but not the birthday of Chairman Mao, the founding leader? Isn't he memorable? I would like to ask those people who have been abroad, who are respectful to foreign countries, and who scoff at China: are you Chinese? Is your conscience eaten by dogs? Without Chairman Mao leading the Chinese Revolutionary War of resistance against Japan, where would our happy life be? Since you like foreign countries so much, why don't you propose to go abroad during the epidemic?

When you vowed to say "I love USA. I love UK", have you ever thought about which soil and water support you? Now the streets are full of Christmas jack-o-lanterns, ghost clothes, Christmas trees and so on.

There is not even a shadow of Chairman Mao's portrait. Do you think Chairman Mao doesn't need to be remembered, or is his contribution not as great as that of a foreign festival?

Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China. The victory of the Chinese revolution was won under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong.

I really dislike those people who speak ill of our country, but are very dependent on our country's materials. If you see that kind of person, you can send him to a foreign country directly. Doesn't he like foreign countries? Let him make some contribution to foreign countries! I hate people who only like to talk. If they were such people in the previous war, they would be traitors! Disgusting traitor!

Thank you for reading

Junior one student Chen Yingjun




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