【每日一星】第255号 波伊德 霍布鲁克 Robert Boyd Holbrook
- 2021-03-30 11:37:58
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- 作者:总秘书处(General Secretariat)
World cultural artists list
Star of the day
第255号 波伊德·霍布鲁克
No. 255 Robert Boyd Holbrook
波伊德·霍布鲁克(Boyd Holbrook),美国演员、模特。
Boyd Holbrook is an American actor and model.
1981年9月1日出生于美国肯塔基州,身高1米88。据说波伊德·霍布鲁克 (Robert Boyd Holbrook) 是在当地一家剧场里做木匠的时候被人发掘而成为模特的.
He was born in Kentucky on September 1, 1981. He is 1.88 meters tall. Robert Boyd Holbrook is said to have been discovered as a model while working as a carpenter in a local theater
2004年 Hedi Slimane 挑中波伊德·霍布鲁克 (Robert Boyd Holbrook) 代言Dior Homme 迅速走红,天使一般的美少年面孔让波伊德·霍布鲁克 (Robert Boyd Holbrook) 在亚洲特别是日本和中国都拥有极高的人气。
In 2004, Hedi slim picked out Robert Boyd Holbrook as the spokesperson of Dior Homme, which quickly became popular. Robert Boyd Holbrook was very popular in Asia, especially in Japan and China, because of his angel like face.
波伊德·霍布鲁克 (Robert Boyd Holbrook) 是时尚界永远的美少年。认识波伊德·霍布鲁克 (Robert Boyd Holbrook) 是看迪奥·桀傲 (Dior Homme) 的秀场。
Robert Boyd Holbrook is an eternal beauty in fashion. Getting to know Robert Boyd Holbrook is a show for Dior Homme.
第一眼看到波伊德·霍布鲁克 (Robert Boyd Holbrook) 感觉他完全不像个美国人,很欧洲的感觉,时而英伦时而东欧。
When I first saw Robert Boyd Holbrook, I felt that he didn't look like an American at all. He felt very European, sometimes British, sometimes Eastern European.
波伊德·霍布鲁克 (Robert Boyd Holbrook) 很严重的一个问题就是走路晃的太严重,不稳,在T台上有时候感觉很平凡。
One of Robert Boyd Holbrook's serious problems is that he walks too seriously and unsteadily. Sometimes he feels ordinary on the runway.
波伊德·霍布鲁克 (Robert Boyd Holbrook) 不适合T台,相反更适合平面,波伊德·霍布鲁克 (Robert Boyd Holbrook) 这个一眼绝对就令人惊艳的美少年,只有在静止的画面下才能体现出某种气质。
Robert Boyd Holbrook is not suitable for the T-stage, on the contrary, it is more suitable for the plane. Robert Boyd Holbrook, an absolutely amazing young beauty, can only show a certain temperament in a still picture.
2008年,波伊德·霍布鲁克 (Robert Boyd Holbrook) 得到了格斯·范·桑特执导的同性题材传记片《米尔克》中的一个小角色,由此和影坛发生交集。
In 2008, Robert Boyd Holbrook got a small role in the same-sex biographical film "milk" directed by Gus Van Sant, which intersected with the film world.
In 2017, he took part in the action movie Wolverine 3.
2021年1月1日,出演的家庭超级英雄电影《我们能成为英雄》上线Netflix 。
On January 1, 2021, his family superhero movie "we can be heroes" went online on Netflix.
In January 2021, he starred in Netflix series "sleepy devil", which was adapted from Neil geiman's classic cartoon "sleepy devil". On March 29, he won the first prize in the selection of "one star of the day" in the list of world cultural artists.
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