太极拳 送王船 列入人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录


"Taijiquan" and "send the king ship" are listed in the list of representative works of intangible cultural heritage of mankind

发布时间:2020-12-17 20:40 来源:文化和旅游部政府门户网站 编辑:马思伟

Published on: December 17, 2020 20:40 source: government portal of the Ministry of culture and tourism editor: Ma Siwei



The 15th regular session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the protection of intangible cultural heritage (hereinafter referred to as "the committee") was held online from December 14 to 19, 2020. At the current session, 50 intangible cultural heritage projects declared by 57 countries were reviewed. On the evening of December 17, Beijing time, the two projects of "Taijiquan" separately declared by China and "sending the king boat" jointly declared by China and Malaysia (hereinafter referred to as "sending the king boat") were approved by the Committee and listed in the list of representative works of UNESCO intangible cultural heritage. So far, 42 intangible cultural heritage projects have been listed in the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list (volume), ranking first in the world.


Since the formation of Taijiquan in the middle of the 17th century, Taijiquan has been handed down from generation to generation. Its practitioners are all over the country, and have been widely spread and inherited overseas. There are no restrictions on the exerciser's gender, age, constitution, occupation and nationality. By practicing Taijiquan, people not only cultivate their moral character, but also inherit the cultural gene of the Chinese nation. "Learning boxing and understanding reason", Taijiquan contains the traditional Chinese philosophy of yin and Yang circulation, the unity of heaven and man, and the concept of health preservation, which enriches people's cognition of the universe, nature and the law of human body. Its basic requirements of being flexible, flexible and upright, respecting teachers and valuing the way, and learning boxing should not be disrespectful, crazy, and unsatisfied, which imperceptibly cultivate people's peace and tolerance Friendly nature. Taijiquan plays an important role in improving people's health awareness, promoting physical and mental health, promoting harmonious coexistence among people, and enhancing social cohesion.



(Taijiquan enthusiasts in Jiaozuo, Henan Province practice Taijiquan in the people's Park in the morning. Photo by sun Haitao)


Sending the king ship is a folk activity widely spread in Southern Fujian and Malacca coastal areas of Malaysia. Since its formation in the 15th and 17th centuries, with the "going down to the Southeast Asia" and maritime trade, it gradually spread from southern Fujian to Southeast Asia. The ship conveys people's historical memory of their ancestors going to the sea, embodies the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and respect for life, and provides rich cultural dialogue resources for promoting the development of inclusive society. Its ocean knowledge and navigation technology, such as weather observation, tide and ocean current, are the crystallization of people's long-term maritime production and life wisdom. Sending the king ship is regarded as a common heritage by the relevant communities of China and Malaysia, which is a vivid example of the spread and blending of Chinese culture in the countries along the maritime Silk Road.



(ceremony of sending off the king ship in Haicang District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China). Photo by Ouyang Shushun)


(马来西亚马六甲送王船仪式活动。摄影:Chan Kow Heng)

(the ceremony of sending off the king ship in Malacca, Malaysia. Photo by Chan kow Heng)


It is an important content for our country to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of the Contracting States of the Convention for the protection of intangible cultural heritage to actively apply for the inclusion of intangible cultural heritage projects in the intangible cultural heritage list (volume), and also fully reflects China's increasing level of intangible cultural heritage protection and Implementation ability, which is conducive to the inheritance and promotion of Chinese excellent traditional culture and highlight China It is of great significance to create vitality for national innovation, enhance the international influence of Chinese culture, and promote people to people communication and civilization exchange and mutual learning.




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