【每日一星】第140号 布莱恩 魏斯 BRIAN L WEISS M D


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A star of the day

第140号  布莱恩·魏斯

No. 140 Brian Weiss



布莱恩·魏斯 ( BRIAN L. WEISS, M.D. ),美国耶鲁大学医学博士,曾任耶鲁大学精神科主治医师、迈阿密大学精神药物研究部主任、西奈山医学中心精神科主任,目前在迈阿密执业,并带领许多国内外的研讨会,以及专业训练计划。专攻生物精神医学与药物滥用,曾发表三十七篇科学论文与专文。

Brian L. Weiss (M.D.), MD, Yale University, USA, was a psychiatrist in charge of Yale University, director of the Department of psychiatry at the University of Miami, and director of the Department of psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Center. He is currently practising in Miami and has led many seminars and professional training programs at home and abroad. He specializes in biopsychiatric medicine and drug abuse, and has published 37 scientific papers and articles.

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许多的世界名人、亿万富豪、政治领袖都曾是魏斯的病人,他受邀去各地演讲与开授催眠课程的时间表常年排得满满。拉里·金的现场节目(Larry King Live)、20/20、《48小时》、CNN的探索频道,以及数不清的杂志、报纸和电视节目中都曾以魏斯博士的研究为主题。

Many of the world's celebrities, billionaires, and political leaders were once Weiss's patient. He was invited to give lectures and give hypnosis courses. His schedule was full all year round. Dr. Weiss's research has been featured on Larry King live, 20 / 20, 48 hours, CNN's discovery channel, and countless magazines, newspapers and TV shows.


魏斯医生花了四年,写下 Many Lives, Many Masters这本书。花了四年,才鼓起勇气,甘冒专业的风险,透露这些“不正统”的讯息,让公众了解到生命的不朽与真义。

Dr. Weiss spent four years writing many lives, many masters. It took four years to summon up the courage to take professional risks to reveal these "unorthodox" messages, so that the public can understand the immortality and true meaning of life.


Once published, this book on samsara has been ranked in Florida for two consecutive years. The paperback book has been printed ten times and translated into 11 languages, which has been highly praised by doctors and experts.



Dr. Weiss is the author of some of the top selling books based on his experience as a psychiatrist and therapist.


In his first book, many lives, many masters, he vividly describes the insights of a young patient named Catherine. She came to an important environmental awareness of the complex creatures she lives today in her previous experience.


Through time entry therapy, there are plenty of examples that illustrate the past life therapy potential therapy, and provide several techniques of regression for enlightening previous life memories.



Only love is the real story of Pedro, Elizabeth, two patients who lost each other across the world and now have a chance to re-establish.


Information comes from the role played by master Wes, the ultimate healing energy of life in the universe. Its name is love. He showed us how to use the power of his awe.



When in the mirror: using regression for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing this new book - from illness, allows you Brian Weiss to bring the level of return therapy to a new level. A CD contains more than meditation and visualization exercises. It contains the actual regression analysis method used for patients with illness. Now you can go back through the memory of past events that may lead to symptoms or difficult situations.


Meditation: a life of inner peace and tranquility Dr. Brian Weiss wrote this book to help practice. A CD is included to help guide you through the process. This book contains many cases, many of whom have overcome physical symptoms, improved their spirituality and enriched their relationships.



With stress relief and peace of mind - this book and its companion American CD will help you relax deeply. It will enable you to release acute and chronic stress constantly into our body and mind. It can help you to put this block, block your inner peace and joy, prevent and treat hypertension and diseases.


On November 13, 2020, he won the first place in the selection activity of "one star of the day" of the World Federation of literary and art circles.




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