- 2020-07-24 17:35:02
- 点赞量:5393
- 点击量:110314
- 作者:总秘书处(General Secretariat)
不 管 你 是 否 平 凡 与 不 平 凡 , 只 要 来 到 这 个 舞 台 上 , 就 可 以 秀 出 你 的千 娇 百 媚 . . . . . .
“2020 环球超级模特选秀”是由梦狐传媒、联合国 UNB 文化总会、世界文联、央视直通车艺术团等机构携手首席模特导师娟子,发起“环球超级模特选秀”,旨在推动中国传统文化和引领国际潮流。“世间万物皆服饰,芸芸众生为模特”以中国道家思想解读模特职业,全新诠释“超级模特”的标准与意义。
“2020 环球超级模特选秀”将具有独立知识产权的国际顶级品牌赛事,在国际舞台上一定会得到了世界各国政府与社会各界的尊重、认可与关注。美丽经济潜在巨大商机,选秀活动的举办赢得了多方面的收获,为大众赢得审美、为选手赢得机会、为商家赢得效益、为机构赢得品牌、为地方赢得发展。全新的新媒体推广模式以战略策划、多元化的运营,与文化、时尚、服饰、珠宝、美容等行业的优化整合,一定会给冠名商和赞助商带来了无限商机和丰厚收益。
我们根据参赛选手的特长和优势,经过系统专业的培训,通过走秀和才艺表演等多个环节,选出 20 名德才兼备选手成团出道,并为该团作形象代言、演艺、等方面的定向培养和委托输送。目前已与多家商家签署了人才培养输送的战略合作协议。
本届选秀组委会由公安部中国警事、北京市 315 办公室、中国利剑法制维权网、人民法制维权网、深圳市美女会文化传媒有限公司、深圳市宝坪医院议炎国际健康管理中心、香港国际一带一路联合总会、澳门法制报、山西省塑州市山阴县县委宣传部、河北省秦皇岛市警官学校、河北省秦皇岛市海洋国际旅行社、河北省秦皇岛东望集团、新疆生态环保频道工作站、
本届男女选手分童年组、少年组、专业组、中年组、老年组,年龄段从 4 至 70 周岁。7 月至 9 月为筹备阶段,9 月至 10 月为各地级市分赛区选拔赛,各地级市分赛区经过初赛、复赛、决赛产生各组前 20 名入围省赛区选拔赛,省赛区将在 10 月至 11 月经过半决赛、总决赛各组产生前 10 名选手于 12 月参加中国区总决赛(云南),明年 1 月中国总冠军将参加全球总决赛角逐世界冠军。赛事之后各级赛区进入项目衍生和商业运营阶段。各级赛区可在选拔赛中贯穿各类商业主题活动和企业专场。
“2020 环球超级模特选秀”新闻发布会暨启动仪式将于 8 月 8 日在北京东方梅地亚举办(暂定)举办。各级赛区评选出各组冠、亚、季军及七个单项奖,获奖选手将得到耀眼的荣誉和丰厚的奖励。对冠、亚、季军分别授予形象大使、文化大使、亲善大使殊荣,七个单项奖分别为美丽天使、智慧天使、爱心天使、时尚天使、活力天使、才艺天使、优雅天使。省级冠、亚、季军将分别获得价值人民币 5 万、3 万、2 万元的奖金及奖品,单项奖得主将分别获得 1 万元的奖金及奖品。
中国总决赛冠、亚、季军将分别获得价值人民币 30 万、20 万、10 万元的奖金及奖品,天使单项奖得主将分别获得 3 万元的奖金及奖品。
“2020 环球超级模特选秀”中国区组委会
联合国 UNB 文化总会
罗华党 中国国际卫视总台副台长、世界文化艺术界联合会常务副主席、联合国健艺美文化产业总会创会主席、著名空军作曲家、在世界乐坛被誉为“东方莫扎特”
谭邦兰 全国工商联美容行业协会美胸专委会主任、联合国健艺美文化产业总会秘书长、杉杉兰格东方艺术团团长、科妍生物基因工程有限公司董事长
曾令旗 国际旅游文化小姐大赛中国区组委会主席、国际旅游文化小姐大赛全国总决赛评审委员会主任委员、世界文化艺术界联合会副主席、中国模特协会副会长、金钟国际传媒董事长、金钟跑车俱乐部董事长、航风航空私人飞机俱乐部总经理
吴太极 国际旅游文化小姐大赛中国区组委会副主席、国际旅游文化小姐大赛全国总决赛评审委员会副主任委员、世界文化艺术界联合会副主席、重庆曼特娜文化发展有限公司总经理.
曾担任大型舞台艺术剧汉唐历韵的总导演,中国华夏霓裳之夜总导演。 2020
2018 年出任应大股份有限公司艺术总监
2015 年荣获哥本哈根“ILUX(冬青奖) 2014 年度设计师奖”
2013 年荣获“复兴公益·时尚大奖”
2010 年荣获“旭化成”中国设计师创意大赛.
2009 年荣获“时尚北京”建国六十周年纺织服装业设计师杰出人物贡献奖
2007 年创立北京卓拉国际时装有限公司和 WU.D 设计师品牌
2007 年荣获中国设计师协会十周年颁发的“中国十大设计名师”
2007 年在莫斯科时装周上举办个人时装作品发布会.
2002 年荣获上海国际时装节颁发时装设计师杰出设计奖.
2000 年中国文化美国行在“美国纽约举办时装发布会”
1999 年荣获中国服装设计师协会颁发服装设计最高奖“金顶奖”.
1998 年当选中国十佳设计师称号
1996 年作品“剪纸儿”获第四届中国国际服装青年设计师作品大赛金奖
办公室方面:负责制定执行方案并组织实施;负责各类活动和会议的议程安排、文件、领导讲话、欢迎辞等文稿的起草、制作;负责整个活动的会务组织;协助赛事总监全面统筹日常工作;搭建选秀办公场地;办公用品的保障;办公物资的管理,及购买和制作选秀所需的物料;选秀的文件的管理,及各个部门合约、文件的管理、收集、存档;更新每日办公文件(如通联单、结构图等) ;制定完善日常办公文件及完成每日的选秀总结及汇报文件;收集整理文件,上传下达;管理及发放选秀各类证件;保证选秀的通讯系统畅通,及时发放对讲机等;管理及分配赞助物品;制作选秀执行手册。
平面制作:选秀 VI 系统的设计,如:招商手册、会刊、背景板、宣传板等;选秀 VI 系统涉及的物料、物资的制作、印刷及保管、分发;选秀宣传所需的广告设计如:各类户外广告的设计;
摄影摄像:负责选秀期间选手花絮拍摄和录制;负责会刊、主题活动等资料选手照片拍摄及录制;负责各角度拍摄选秀各类活动及决赛晚会全过程;负责在活动结束后提供活动全部照片及动态资料,并交秘书处存档;负责选秀全过程的动态资料拍摄、收集并制作成选秀现场所需的 VCR 及现场实况的资料片。
场地协调:选秀酒店所需各类场地的协调;主题活动日的场地协调;选秀颁奖晚会等选秀所需各类场地的协调;场地资料收集整理(介绍、尺寸图、座位图等) ;满足选秀所需所有场地的通讯、电力、直播的要求的协调;
同步覆盖:全国 260 家电视台播出、所有视频网站永久点播;118 家知名网络媒体。
(一) 区域授权,分赛区独立运营;
(二) 区域授权,市级组委会与分赛区联合运营;
(三) 区域授权,分赛区负责招商,市级组委会负责赛事运营。
如低碳环保、健康出行、单车(或慢跑)环湖、环岛嘉年华活动。结合各大景区、度假村,高科技低碳环保产品(电动汽车、自行车、休闲产品等) 、饮料食品、运动装备、户外用品等。
冠名方式:“XXX2020 环球超级模特选秀”
4、现金赞助人民币 100 万元。
1、可指派一名负责人出任组委会的名誉主席,担任赛事评委,参与: “2020环球超级模特选秀”组委会会议;同时作为选秀的主办单位之一,并获颁“总冠名单位”授权牌和证书;
2、总冠名企业可以此冠名名称对外展开宣传,获准在其宣传品上使用“2020 环球超级模特选秀总冠名”等字样;
3、享有本次选秀的总冠名权,凡以选秀名义发布的电视、电台、报纸、网络、户外、短信、活动现场等对外宣传品,均突出冠名单位名称及 LOGO;
7、重中国区冠军将同时获得以冠名单位名称命名的“XX 模特”称号;
4、中央电视台在黄金时段对总决赛现场做新闻宣传报道约 20 秒(出现冠名企业的 logo) 。
7、带有总冠名企业 LOGO 的选秀新闻在全国 260 家地方电视台播出。
2、总决赛现场提供 2 块标准冠名企业广告位(3mx5m) 。
3、总决赛现场舞台背景出现冠名企业 logo。
5、总决赛现场保证 1 个彩虹拱门、 2 个升空气球均带有总冠名企业 logo。
6、总决赛现场所有标示牌均带有总冠名企业 logo。
7、在总决赛现场为总冠名单位设置条幅广告两条,以及统一着装的 49人方阵(根据场地情况决定) ;
8、在本次选秀举办期间,各项活动现场佳丽、嘉宾、商务代表、记者等专用礼品袋、工作服、工作牌、车辆通行证、评委水牌、司仪台、道具等印制总冠名单位的冠名名称或 LOGO;
10、为本次选秀总冠名单位赠送选秀专题 DV 光盘 50 套(含冠名单位插播广告) 、文化衫 50 件及纪念品等;
11、获赠本次选秀颁奖晚会入场券 50 张。
2、组委会安排总决赛获奖佳丽选手为总冠名企业做一次形象和品牌推广活动,具体方案待定(选手和工作人员的食宿行由企业承担) ;
联合冠名(50 万)
“****2020 环球超级模特选秀联合冠名单位:********”
1、可指派一名负责人出任“2020 环球超级模特选秀”组委会副主席,担任赛事评委,参与选秀组委会会议;同时作为选秀的协办单位之一,并获颁“2020 环球超级模特选秀协办单位”授权牌和证书;
6、十佳选手将同时获得以冠名单位名称命名的“XX 模特”称号;
4、中央电视台在黄金时段对总决赛现场做新闻宣传报道 20 秒。
1、在整个赛事过程中,在省一级专题宣传“xxx 杯 2020 环球超级模特选秀赛事专题” (出现冠名企业名称播报)总共不低于五六次;
6、半决赛或总决赛现场提供 1 块标准冠名企业广告位(3mx5m) 。
7、总决赛现场舞台背景出现冠名企业 logo。
9、总决赛现场保证 2 个升空气球带有冠名企业 logo。
6、在总决赛现场为冠名单位设置条幅广告一条,以及统一着装的 25 人方阵(根据场地情况决定) ;
7、为本次选秀冠名单位赠送选秀专题 DV 光盘 20 套(含冠名单位插播广告) 、文化衫 20 件及纪念品等;
8、获赠本次选秀颁奖晚会入场券 20 张。
1、总决赛前三甲或指定单项奖得主作为冠名企业形象代言人(录制宣传短片一次) ;
2、组委会安总决赛获奖选手为冠名企业做一次形象和品牌推广活动,具体方案待定(选手和工作人员的食宿行由企业承担) ;
唯一指定品牌(28 万元)
2、根据提供产品和服务内容不同,采取现金+实物方式(现金赞助不低于 50%,实物赞助按产品扫码价的 30%计算金额)赞助,具体价格根据产品和服务的关联性制定,并在同类产品或服务享有排他性。
1、可指派一名负责人出任组委会的名誉主席,担任赛事评委,参与: “2020环球超级模特选秀”组委会会议;同时作为选秀的主办单位之一,并获颁“总冠名单位”授权牌和证书;
2、总冠名企业可以此冠名名称对外展开宣传,获准在其宣传品上使用“2020 环球超级模特选秀总冠名”等字样;
3、享有本次选秀的总冠名权,凡以选秀名义发布的电视、电台、报纸、网络、户外、短信、活动现场等对外宣传品,均突出冠名单位名称及 LOGO;
7、重中国区冠军将同时获得以冠名单位名称命名的“XX 模特”称号;
4、中央电视台在黄金时段对总决赛现场做新闻宣传报道约 20 秒(出现冠名企业的 logo) 。
7、带有总冠名企业 LOGO 的选秀新闻在全国 260 家地方电视台播出。
2、总决赛现场提供 2 块标准冠名企业广告位(3mx5m) 。
3、总决赛现场舞台背景出现冠名企业 logo。
5、总决赛现场保证 1 个彩虹拱门、 2 个升空气球均带有总冠名企业 logo。
6、总决赛现场所有标示牌均带有总冠名企业 logo。
7、在总决赛现场为总冠名单位设置条幅广告两条,以及统一着装的 49人方阵(根据场地情况决定) ;
8、在本次选秀举办期间,各项活动现场佳丽、嘉宾、商务代表、记者等专用礼品袋、工作服、工作牌、车辆通行证、评委水牌、司仪台、道具等印制总冠名单位的冠名名称或 LOGO;
10、为本次选秀总冠名单位赠送选秀专题 DV 光盘 50 套(含冠名单位插播广告) 、文化衫 50 件及纪念品等;
11、获赠本次选秀颁奖晚会入场券 50 张。
2、组委会安排总决赛获奖佳丽选手为总冠名企业做一次形象和品牌推广活动,具体方案待定(选手和工作人员的食宿行由企业承担) ;
联合冠名(50 万)
“****2020 环球超级模特选秀联合冠名单位:********”
1、可指派一名负责人出任“2020 环球超级模特选秀”组委会副主席,担任赛事评委,参与选秀组委会会议;同时作为选秀的协办单位之一,并获颁“2020 环球超级模特选秀协办单位”授权牌和证书;
6、十佳选手将同时获得以冠名单位名称命名的“XX 模特”称号;
4、中央电视台在黄金时段对总决赛现场做新闻宣传报道 20 秒。
1、在整个赛事过程中,在省一级专题宣传“xxx 杯 2020 环球超级模特选秀赛事专题” (出现冠名企业名称播报)总共不低于五六次;
6、半决赛或总决赛现场提供 1 块标准冠名企业广告位(3mx5m) 。
7、总决赛现场舞台背景出现冠名企业 logo。
9、总决赛现场保证 2 个升空气球带有冠名企业 logo。
6、在总决赛现场为冠名单位设置条幅广告一条,以及统一着装的 25 人方阵(根据场地情况决定) ;
7、为本次选秀冠名单位赠送选秀专题 DV 光盘 20 套(含冠名单位插播广告) 、文化衫 20 件及纪念品等;
8、获赠本次选秀颁奖晚会入场券 20 张。
1、总决赛前三甲或指定单项奖得主作为冠名企业形象代言人(录制宣传短片一次) ;
2、组委会安总决赛获奖选手为冠名企业做一次形象和品牌推广活动,具体方案待定(选手和工作人员的食宿行由企业承担) ;
唯一指定品牌(28 万元)
2、根据提供产品和服务内容不同,采取现金+实物方式(现金赞助不低于 50%,实物赞助按产品扫码价的 30%计算金额)赞助,具体价格根据产品和服务的关联性制定,并在同类产品或服务享有排他性。
2、获颁 “2020 环球超级模特选秀唯一指定品牌”授权牌和证书,获准以此名称对外展开宣传;
3、中央电视台在黄金时段对总决赛现场做新闻宣传报道约 20 秒。
1、在整个赛事过程中,省一级电台(出现赞助企业名称播报)总共不低于 3 次;
4、总决赛现场提供 1 块赞助企业广告位(2mx3m) 。
5、总决赛现场舞台背景出现赞助企业 logo。
4、拥有本次选秀复赛、半决赛、总决赛期间活动现场背景图片中的赞助单位及 LOGO 展示;
7、赠送选秀专题 DV 光盘 10 套(含赞助单位插播广告)、文化衫 10 件;
8、获赠本次选秀颁奖晚会入场券 10 张。
比赛现场广告位租赁:1 万元人民币
在比赛现场设立 4 个四角柱式广告展位,一面尺寸(3mX1.5m),供给广告位租赁商家(制作由组委会负责) 。
1、可单独为企业策划定制总决赛获奖选手专场走秀暨文艺演出:10 万元人民币(举办费用由企业自行承担);
2、为企业策划并举办企业商演、路演、产品发布会或项目推介会:10万元人民币(举办费用由企业自行承担) 。
一、赛事筹备期(30 天)
场地:5 星级酒店 300 人宴会厅或专业表演场所、500 平以上空间、主舞台 LED 屏 30 平以上
媒体:网络、电视、广播、平面媒体 30 家
参加人数:300 人左右
时间:90-120 分钟
Epitome of the last competition
International English direct translation
Introduction to the event
No matter whether you are ordinary or not, as long as you come to this stage, you can show your charming
"2020 global super model talent show" is launched by Menghu media, UNB Cultural Federation of the United Nations, World Federation of literary and art, CCTV through train art troupe and other institutions to launch the "global super model talent show", aiming to promote Chinese traditional culture and lead the international trend. "All things in the world are costumes, and all living beings are models" interprets the modeling profession with Chinese Taoist thought, and interprets the standard and significance of "super model".
"2020 global super model talent show" will be an international top brand event with independent intellectual property rights, and will certainly be respected, recognized and concerned by governments and all walks of life in the international arena. The beauty economy has huge potential business opportunities. The holding of the talent show has won many gains, including the public's appreciation of beauty, the opportunity for the players, the benefits for the businessmen, the brand for the organization, and the development for the place. The brand-new new media promotion mode, with strategic planning, diversified operation, and the optimization and integration of culture, fashion, clothing, jewelry, beauty and other industries, will certainly bring infinite business opportunities and rich profits to the naming agents and sponsors.
According to the strong points and advantages of the contestants, through systematic and professional training, through various links such as walking shows and talent performances, we selected 20 athletes with both political integrity and talent to make a group debut, and made targeted training and entrusted transportation in terms of image endorsement, performance and other aspects. At present, it has signed strategic cooperation agreements with many businesses on talent training and transportation.
The Organizing Committee of this draft is composed of the Ministry of public security, China Police Affairs and Beijing 315 Office, China sword one belt, one road network, people's legal system, Shenzhen beauty club culture media Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Baoling hospital, Yan Yan international health management center, Hongkong International Association, Macao legal system, Shanxi County, Shanyin County propaganda department, Hebei Qinhuangdao police officer school, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei International Marine travel agency, Hebei Qinhuangdao Dongwang group, Xinjiang ecological and environmental protection channel workstation
The Agricultural Chamber of Commerce of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, martial arts association of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, natural ecological calligraphy and Painting Institute of Xinjiang collectors association, ximagezhuang villagers' committee of Wangping Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, and Beijing Ecological Zone Industrial Base Research Institute jointly organized and co organized.
Competition system and Awards
This year's male and female athletes are divided into childhood group, youth group, professional group, middle-aged group and elderly group, with the age range from 4 to 70 years old. From July to September is the preparatory stage, and eptember to October is the selection competition for municipal sub competition areas at all levels. After preliminary competition, re ompetition and final, the top 20 candidates of each group will be selected for the provincial competition area selection. The provincial competition area will pass the semi-final and the finals from October to November, and the top 10 candidates of each group will participate in the China regional finals (Yunnan) in December and January next year The Chinese champion will compete for the world champion in the global finals in June. After the event, all levels of competition areas enter the project derivation and commercial operation stage. All levels of competition areas can run through all kinds of commercial theme activities and enterprise special events in the selection competition.
The press conference and launching ceremony of "2020 global super model talent show" will be held in Beijing Oriental media on August 8 (tentative). All levels of competition area will select the champion, the second, the third place and seven individual awards. The winners will receive dazzling honor and rich awards. The champion, the second runner up and the second runner up were awarded the image ambassador, cultural ambassador and goodwill ambassador respectively. Seven individual awards were respectively beautiful angel, wisdom angel, love angel, fashion angel, vitality angel, talent angel and elegant angel. The provincial champion, the second runner up and the second runner up will receive 50000, 30000 and 20000 yuan of prizes and prizes respectively, and the winners of individual awards will receive 10000 yuan of prizes and prizes respectively.
The champion, the second runner up and the second runner up of the Chinese finals will receive prizes and prizes worth 300000, 200000 and 100000 yuan respectively, and the winner of the angel individual award will receive 30000 yuan of prize and prize respectively.
1、 Guidance unit
China Organizing Committee of "2020 global super model talent show"
2、 Organizer
World Federation of literary and art
UNB Cultural Association of the United Nations
Through train Art Troupe
Dream Fox media
Grey culture
3、 Organizer
Authorized organizations and units in different regions
4、 Whole operation
Through train Art Troupe
Dream Fox media
World Federation of literary and art
5、 Chairman
William Mao
6、 Vice Chairman
Yuan Jinping
7、 Honorary chairman
Luo Hua dang, deputy director of China International Satellite TV, executive vice president of the World Federation of cultural and art circles, founding chairman of the United Nations Federation of health arts and American cultural industries, a famous air force composer, is known as "Oriental Mozart" in the world music world
Tan banglan, director of the breast surgery committee of the beauty industry association of the all China Federation of industry and commerce, Secretary General of the United Nations General Association of health arts and beauty culture industry, head of Shanshan Lange Oriental Art Troupe, and chairman of Keyan biogenetic Engineering Co., Ltd Chairman of China Organizing Committee of Miss Zeng Lingqi international tourism and culture competition, chairman of national final evaluation committee of Miss International Tourism and culture competition, vice chairman of World Federation of cultural and art circles, vice president of China Model Association, chairman of golden bell international media, chairman of golden bell sports car club, and general manager of aviation air private jet club
Wu Taiji, vice chairman of China Organizing Committee of Miss International Tourism and culture competition, vice chairman of national final evaluation committee of Miss International Tourism and culture competition, vice chairman of World Federation of cultural and art circles, and general manager of Chongqing mantena Culture Development Co., Ltd
Hu Sheguang
8、 Executive Chairman
Huang Jie
9、 Executive vice president
General manager Shao
10、 General planning
11、 Chief model tutor
12、 Director
Li Li
13、 Executive director
Wang Jinhai
14、 Art director
Yan Heyong
Dance artist
National dance director
Professor of fashion show
Art director, Sun Yat Sen foundation of China
Art director of China Youth Art Foundation
Chinese Intangible Culture Committee invited art experts
Chief director of international famous model beauty contest and large variety show
He once served as the chief director of large-scale stage art drama Liyun of Han and Tang Dynasties, and the chief director of Chinese colorful dress night. two thousand and twenty
The production plan and implementation of the program; the overall management of the invitation of award party programs and the invitation and organization management of related personnel involved; the organization and management of clothing, props and backstage, such as trophies, certificates, number plates, etc.; the production, recording and broadcasting of the talent show together with the host TV station;
(2) Investment Promotion Department
In terms of investment promotion, it is responsible for the signing, supervision and implementation of the investment promotion contract; it is responsible for various public relations negotiations of the talent show; it formulates the investment promotion scheme and completes the return scheme of the draft with the cooperation of the production department. In terms of customers and guests: determine the specifications and scale of the sponsor's attendance; be responsible for the invitation of sponsors, the formulation of reception scheme and the whole process reception, and the arrangement of seats for the activities; clarify the specifications and scale of customers and guests, determine the number of participants and their itinerary; be responsible for the invitation of customers and guests, formulate the reception scheme, and be responsible for the whole reception, and arrange the seats for the activities Develop the gift distribution plan and be responsible for the distribution; be responsible for the follow-up service after the competition, such as sending thank-you letters, filling in the feedback after the competition, mailing draft materials, etc.; expanding the scope of cooperation and reaching cooperation intention in various fields.
(3) Competition Department
News and publicity: responsible for the atmosphere building during the event; formulating the propaganda strategy, propaganda caliber and publicity scheme and implementing them; organizing and inviting all kinds of media to publicize and report, preparing and organizing all publicity activities required by the talent show; organizing and inviting all kinds of propaganda media and responsible for the management and reception during the talent show; establishing the news center and the aftermath of the news center In addition, the host TV station recorded and broadcast and produced propaganda films; coordinated the interview and reporting; organized news releases, videos, pictures and other publicity materials to coexist
File management; responsible for organizing and completing all publicity activities required by the talent show such as press conference; making media material compilation and follow-up service in the later stage; launching and making various publicity carriers for the talent show;
Graphic production: Design of draft VI system, such as: Investment Manual, conference bulletin, background board, publicity board, etc.; production, printing, storage and distribution of materials and materials involved in draft VI system; advertising design required for talent show publicity, such as: the design of various outdoor advertisements;
Photographing: shooting and recording of contestants' sidelights during the draft; shooting and recording the photos of contestants from conference journals and theme activities; shooting the whole process of various events and final party from all angles; providing all photos and dynamic information of the event after the event and submitting them to the Secretariat for filing; taking, collecting and making dynamic data of the whole process of the draft VCR required for the draft site and the live documentary.
In terms of engineering team: professional dance beauty team ensures the smooth implementation of the talent show; designs and completes the dance beauty scheme of each activity; makes and completes the engineering layout such as the background board required for each activity and each venue; designs and builds the dance art project of the final party;
In the aspect of player group: the organization of the contestants and the formulation of the list of the finalists for approval and the issuance of the shortlisted players' notices; the formulation of the contestants' Handbook and the preparation of all the materials required by the contestants' arrival; responsible for the overall management, organization, arrangement and service of the contestants during the draft, as well as the arrangement of the pick-up and return work (such as registration, training, rehearsal, performance, shooting, etc.), and fully cooperate with the draft During the period, each group participated in the activities to complete the draft investment promotion and the draft returns and business activities required during the draft; collected and sorted out the contestant information and produced the contestant's folder; completed the shooting of beauty manual with the news and publicity group; completed the training work of the contestants with the production team; completed the signing of the player's contract; handled the collective insurance of the contestants;
In terms of the jury group: invitation and reception of judges; formulation of evaluation rules and evaluation methods; preparation of judges' Handbook; organization of evaluation and daily work; invitation of impartial officers and lawyers; on-site evaluation score and statistical results; sorting and retention of evaluation results; follow-up service after the competition, such as sending thank-you letters, etc.
He was awarded the title of dance and model art expert by Open University of China. He is now the national art
Professor, general art consultant, College of continuing education. Global talent show, variety show, art general consultant.
15、 Art director
Wu Xuewei
Vice chairman of China Fashion Designers Association, chairman of Fashion Art Committee, Asian Fashion Federation
Off campus tutor of Beijing Institute of fashion
Expert tutor, School of fashion, Zhejiang University of Technology
Tutor of master of Arts in Shenzhen Graduate School of Tsinghua University
Director of Academic Committee of Jiangxi Institute of fashion
In 2018, he became the art director of Yingda Co., Ltd
In 2015, it won the "ILUX (Holly Award) 2014 Designer Award" in Copenhagen
Won "Renaissance public welfare · Fashion Award" in 2013
In 2010, it won the "Asahi Asahi" Chinese designer competition
In 2009, it won the outstanding contribution award of designers in textile and garment industry for the 60th anniversary of the founding of "Fashion Beijing"
Founded Beijing zhuola International Fashion Co., Ltd. and Wu. D designer brand in 2007
In 2007, he was awarded the title of "China's top ten famous designers" by the 10th anniversary of China Designers Association
In 2007, a personal fashion show was held at Moscow fashion week
In 2002, she was awarded the outstanding design award of fashion designer in Shanghai International Fashion Festival
China culture America held fashion show in New York in 2000
In 1999, it was awarded the Golden Summit Award by China Fashion Designers Association
In 1998, he was elected as one of the top ten designers in China
In 1996, "paper cutting" won the gold medal in the 4th China International Fashion young designers competition
16、 Secretary General
White plum
17、 Under Secretary General
Liu Fang
Cui Jun
18、 Director of Investment Promotion Department
Zhao Weiying
19、 Live operation, new media director
Bear bell
20、 Photography
General manager Shao
21、 Executive organization and functions and responsibilities
(1) Secretariat
Office: responsible for the formulation and implementation of the implementation plan; responsible for the drafting and production of agenda arrangement, documents, leader's speech, welcome speech and other manuscripts of various activities and meetings; responsible for the conference organization of the whole activity; assisting the event director to comprehensively coordinate the daily work; building the talent show office space; ensuring office supplies; managing office materials, and purchasing and making talent shows Materials required; management of draft documents, management, collection and filing of contracts and documents of various departments; updating of daily office documents (such as contact list, structure chart, etc.) To develop and improve the daily office documents and complete the draft summary and report documents every day; to collect and sort out the documents, upload and release the draft documents; to manage and issue various kinds of draft certificates; to ensure the smooth communication system of the draft, and to issue walkie talkies in time; to manage and distribute sponsorship items; to make draft implementation manual.
Ticketing: overall planning, division and management of tickets for final stage and special events of enterprises; planning, collection and distribution of tickets required for making tickets;
Financial aspects: making and approving draft budget; supervising budget expenditure of each group; paying all kinds of expenses needed by draft; establishing reimbursement and financial system of draft. Be responsible for other tasks assigned by the organizing committee.
In terms of production: cooperate with the investment promotion group to complete the reward scheme of the talent show investment promotion; complete the arrangement of the theme activities and the final Party of the talent show
Reception Logistics: responsible for the overall planning, organization and arrangement of food and accommodation for contestants, journalists, staff, etc. staying in the hotel or activity venue during the talent show; the office location and supplies of the activity team are implemented; and the reception office of the district is responsible for the reception of leaders and guests. Make plans for housing, dining and car use for the talent show, and coordinate, organize, arrange and implement the plan; ensure the timely supply of all meals, water and vehicles during the draft; be responsible for handling all emergencies and providing and ensuring medical aid.
Site coordination: coordination of all kinds of venues required by the draft hotel; site coordination of theme activity day; coordination of various venues required for talent show such as draft award party; collection and arrangement of site information (introduction, size map, seat map, etc.); coordination of meeting the requirements of communication, power and live broadcast of all venues required for the draft; coordination of venue coordination for all venues required by the draft;
Security: hotel security; corporate special activities security; all kinds of on-site security; fire and rescue work.
Evaluation committee (to be selected)
Han Bin, Wang Deshun, Ma Yanli, Qu Ying, Zhang Zilin, Hu Bing, Carmen.
Media operations
TV and radio media: CCTV, China International Satellite TV and provincial and prefecture level TV stations.
Xinhuanet.com, Hualong tiktok, people.com.cn, Xinhua net, today's headlines, short video, Iqiyi, wild pepper live broadcast platform, new women's newspaper, etc.
Synchronous coverage: 260 TV stations nationwide, all video websites permanently on demand; 118 well-known network media.
Draft mode
1、 Division mode
China's competition regions have been fully launched in more than 30 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China. Various levels of competition regions use various forms, such as system planning, operation guidance, media publicity, player allocation, etc., to support sub regions to do well in competitions and maintain the brand image of competitions. There are three modes for the organizing committee to provide guidance and assistance to each division as follows:
(1) Regional authorization and independent operation in different competition areas;
(2) Regional authorization, joint operation of municipal organizing committee and sub competition areas;
(3) Regional authorization, sub competition area is responsible for investment promotion, and municipal organizing committee is responsible for event operation.
2、 Special mode
The development of special events for a certain industry can focus not only on a certain brand, but also on an industry, a certain field and a certain scenic spot, such as cultural industry park, National Star scenic spot, government development scenic spot, real estate special event, automobile special event, large shopping mall, clothing release, etc.
3、 Theme activity mode
1. Charity activities
Raise charity funds to help poor students to create a comprehensive love event integrating leisure, entertainment, fashion, promotion and public welfare.
2. Low carbon environmental protection activities
Such as low-carbon environmental protection, healthy travel, cycling (or jogging) around the lake, Island Carnival activities. Combined with the major scenic spots, resorts, high-tech low-carbon environmental protection products (electric vehicles, bicycles, leisure products, etc.), drinks and food, sports equipment, outdoor products, etc.
4、 Star Building Mode
Winners provide image endorsements for well-known enterprises and cultural and fashion industries, tailor-made music albums and fashion albums, participate in all kinds of productions recommended by the platform, film and TV series performances, etc.
5、 Project derivative model
Through the talent show, the sustainable development of commercial projects, such as: theme cultural festival project, film and television shooting base project, emotional intelligence education project, etc.
Investment scheme
Total title
Title Method: "xx2020 global super model talent show"
Naming requirements:
1. The naming unit must have brand awareness, regional reputation, authority and credibility, and have a good social image, corporate image and public image;
2. Love public welfare, with domestic and international influence and appeal;
3. It has a broad sense of social responsibility and mission, significant social and economic benefits, and has the pattern and ability of casting brand;
4. One million yuan in cash.
General rules of naming:
1. The named enterprises have brand awareness and are enthusiastic about social welfare undertakings. They can improve the scale and grade of the draft, integrate their own propaganda into the activities, and actively organize their own resources to promote the smooth development of the talent show;
2. The enterprise may participate in the draft with its product name (the product complies with the relevant provisions of the state), enterprise name and other legal titles, and obtain the name and return corresponding to the draft;
Return on naming:
1、 Honor reward
1. A person in charge can be appointed as the honorary chairman of the organizing committee to serve as the competition judge and participate in the organizing committee meeting of "2020 global super model talent show"; at the same time, as one of the organizers of the talent show, he or she will be awarded the authorization card and certificate of "general naming unit";
2. The general naming enterprise can carry out publicity with this title name, and is allowed to use the words such as "2020 global super model talent show general title" in its publicity materials;
3. Enjoy the total naming right of this draft. All publicity materials published in the name of the talent show, such as TV, radio, newspaper, Internet, outdoor, SMS, activity site, etc., shall highlight the name and logo of the naming unit;
4. Enjoy the right to jointly hold other special activities of this talent show, and carry out publicity, exhibition, promotion and other commercial promotion activities coordinated with the talent show in the name of enterprises and products;
5. The naming unit designates a class of main products to be the designated special products (the only designated products) of this draft, and the total naming enterprises enjoy the exclusivity of similar products;
6. Leaders of the named unit are specially invited to attend and make speeches at various press conferences, promotion meetings and theme receptions held during the finals and theme activities of the enterprise;
7. The champion of China area will also be awarded the title of "XX model" with the name of the naming unit;
8. On the premise of voluntary reciprocity, the naming unit has the priority of signing a contract as the product image spokesperson or image ambassador of the unit or enterprise after negotiation with the contestants of this draft;
9. The first, second and third place trophies are engraved with the title of the general title unit;
10. Invite the leader of the named unit to attend the award ceremony of the finals and give awards to the winners at the ceremony;
11. In the final Prize Presentation evening, the draft organizing committee will issue the honorary certificate and plaque to the named unit and individual honor plaque.
2、 Television publicity
1. We specially invite the leaders of the named enterprises to do a thematic interview, which will be broadcast on CCTV;
2. All the cooperative media report the general named unit;
3. Some CCTV programs have followed the whole process of reporting and releasing news related to talent shows. Including: draft press conference and signing ceremony of the event title, preliminary competition, semi-finals, finals and award party related dynamics;
4. CCTV makes news reports on the finals in prime time for about 20 seconds (the logo of the named enterprise appears).
7. The draft news with the logo of the company was broadcast in 260 local TV stations across the country.
8. To present the image materials related to the publicity reports of the general named enterprises;
3、 Radio, print, outdoor publicity, on-site returns
1. Other relevant media have published no less than 20 news reports on talent shows;
2. Two advertising spaces (3mx5m) of standard named enterprises are provided on the site of the finals.
3. The logo of the named enterprise appeared on the stage background of the finals.
4. The host of the finals mentioned the named enterprise more than five times. In the interactive link of the host, the knowledge of the named enterprise was awarded. At the end of the activity, the title enterprise was acknowledged.
5. One rainbow arch and two launch balloons are guaranteed to carry the company logo.
6. All the signboards on the site of the finals have the logo of the total named enterprise.
4、 New media platform publicity Xinhuanet.com, people.com.cn, Xinhua, upstream news, Chongqing Chongqing network, jitter short video, Tencent, Iqiyi, tiktok live platform, etc., to do news or special coverage on this draft show.
5、 Promotion of talent show
1. The draft Organizing Committee held a large press conference and naming ceremony, invited the person in charge of the named enterprise to speak, and produced news highlights, which were broadcast in the major cooperative media;
2. The named enterprises can use the publicity places they need as the designated registration points of this draft, and the naming enterprises can present their own products to the applicants as a means of publicity and promotion;
3. Organize the winners and media to visit the general named enterprises and hold exchange, get-together, on-site interview, group photo and wind gathering activities, and make news hot spots, which will be broadcast on CCTV or local TV stations;
4. The general named enterprises can choose the celebration party to be held in the designated place as enterprise publicity activities;
5. It has the Central title advertising space of the background pictures of all the activities during the second round, semi-final and finals of the draft;
6. Image billboards can be set up at the event site.
7. Two banners and a square array of 49 people dressed in uniform shall be set up for the general naming unit in the finals (determined according to the site conditions);
8. During this talent show, special gift bags, work clothes, work cards, vehicle passes, judges' water cards, master's desk, props and other special gift bags, guests, business representatives, reporters, etc. will print the name or logo of the general naming unit;
9. The main advertisement on the back of the event will be published on the back of the final;
10. 50 sets of special DV discs (including advertisement of the naming unit), 50 pieces of cultural shirts and souvenirs will be presented to the general naming unit of the talent show;
11. 50 tickets were given to the talent show.
6、 Image endorsement reward
1. The champion of the finals will act as the spokesperson of the company's overall title (one video recording);
2. The organizing committee arranges the winner of the finals to do an image and brand promotion activity for the overall named enterprise. The specific plan is to be determined (the accommodation and accommodation of the contestants and staff shall be borne by the enterprise);
7、 Other instructions
1. CCTV and local TV stations reported the whole event. It can be said that the event is a highly authoritative and interactive activity cooperated by multiple media. Leaders pay attention to it and the society pays attention to it, which has a sensational effect. The popularity, reputation and brand image of enterprises will be improved rapidly;
2. Within the scope of the reward points, the general named enterprise and the organizing committee can jointly plan the specific reward plan and implementation plan according to the enterprise's publicity plan.
Joint naming (500000)
General rules for joint naming:
1. The joint naming unit has brand awareness, is enthusiastic about social welfare, can improve the scale and grade of the draft, and integrate its own publicity into the activities, and actively organize its own resources to promote the development of the talent show;
2. The joint naming units are enterprises with high industry attention, mainly in banking, real estate, communication, commerce and other industries. It is the second level sponsor unit after the total named enterprise and enjoys the treatment of partner. And obtain the honor and reward corresponding to this draft;
Form of expression:
"Co naming unit of the 2020 global super model talent show: ≡"
Joint naming return:
1、 Honor reward
1. A person in charge can be appointed as the vice-chairman of the Organizing Committee of "2020 global super model talent show", act as the competition judge and participate in the meeting of the talent show Organizing Committee; at the same time, as one of the co organizers of the talent show, he can be awarded the license and certificate of "2020 global super model talent show co organizer";
2. The naming enterprises can carry out publicity with this title, and are allowed to use the words of "2020 global super model talent show joint denominator" in their publicity materials;
3. Enjoy the joint naming right of Chongqing competition area of this draft, and mark the name and logo of the naming unit in the name of the talent show, such as TV, radio, newspaper, Internet, outdoor, SMS, activity site, etc;
4. Enjoy the right to jointly hold other special activities of this talent show, and carry out publicity, exhibition, promotion and other commercial promotion activities coordinated with the talent show in the name of enterprises and products;
5. Leaders of the named unit are specially invited to attend and make speeches at various press conferences, promotion meetings and theme receptions held during the finals and theme activities of the enterprise;
6. The top ten contestants will also be awarded the title of "XX model" with the name of the naming unit;
8. On the premise of voluntary reciprocity, the naming unit has the priority of signing a contract as the product image spokesperson or image ambassador of the unit or enterprise after negotiation with the contestants of this draft;
9. Invite the leader of the named unit to attend the award ceremony of the finals and give awards to the winners at the ceremony;
10. In the final award party, the draft organizing committee will present the honorary certificate and plaque to the named unit.
2、 Television publicity
1. We specially invite the leaders of the named enterprises to do a special interview, which will be broadcast in the well-known media;
2. More than ten cooperative media reported the joint naming unit;
3. CCTV programs track the whole process of reporting and releasing news about talent shows. Including: news conference, preliminary competition, semi-finals, finals and award party related dynamic;
4. CCTV made news coverage of the finals in prime time for 20 seconds.
5. Presenting the image materials related to the publicity reports of the named enterprises;
3、 Radio, print, outdoor publicity, on-site returns
1. In the whole process of the event, the provincial level special promotion of "XXX cup 2020 global super model talent show" (broadcast with the name of the enterprise) was no less than 56 times;
2. Other relevant media have published no less than 20 news reports on talent shows;
4. To present the general named enterprises with the plane media materials related to their propaganda and reports;
6. One standard named enterprise advertising space (3mx5m) shall be provided at the semi-final or finals.
7. The logo of the named enterprise appeared on the stage background of the finals.
8. The host mentioned the named enterprise more than twice in the final, and the host interactive link made the award-winning question and answer on the knowledge of the named enterprise, and at the end of the competition, he / she acknowledged the named enterprise.
9. Two balloons are guaranteed to carry the company logo.
4、 New media publicity
Xinhuanet.com, people.com.cn, Xinhua, upstream news, Dayu, tiktok, Tencent, Iqiyi, wild pepper live broadcast platform, Chongqing network radio and television station, etc., have done news or special reports on this draft show.
5、 Promotion of talent show
1. The draft Organizing Committee held a large press conference and naming ceremony, invited the person in charge of the named enterprise to speak, and produced news highlights, which were broadcast in the major cooperative media;
2. The named enterprises can use the publicity places they need as the designated registration points of this draft, and the naming enterprises can present their own products to the applicants as a means of publicity and promotion;
3. Organize the winners and media to visit the named enterprises and hold exchange, get-together, on-site interview, group photo and gathering activities, produce news hot spots and broadcast them on CCTV or Chongqing TV station;
4. It has the title advertising space of the background pictures of all the activities during the second round, semi-final and finals of the draft;
5. Image billboards can be set up at the event site.
6. Set up a banner advertisement for the title unit and a square array of 25 people dressed in uniform (determined according to the situation of the venue);
7. 20 sets of special DV CDs (including advertisement of the named company), 20 pieces of cultural shirts and souvenirs will be presented to the naming unit of the talent show;
8. 20 tickets were given to the talent show.
6、 Image endorsement reward
1. The top three winners of the finals or the designated individual award winners will act as the spokesperson of the named enterprise (one publicity video will be recorded);
2. The winner of the safety finals of the organizing committee will conduct an image and brand promotion activity for the named enterprise, and the specific plan is to be determined (the accommodation and food of the contestants and staff shall be borne by the enterprise);
7、 Other instructions
1. CCTV reported the whole event. It can be said that the event is a highly authoritative and interactive activity cooperated by multiple media. Leaders pay attention to it and the society pays attention to it, which has a sensational effect. The popularity, reputation and brand image of enterprises will be improved rapidly;
2. Within the scope of the reward points, the named enterprise and the organizing committee can jointly plan the specific reward scheme and implementation plan according to the publicity plan of the enterprise.
Only designated brand (280000 yuan)
1. The only designated brand has brand awareness, is enthusiastic about social welfare undertakings, has excellent product quality and service quality, and has no adverse social impact. It also integrates its own publicity into the activities, and actively organizes its own resources to promote the development of talent shows;
2. According to the different contents of products and services, cash + in kind sponsorship (cash sponsorship shall not be less than 50%, and in kind sponsorship shall be calculated according to 30% of the scanning price of products). The specific price shall be determined according to the relevance of products and services, and shall be exclusive in similar products or services.
3. The terms of return can be determined according to the characteristics of products and services.
Designated brand expression form:
Designated clothing brand, designated skin care cosmetics, designated tourism food, designated health food, designated reception liquor, designated beverage, designated reception hotel, designated game vehicle provider, designated shopping mall, designated catering store, designated handicraft, designated jewelry and handicrafts, designated entertainment club, designated household goods, designated beauty agency, designated photography agency, designated Make up agencies, designated beauty and plastic hospitals, designated fitness clubs, designated model training institutions, designated vocational training institutions, designated performing arts service institutions, designated insurance institutions.
Return on naming:
1、 Honor reward
1. A person in charge can be appointed as the vice chairman of the draft organizing committee to participate in the meeting of the organizing committee;
2. He has been awarded the license plate and certificate of "the only designated brand of 2020 global super model talent show", and is allowed to carry out publicity under this name;
3. Enjoy the right to jointly hold other special activities of this talent show, and carry out publicity, exhibition, promotion and other commercial promotion activities coordinated with the talent show in the name of enterprises and products;
4. It has become the exclusive product of the same kind in the same industry;
5. Leaders of the named unit are specially invited to attend the semi-finals and various press conferences, promotion meetings and theme reception held during the theme activities of the enterprise and make speeches;
6. On the premise of voluntary reciprocity, the sponsor has the priority to sign a contract with the contestants of this draft as the spokesperson or Ambassador of the company's products after negotiation;
7. Invite the leader of the sponsor to attend the award ceremony of Chongqing competition area finals and take photos on stage at the award ceremony;
8. In the final award ceremony, the draft Organizing Committee presented the honorary certificate and plaque to the sponsor.
2、 Television publicity
1. Specially invite the leader of the sponsor to do a special interview, which will be broadcast in more than ten network media;
2. CCTV programs track the whole process of reporting and releasing news about talent shows. Including: draft press conference and signing ceremony of the event title, preliminary competition, semi-finals, finals and award party related dynamics;
3. CCTV made news coverage of the finals in prime time for about 20 seconds.
4. Presenting the image materials related to the publicity report to the sponsor enterprises;
3、 Radio, print, outdoor publicity, on-site returns
1. In the whole process of the event, the provincial level radio station (broadcasting the name of sponsor enterprise) shall not be less than 3 times in total;
2. Other relevant media have published no less than 20 news reports on talent shows;
3. Provide the sponsor enterprises with plane media materials related to their publicity reports;
4. One advertising space (2mx3m) of the sponsor enterprise is provided on the site of the finals.
5. The sponsor logo appears on the stage background of the finals.
6. The host of the finals mentioned the sponsor enterprise before the competition, and acknowledged the sponsor enterprise at the end of the competition.
4、 New media publicity
Xinhuanet.com, people.com.cn, Xinhua, upstream news, Chongqing Chongqing network, jitter short video, Tencent, Iqiyi, and tiktok live broadcast platform, etc., to give news or special reports on the draft show.
5、 Promotion of talent show
1. During the draft finals, the sponsor enterprise can get a special interview from the on-site media and broadcast it in the network media;
2. The sponsor enterprises can use the publicity place they need as the designated registration point of the talent show, and the sponsor enterprises can present their products to the applicants as a means of publicity and promotion;
3. Organize the winners and media to visit the sponsor enterprises and hold exchange, get-together, on-site interview, group photo and gathering activities, make news hot spots and broadcast them in network media;
4. The sponsor and logo display in the background pictures of the event during the second round, semi-final and finals of the draft;
5. An image billboard can be set up at the activity site.
6. Set up a banner advertisement for the general title unit at the finals;
7. 10 sets of DV CD ROMs (including advertising of sponsors) and 10 pieces of cultural shirts will be presented;
8. 10 tickets were given to this talent show.
6、 Image endorsement reward
As the spokesperson of the corporate image, the winner of the finals will record a promotional video once.
7、 Other instructions
1. CCTV reports the whole process of the event. It can be said that the event is a highly authoritative and interactive activity cooperated by multiple media. Leaders pay attention to it and the society pays attention to it, which has a sensational effect. The brand image of enterprise popularity and reputation will be improved rapidly;
2. The sponsor enterprise and the organizing committee can jointly plan the specific reward scheme and implementation plan according to the publicity plan of the enterprise within the scope of the reward points.
Rental of advertising space on the competition site: RMB 10000
Four quadrangular column type advertising booths with one side size (3mx1.5m) will be set up at the competition site for the rental of advertising space (the production is in the charge of the Organizing Committee).
Business invitation for customized activities:
1. It can independently plan and customize the special show and artistic performance of the winners of the finals for the enterprise: 100000 yuan (the holding cost shall be borne by the enterprise itself);
2. Plan and hold business performance, road show, product release or project promotion meeting for the enterprise: RMB 100000 (the holding cost shall be borne by the enterprise).
Activity flow reference template
1、 Preparation period (30 days)
1. General planning of sub competition area scheme (in line with local government guidance and social needs in tourism, culture, commerce, etc.)
2. Press conference and launching ceremony preparation (venue, hotel, invited leaders, program preparation, contestant preparation, customer invitation)
3. Event information printing (project promotion, investment promotion manual, gift bag, invitation letter, etc.)
4. Sub competition area recruitment
5. Sponsorship and investment promotion (for the sponsorship of the launching ceremony, let the sponsor enter at a low threshold first)
6. Media and publicity planning, cooperation media negotiation
2、 Launch press conference (Reference)
Venue: banquet hall or professional performance place for 300 people in 5-star hotel, space above 500 square meters, LED screen of main stage above 30 square meters
Invited leaders: Retired leaders of propaganda, tourism, culture and other departments (it is better if there are in-service leaders), and retired leaders at or above the level of government departments
Media: 30 Internet, TV, radio and print media
Number of participants: about 300
Time: 90-120 minutes
Preparatory work:
1. Determine the implementation plan of the press conference (venue, personnel, transportation, catering, sponsorship, etc.);
2. Reach the invitation intention of guests;
3. Determine the stage design scheme;
4. Related design and material production;
5. Determine the invitation of relevant media;
6. All the lines and songs were finalized and recorded;
7. All round social propaganda plan should be determined;
8. The main venue of the press conference passed the security inspection to ensure safety;
9. To implement rehearsal training for performers and staff;
10. Publicity film production;
11. Press release;
12. Leader's speech draft;
13. Conference gifts.
Work focus: venue, program arrangement, media cooperation.