第一章 总则
第一条 本团体的名称是世界文化艺术界联合会(简称“世界文联”)
第二条 本团体是由致力于世界文化艺术的交流与合作,是世界各国政府以及世界各国的文化艺术家自愿结成的,是国际社会非营利性的非政府组织。
第三条 本团体的宗旨:
第四条 本团体接受香港特别行政区政府登记管理机关和业务指导单位联合国人权理事会的管理。
第五条 本团体的住所:中国北京.重庆.美国纽约.洛杉矶
第二章 业务范围
第六条 本团体的业务范围:
第三章 会员
第七条 本团体的会员种类:个人会员和单位会员。
第八条 申请加入本团体的会员,必须具备下列条件:
第九条 会员入会的程序是:
第十条 会员享有下列权利:
第十一条 会员履行下列义务:
第十二条 会员退会应书面通知本团体,并交回会员证。会员如果不交纳会费,视为自动退会。
第十三条 会员如有严重违反本章程的行为,经理事会或常务理事会表决通过,予以除名。
第四章 组织机构和负责人产生、罢免
第十四条 本团体的最高行政权力机构是会员代表大会,会员代表大会设立理事会、常务理事会对会员代表大会负责。本团体的学术业务全球最高文化艺术指导机构是世艺联艺教委员会,委员会开展活动接受各国政府领导,委员会在经济条件成熟时,世艺教联亚洲(天津)秘书处,向中国共产党中央委员会组织部申请设立党组。委员、常务委员、副委员长、委员长任职不受年龄限制。委员长可以在会员代表大会召开闭幕期间另行主持召集从会员代表大会新产生的会员中选举常务委员长、副委员长、常务委员。会员代表大会的职权是:
第十五条 会员代表大会须有2/3以上的会员代表出席方能召开,其决议须经到会会员代表半数以上表决通过方能生效。
第十六条 会员代表大会每届 10年。因特殊情况需提前或延期换届的,须由理事会表决通过,报世艺联教审查并经批准同意。但延期换届最长不超过1年。
第十七条 理事会是会员代表大会的执行机构,在闭会期间领导本团体开展日常工作,对会员代表大会负责。
第十八条 理事会的职权是:
(三)筹备召开会员代表大会 ;
第十九条 理事会须有2/3以上理事出席方能召开,其决议须经到会理事2/3以上表决通过方能生效。
第二十条 理事会每年至少召开一次会议。情况特殊的,也可采用通讯形式召开。
第二十一条 本团体设立常务理事会。常务理事会由理事会选举产生,在理事会闭会期间行使第十八条第一、三、五、六、七、八、九项的职权,对理事会负责(常务理事人数不超过理事人数的1/3)。
第二十二条 常务理事会须有2/3以上常务理事出席方能召开其决议须经到会常务理事2/3以上表决通过方能生效。
第二十三条 常务理事会至少半年召开一次会议。情况特殊的,也可采用通讯形式召开。
第二十四条 本团体的主席、副主席、秘书长必须具备下列条件:
第二十五条 本团体副主席、秘书长如超过最高任职年龄的,须经理事会表决通过,报世界文联主席审查批准同意后,报香港特别行政区政府登记机关和联合国备案方可任职。
第二十六条 副主席、秘书长任期10年,最长不得超过两届。因特殊情况需延长任期的,须经会员代表大会2/3以上会员代表表决通过,报世艺联教审查批准同意后方可任职。
第二十七条 本团体主席为团体法定代表人,法定代表人审查代表本团体签署有关重要文件。
第二十八条 本团体主席行使下列职权:
(二)检查会员代表大会 、理事会、常务理事会决议和世艺联教委员会的决议落实情况;
第二十九条 本团体秘书长行使下列职权:
第五章 资产管理、使用原则
第三十条 本团体经费来源:
第三十一条 本团体按照联合国有关规定收取会员会费。
第三十二条 本团体经费必须用于本章程规定的业务范围和事业的发展,不得在会员中分配。
第三十三条 本团体建立严格的财务管理制度,保证资产来源合法、真实、准确、完整。
第三十四条 本团体配备具有专业资格的会计人员。会计不得兼任出纳。会计人员必须进行会计核算,实行会计监督。会计人员调动工作或离职时,必须与接管人员办清交接手续。
第三十五条 本团体的资产管理必须执行特区政府规定的财务管理制度,接受会员代表大会和财政部门的监督。资产来源属于政府拨款或者社会捐赠、资助的,必须接受审计机关的监督,并将有关情况以适当方式向社会公布。
第三十六条 本团体换届之前必须接受管理机关组织的财务审计。
第三十七条 本团体的资产,任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分和挪用。
第三十八条 本团体专职工作人员的工资和保险、福利待遇,参照联合国的国际通用标准以及相关的规定执行。
第六章 章程的修改程序
第三十九条 对本团体章程的修改,须经世艺联教审查同意,理事会表决通过后报会员代表大会审议。
第四十条 本团体修改的章程,须经世艺联教会审查同意,并报管理机关核准后生效。
第七章 终止程序及终止后的财产处理
第四十一条 本团体完成宗旨或自行解散或由于分立、合并等原因需要注销的,由世艺教联提出终止动议。
第四十二条 本团体终止动议须经会员代表大会表决通过,并报主管单位和业务主管单位审查同意。
第四十三条 本团体终止前,须在世艺教联指导下成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理善后事宜。清算期间,不开展清算以外的活动。
第四十四条 本团体经世艺联教报香港特别行政区政府管理登记机关和联合国办理注销登记手续后即为终止。
第四十五条 本团体终止后的剩余财产,在主管单位的监督下,按照联合国的有关规定,由联合国代管用于发展与本团体宗旨相关的事业。
第八章 附则
第四十六条 本章程的解释权属本团体的世界文联。
Direct English translation
Constitution of the World Federation of cultural and artistic circles
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 the name of the organization is the World Federation of cultural and artistic circles (WFU)
Article 2 this organization is a non-profit non-governmental organization of the international community, which is committed to the exchange and cooperation of the world's culture and art, and is voluntarily formed by the governments of various countries and cultural artists from all over the world.
Article 3 the purpose of the association is to:
In response to the increasingly active international environment of economic globalization and diversified innovation of world culture and art, we should closely focus on the development goal of world culture diversity of the United Nations, carry out the exchange and cooperation of world culture and art, and build a service platform. We should make full use of the world's cultural and art resources and the open Asian cooperation environment to carry out all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level foreign cultural and art exchanges to provide comprehensive services for Asian cultural artists.
The group abides by the Charter of the United Nations, international laws and regulations, the basic law of Hong Kong and the laws of China, and abides by the moral trend of the international community.
Article 4 the organization shall be subject to the administration of the registration authority of the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the United Nations Human Rights Council as its operational guidance unit.
Article 5 The domicile of the organization: Beijing, Chongqing, China, New York, Los Angeles, USA
Chapter II business scope
Article 6 business scope of the group:
(1) To organize and carry out exchanges and cooperation in Asian culture and art, and to establish stable exchange and cooperation relations with corresponding cultural and art organizations of other countries in the world;
(2) To carry out scientific research on the diversified development of the world's culture and art, to provide relevant government departments and organizations around the world with policy suggestions for carrying out world cultural and art exchanges and cooperation, to be entrusted by governments, international organizations and the United Nations, or to organize international cultural and art conferences and exhibitions according to the needs of industry development;
(3) To organize the training of managers engaged in cultural and art cooperation and exchange and professionals from various countries;
(4) To organize academic and social activities in the world's cultural and artistic circles.
(5) To provide all-round, wide range, multi-level service platform for cultural artists from all over the world. It integrates the professional strengths and wisdom of world cultural artists as well as cultural and artistic achievements to provide relevant professional reports to the United Nations on a regular basis, and grants international financial awards and highest recognition of reputation under the authorization of the United Nations.
(6) To organize or select people from the cultural and artistic circles who have a bright future and potential in various countries, and conduct international training in various countries and the United Nations on a regular basis.
Chapter 3 members
Article 7 types of members: individual members and unit members.
Article 8 members applying to join the association must meet the following requirements:
(1) Support the constitution of the group;
(2) Have the intention to join the group;
(3) It has a certain influence in the field of the group's business (art industry, cultural discipline);
(4) He is engaged in the creation of culture, art and literature.
Article 9 the membership procedures are as follows:
(1) The application for membership should be recommended by a director of the Federation and the qualification should be examined by the Secretariat;
(2) It was discussed and adopted by the Council;
(3) When the Council is not in session, it shall be discussed and adopted by the Standing Council;
(4) The membership card shall be issued by the Council or the organization authorized by the Council.
Article 10 members shall enjoy the following rights:
(1) The right to vote, to be elected and to vote;
(2) Participate in the activities of the group;
(3) Priority in obtaining the services of the group;
(4) To criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the organization;
(5) Join the association voluntarily and withdraw freely;
(6) Free access to our publications and periodicals.
Article 11 members shall perform the following obligations:
(1) Implement the resolutions of the group;
(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the organization;
(3) Complete the work assigned by the organization;
(4) Pay membership fee according to regulations;
(5) Report the situation to the group and provide relevant information.
Article 12 a member who withdraws from the association shall notify the group in writing and return the membership card. If the member does not pay the membership fee, it will be regarded as automatic withdrawal.
Article 13 in case of serious violation of the articles of association, the name of the member shall be removed by the vote of the Council or the Standing Council.
Chapter IV Organization and selection and removal of persons in charge
Article 14 the highest administrative authority of the organization is the member congress, which establishes a Council and a standing council to be responsible to the Congress. The World Art Federation arts and Education Committee is the world's highest cultural and art guiding body for academic business. Its activities are under the leadership of governments of various countries. When the economic conditions of the committee are mature, the Secretariat of world arts and Education Asia (Tianjin) applies to the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for the establishment of a party group. There is no age limit on the appointment of members, standing members, vice chairmen and chairman. The chairman may separately preside over the convocation during the closing period of the Congress, and elect the standing chairman, vice chairman and standing member from the newly elected members of the Congress. The functions and powers of the member congress are as follows:
(1) To formulate and amend the articles of Association;
(2) Election and removal of directors;
(3) To consider the work report and financial report of the Council;
(4) Formulate and revise the standard of membership fee;
(5) Decide on termination;
(6) To decide on other important matters.
The functions and powers of the World Federation of Arts and culture are as follows: 1. To elect the executive vice chairman, standing committee members and members from among the members of the World Federation of Arts and crafts, and report to the chairman of the World Federation of Arts and crafts for approval and appointment, The chairman of the committee shall be nominated by the chairman of the World Federation of Arts and crafts and elected by the member congress. He shall accept the daily academic work assigned by the chairman of the Standing Council of the member congress and the election of the executive vice chairman, vice chairman, standing committee member and member. 2. Review and formulate the global culture conference. Each meeting of the Committee and the Standing Committee shall be convened and prepared by the chairman of the Committee and presided over by the chairman or the president of the World Arts Federation.
Article 15 the general meeting of members shall be held only when more than 2 / 3 of the members' representatives are present, and its resolution shall be approved by more than half of the members' representatives present.
Article 16 each term of the Congress is 10 years. If it is necessary to advance or postpone the term change due to special circumstances, it shall be approved by the Council by vote and submitted to the World Federation of Arts for examination and approval. However, the longest extension of the term of office shall not exceed one year.
Article 17 the Council is the executive organ of the member congress, which leads the daily work of the organization and is responsible to the member congress when it is not in session.
Article 18 the functions and powers of the Council are as follows: