带你重温2017年的拍卖之“最”Take you back to the "most" auction of 2017

  • 2018-02-01 10:19:37
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  3月15日,佳士得纽约亚洲艺术周「宗器宝绘 - 藤田美术馆藏中国古代艺术珍品」专场在纽约佳士得洛克菲勒广场的拍卖大厅隆重举行。31件来自位于大阪的藤田美术馆藏的拍品,包括多件备受瞩目的商周青铜礼器、包含在《石渠宝笈》著录中的重要古代书画作品,以及龙泉青瓷精品和佛造像等,总成交额达2.628亿美元(约合人民币18.136亿元),仅2件作品流标,总成交率达93.5%。




  陈容以绘龙闻名,世有“所翁龙”之称。本次上拍的《六龙图》曾为乾隆的收藏,后经颁赐进入恭王府。辛亥革命之后溥仪退位,醇王府迫于生计变卖家产,将著录于《石渠宝笈》初、续篇传为唐、宋、元的六卷古画卖与日本大阪的贸易翘楚山中商会(Yamanaka &Company)。此后,这6件书画又被售至藤田家族,在藤田传三郎男爵1954年创立藤田美术馆后进入美术馆馆藏。








Take you back to the "most" auction of 2017

As one of the topics of art practitioners, the art auction market in 2017 has provided a steady stream of excitement for everyone. From the beginning to the end, like a pot of wine gradually warming, not only the heat is more and more high, the charm is also increasingly strong. This statue of a wine then let us taste this year, let the recollection of those art market by warming the moment.
The most sob moment

Bronze gourmet grain square respect
In March 15th, Christie's New York Asian Art Week "Zong Bao Bao - the rattan Gallery collection of ancient Chinese art treasures" was held in the auction hall of New York Christie square, Rockefeller. 31 from Osaka Fujita Midatehide auction, including many high-profile bronze ritual vessels, included in the "Shiqu Baoji" in the description of the important ancient works of calligraphy and painting, and Longquan celadon boutique and Buddha statues, the total turnover amounted to $262 million 800 thousand (about 1 billion 813 million 600 thousand yuan), only 2 pieces of work flow the total turnover rate of 93.5%.

The part of Chen Rong's "six dragon map"

The part of Chen Rong's "six dragon map"
The highest price in the audience was Chen Rong's "six dragon map" in the Southern Song Dynasty. It was evaluated from 1 million 200 thousand to 1 million 800 thousand dollars, and after 16 minutes of auction, it ended up at 48 million 967 thousand and 500 dollars (337 million 500 thousand yuan).
Chen Rong is famous for painting dragon, and the world has the name of "Weng long". The six dragon chart, which was taken by the emperor, was collected for the Qianlong collection and was given to the Gong Wang Fu. After the revolution of 1911 Puyi, alcohol palace had been forced to sell their assets, will be recorded in the "Shiqu Baoji" at the beginning, for continuation of Tang and Song Yuan, the six volume of trade with Japan to sell paintings of Osaka chamber of Commerce (Yamanaka &Company) leader in the mountains. Since then, the 6 books and paintings were sold to the rattan family, and entered the museum collection in the art museum after the Fujita Buro Baron founded the rattan Art Museum in 1954.

Fujita Buro
Before World War II, the rattan family had been buying Chinese art by the chamber of Commerce in the mountains. In recent years, in order to raise funds and refurbished the art gallery, the rattan Museum has begun selling Chinese art collections besides tea ceremony works, in order to focus more on Japanese art and tea art in the future development.



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