书法名家进社区 挥毫泼墨送春联Calligraphy into the community huihaopomo send couplets
书法名家进社区 挥毫泼墨送春联
华龙网1月30日18时讯(记者 姜连贵)春意盎然气象新,欢天喜地迎新春。昨(29)日下午,江北区南方上格林小区彩旗飘扬,锣鼓喧天,人潮涌动,欢歌笑语,喜气洋洋,热闹非凡。南方物业上格林物管公司、江北区五里店街道渝能阳光社区2018年“真情连你我,和谐进万家”迎新春大型联谊会在《好日子》舞蹈中拉开序幕,大合唱《天耀中华》、《我的祖国》,舞蹈《田间欢歌》、《祖国颂》,器乐合奏《紫竹调》、《石榴花》,男女声小合唱《清晨我们踏上小路》,“倒功操”等来自上格林七彩艺术团、南方艺术团及小区物业的工作人员轮番上场,为小区居民们献上了一个个精彩的文艺节目,掌声欢呼声此起彼伏,把欢乐气氛推向了高潮。
Calligraphy into the community huihaopomo send couplets
Hualong network January 30th 18 newsletter (reporter Jiang Liangui) Spring is in the air. new spring weather, full of joy. Yesterday (29) afternoon, Jiangbei District on the South Green area flags flying, luoguxuantian, crowds, and laughter, lively and extraordinary bursting with happiness. Green property management company, Jiangbei District five street shops to Sunshine Community in 2018 "the truth even you and me south property, harmonious home" spring large association in the "good life" dance Prelude cantata "the day Yao China", "my motherland", "dance", "song of the field Ode to the motherland", "Melody", instrumental ensemble Zizhu "the pomegranate flower", male and female voices chorus "in the morning we set foot on the road", "inverted power exercises" from Green colorful art troupe, Southern Art Troupe and residential property staff took turns playing, for the district residents to offer a wonderful the art show, cheering applause as one falls, another rises to a climax, the atmosphere of joy.
In the spring of large fraternity scene, from the Chongqing daily newspaper group, Hualong Academy of painting and calligraphy, painting and Calligraphy Art Association, Chinese pen Calligraphers Association Chongqing branch, Chinese Radio International art-college Chongqing branch and other units of the calligrapher, on-site for residents to write couplets to send blessings, will advance to the residents around the holiday.
Jie Yong, a member of the Chinese Calligrapher's Association and a calligrapher
The event, a calligrapher was mobbed, came to ask for the Spring Festival couplets people are in a continuous line, laid out in the best of spirits calligrapher, open, open red paper huihaopomo. A picture filled with blessings on the red paper couplets on the deep affection and sincere wishes to overflow between the lines. Residents get full wish couplets after all smile.
Tian Dingwen, a member of China's hard Calligrapher Association and calligrapher
Ms. Luo Yun, a resident of the District, said happily, "this year, I am so glad that I can get the Spring Festival couplets written by calligraphers. I am so happy that I must put this fiery couplet on my doorstep home, hoping that the new year will be safe and smooth.
Zhou Longwei, vice president of the Chongqing hard Calligrapher Association and calligrapher
Through carrying out the Spring Festival calligraphy into community activities, we not only carry forward the traditional culture, but also satisfy the folk needs of people's Spring Festival couplets, so that the community residents can feel the traditional Chinese culture and feel the flavor of the new year.
Huang Rongxin, Deputy Secretary General of the Chongqing hard Calligrapher Association and calligrapher
Hualong Calligraphy Association executive vice president, calligrapher Zhu Qingfang, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association calligrapher Jie Yong, Zhang Zhenrong, China hard Calligrapher Association, calligrapher Tian Dingwen, vice chairman of Chongqing Calligraphers Association, pen calligrapher Zhou Longwei, deputy secretary general Huang Rongxin, Yang Yaming and other 9 calligraphers were invited to the scene to write couplets for the small owners to send blessings. The general manager of Southern property company Zou Huaqiang, the Secretary of the community Party committee and the leaders of the street participated in the party.
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