银川市开展“文化惠民 传承经典”戏曲培训活动Yinchuan city carries out the training activities of "the heritage of culture and the heritage of the people"

  • 2018-01-10 10:51:10
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银川市开展“文化惠民 传承经典”戏曲培训活动


    1月9日,由银川市文广局主办、银川市文化艺术馆承办的“文化惠民 传承经典”戏曲骨干培训班在银川市文化馆开班。来自全区200余名文艺爱好者参加培训。本期培训时间为1月10日至1月20日,特邀宁夏秦腔剧院艺研室主任、国家一级作曲、一级板胡演奏家安育民,西安秦腔剧院、国家一级演奏员(司鼓)张勤俭等艺术家现场授课。



Yinchuan city carries out the training activities of "the heritage of culture and the heritage of the people"


In January 9th, by the Yinchuan Municipal Bureau of SMG, sponsored by the Yinchuan culture and Art Museum hosted the cultural Huimin heritage classic opera backbone courses in Yinchuan city hall. More than 200 lovers of literature and art from the whole region participated in the training. This training time is from January 10th to January 20th, invited the Ningxia Opera Theatre Arts Research Director, national composer, a performer An Yumin, Xi'an opera theater, a national performer (drummers Zhang Qinjian and other artists on-site instruction).

During the training, teachers and students will be based on the characteristics of local opera, by focusing on teaching and to play with work, on the basis of theoretical knowledge, basic knowledge of opera opera singing and opera performing skills to explain, let students deeply feel the unique charm of opera culture, improve the artistic accomplishment of Art lovers.



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