




王京华世界顶级杰出巨匠,联合国(气候,和平)形象大使,俄罗斯帝国艺术学院院士,俄罗斯当代世界顶级艺术家,俄罗斯艺术科学院院士,2012 美国世界顶级卓越大师,(美)世界卓越发明家,(美)世界顶级杰出巨匠研究院院士。法兰西皇家美术院博士,巴黎国立高等美术院博士导师,法国文学与艺术高级司令官勋章,英国爱汀堡大学皇家院士,意大利皇家艺术科学院院士,佛罗伦萨美科学院院士,比利时安特卫普皇家院士,美科罗拉多工学院博士导师,东方骑士,东方圣人,爵士,世界华人抗疫公益之星,世界顶级杰出巨匠组织总干事,奥运会形象大使,世界艺术鉴定中心主任,世界艺术首席鉴定师,国际顶级艺术大师,世界华人艺术院副院长,中国国家书画院副院长,中国艺术交流协会副主席,中国创新工程师,中国书画研究院副院长,中国艺术人才专业委员会南方委员会副主任,世界字圣,九项开山鼻祖,世界文化名人,世界文化交流伟大贡献奖,世界文化大使勋章,《世界名人录》荣誉顾问,香港文联电影家协会副主席兼秘书长,世界顶级卓越大师,世界顶级杰出巨匠,世界人类非物质文化遗产传承人名录人,世界教科组织联合会副主席,国际文化旅游美食艺术争霸赛主席,世界模特选美大赛一代宗师教父,选美模特标准制定者,世界巨匠组织书画艺术研究院院长,世界文化旅游大赛主席,世界媒体艺术之都开拓者,世界第二次文艺复兴领头人。文艺复兴 12 一 16 世纪裸体油画裸体雕像。这次全世界的裸体字和肢体语言表达能力字,七情六欲,他把世界文字写动起来了,表情意义,而且有金元宝,金山,世界文字财神。科学创新文化书法,世界科学创新文化书法鼻祖,(世界人体,金木水火土龙鹰体,外星人交流)新九体开山鼻祖,世界书道三维四维五维书艺空间开山鼻祖。中国文化书法创始人,中国盛世书法金木水火土鹰凤龙十体开山鼻祖,世界文字创新约千年才出现一次,文化强国复兴才能远行。出资编专利书《开拓革新发明者》科学创新文化书画,人类肢体语言表达字,外星人交流字,金本水火土龙凤鹰鱼体字,也是资产阶级拥有,庶民兴享,新歇后语,舞蹈,科技创新革命性产品等。这次参加国家多都院士博导,由世界顶级杰出巨匠,世界卓越发明家登场,世界第二次文化艺术复兴,也是 8 百年的盛会。这次世界争霸赛盛会都有标准,级别,定律。历史开拓者,终究创造出世界书仙字圣,历史创造者,奋斗正当时!







他是世界五项冠标,标准 ,等级,定律,比赛准则,条件制定者:一,世界名牌顶级文化品的标准 ,等级,定律,条件【wfctf。org】【amwt。net】








四,世界艺术家标准 ,等级,定律,条件












Academician Wang Jinghua's "Culture+Scientific and Technological Innovation, leading the world's second Renaissance"

UN image ambassador Wang Jinghua, Russia, Russia, British and British, and British, academician and Blogi, the founder of the world's humanity and science, the originator, Oriental Knight, oriental saint.

1. Wang Jinghua invented the five -color flavor 9 grid hot pot and two -color cricket.2. Card king, portrait anti -counterfeit card, anti -counterfeiting business card, portrait star film.3. Body art posts.4. Scientific and innovative cultural calligraphy.5, the world's golden wood, water, water, fire, Feng Shui Five Elements Calligraphy, 6, Dragon and Phoenix Eagle Calligraphy, 7, alien exchange text.8. The meaning of the human limb language of the world, 9, 10,000 poems, 10, five -dimensional six -dimensional space, seven emotions and eight words, 11, world text evolution theory, 12, World Words, 13th Moon Star Five Elements Words, 13th Monthly Star Five Elements,14, [Water De Tianxia, Jin Si Nan, Cyclical, etc.] Gaodezan, 15, international tourism, food, entertainment competition, beauty pageant contest, international boxing champion competition, 16, formulate 6 international competition standard laws,17, Jinghua [DVD, MTV, Songs, Movies, Wanxiang Poems, Jerdist, Culture, World Innovation 9 Body Words, Shengshi Products] The World's Second Cultural and Art Revival leader.

Wang Jinghua, a world cultural celebrity, a great contribution award winner of the World Cultural Exchange, World Cultural Ambassador Wang Jinghua's United Nations Ambassador, Russia, France and Britain, Royal Academician, the world's top outstanding master organization, vice chairman of the World Education Organization Federation, French literature and art and artSenior Commander, invented the world of Jinmu Water, Water, Fire, Dragon Eagle and Phoenix Body Art of the Body Art of the Nineteen.

Wang Jinghua's top outstanding master, the United Nations (Climate, Peace) Ambassador, Academician of the Russian Academy of Art, Russian Contemporary World Top Artist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, 2012 U.S. World Excellence Master, (American) World Excellent Inventor, (American Beauty) Academician of the world's top outstanding giant research institute.Ph.D. in the Royal Academy of France, Ph.D. in Paris National Higher Art Institute, Medal of Commander, French Literature and Art Commander, Royal Academician at Etinburg University, Academician of the Royal Academy of Arts of the Italian, Academician of the Florence AcademyPhD instructor of the college, Oriental Cavaliers, Oriental Saints, Jazz, Star of the World of Chinese Anti -Popularity, Director -General of the World's Top Organization, Olympic Games Ambassador, Director of the World Art Appraisal Center, Chief Appraiser in World Art, Master of International Art, World Master of Art, WorldDeputy Dean of the Chinese Academy of Arts, Deputy Dean of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Deputy Chairman of the China Art Exchange Association, China Innovation Engineer, Deputy Dean of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, Deputy Director of the Southern Committee of the Chinese Art Talent Professional Committee, World Characteristics, Nine items, Nine items, nine itemsThe originator of Kaishan, a celebrity of world cultural celebrities, a great contribution award for world cultural exchanges, the Medal of World Culture Ambassador, "World Celebrity Records" honorary consultant, vice chairman and secretary -general of the Hong Kong Federation of Federation of Federation of Federation of Federation, the top master of the world, the world's top outstanding master, world human beingsIntangible cultural heritage inheritor list, vice chairman of the World Education Organization Federation, Chairman



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