镜头看世界--公安部知青摄影集《光语》观 后感



Beijing people say that everything they do is play, play crickets, play birds, play writing, play painting, play music, brother LV plays photography.


During the Spring Festival, brother Lu sent me a copy of the photo group work "language of light", which mixed the multiple emotions of their schoolmates and educated youth comrades in arms to play with the camera. It recorded the world in their eyes in the language of light and shadow. These people played well in photography.


Brother LV, named Yanqun, was a Beijing educated youth who went to the countryside to the "May 7th war school" of the Ministry of public security at Bijiashan farm in Heilongjiang Province.


After returning to Beijing, he served as a soldier, a pre-trial policeman, and published the documentary literature of the pre-trial story of the artillery Bureau. Now I play photography and have won many awards in professional photography competitions.


This time they sent a small group of photographers to collect and publish each person's photographic achievements. Brother Yin Ming said in the preface: their photographic significance lies in reflecting themselves in the process and results of creation, looking for themselves, positioning themselves, leaving history, clarifying the present and exploring the future. It can be seen that their photography has determined the goal from the beginning: they don't shoot casually.


Art works are the expression of the author's internal emotion and exploration of human nature. From their works, people can feel the level and pattern of this group of people.


Among the authors of Guangyu, I have seen some of them, but most of them have had divine intercourse after watching unforgettable Bijiashan and going to the 50th Anniversary Party of the May 7th war School of the Ministry of public security of Bijiashan farm in Heilongjiang Province. The word Bijia mountain made me feel kind to them.

在这册影集中发表了18位作者,180多幅作品。 这些作品大致可分为如下几类:风光摄影、人文摄影、人物摄影和艺术摄影。

In this album, 18 authors and more than 180 works have been published. These works can be roughly divided into the following categories: landscape photography, humanistic photography, figure photography and art photography.


Works such as Bai Jingsheng's the Yellow River, Qiankun Bay, bu Yanfeng's autumn dyeing the white birch forest, Ren Jianli's late boat, Shao Xuan's Pamir seal! Elephant and Yu Shaolin's past under the setting sun belong to the scenery category. The works show the majesty of the mountains and rivers of the motherland and the magnificence of the rivers.


Yu Shaolin believes that the process of photography is the process of discovering beauty, pursuing beauty, expressing beauty and perfecting beauty.

人物摄影以王和民《专注》《打工仔》 表现出了作者对底层人民大众的深深同情。如果读者知道王和民曾作过援藏干部,担任过西藏自治区纪检委副书记的职务后,就会对他同情百姓的情怀更加感动。

In figure photography, Wang hemin's focus and wage earners show the author's deep sympathy for the people at the bottom. If readers know that Wang hemin has been a cadre assisting Tibet and served as Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Tibet Autonomous Region, they will be more moved by his sympathy for the people.

王和民当年在笔架山的五七战校时,作过《五七战报》编辑,留下了最有纪念意义的珍贵资料。他收藏的115期《五七战报》每- -期都散发着当年油墨芳香,留下了他们在笔架山这片土地上付出的艰辛和足迹。那时王和民凭着-支笔记录着身边的战斗生活。如今他知道摄影作品可以一图胜千文的作用。

When Wang hemin was at the May 7th war school in Bijia mountain, he edited the May 7th war report, leaving the most memorable and precious materials. Each of the 115 issues of the May 7th war report collected by him exudes the fragrance of the ink of that year, leaving behind their hardships and footprints on the land of Bijia mountain. At that time, Wang hemin recorded the fighting life around him with a pen. Now he knows that photography can win thousands of words with one picture.


Wang hemin said: I have worked for decades and mainly deal with people. Therefore, I prefer social humanities in photography, like to shoot all kinds of people and take realistic images of ordinary people. Wang hemin remembers that British photographer Bresson said: "photography bears important social responsibilities. Every photographer should have a deep sense of dignity and realize that no matter how brilliant the picture and how well the technology are, if it is far away from love, understanding of human beings and cognition of human destiny, it will not be a successful work."

艺术照以邵萱的《二泉映月的余音》卜岩枫的《光影交织》慕平的《时光隧道》为主,他们的作品,除了光影技术的完美,更主要的是引来人们深层的思考。《二 泉映月的余音》通过瞎子阿炳的半残塑像和光影的组合,让人们想起阿炳生活时代的动荡。《二 泉映月》是哀怨缠绵的二胡名曲,百年后的余音又是什以呢,这幅作品留给读者深深的思考。

The art photos are mainly Shao Xuan's aftersound of two springs reflecting the moon, bu Yanfeng's interweaving of light and shadow and Muping's time tunnel. Their works not only attract people's deep thinking, but also attract people's deep thinking. The aftersound of two springs reflecting the moon reminds people of the turbulence of a Bing's life through the combination of the semi remnant statue of blind a Bing and light and shadow. "Two springs reflecting the moon" is a sad story  What is the aftersound of Hu Mingqu after a hundred years? This work leaves readers with deep thinking.


人文摄影以慕平的《掌舵人》《守卫家园的英魂》 吕燕雄的《为北京修铁路的农民工》和胡学愷的《学无止境》为代表的作品,表现出了人生的追求,对人类保家卫国英雄的歌颂和底层劳动大众的贊美。

Humanistic photography, represented by Mu Ping's "helmsman", "heroic soul guarding home", LV Yanxiong's "migrant workers building railways for Beijing" and Hu Xuekai's "endless learning", shows the pursuit of life, the praise of human heroes who protect the country and the praise of the working masses at the bottom.


When talking about his photographic perception, Muping said: photography needs to go through a long process from necessity to nature. In this process, it will exercise your body, temper your will, enrich your knowledge and show your sentiment. I've just entered this door. I know the depth of the road under my feet and how far it is.


Looking back on the author's life experience, he has been doing the work of guarding fairness and justice. He is sailing at the helm and dare not forget the depth of his life road and the distance of his goal.


Yin Ming's Firebird in flight and Ding Chongguang's beautiful shadow both show the leisure of Firebird on the dark green water surface, the flexibility of Swan and the tranquility of the lake, forming a huge black-and-white contrast. The open and closed wings and the peaceful and stable lake surface have the effect of dynamic and static contrast, showing the beauty and harmony of nature.


The simplicity of time tunnel and man and nature is exactly what David ward, a British landscape photographer, said: "images need an internal balance to give people a sense of harmony. We should not shoot all the scenes of different colors and shapes just to attract the attention of the audience. When taking pictures, we should take what we should take and give up what we should give. Remember, It is equally important to choose between the two. " These two works have done just the right choice.

吕燕雄的《人类与自然》大块留黑,一片沙漠三条人影把人类的渺小和自然的旷野一下子形成了鲜明的对比。胡学愷的《悠然自得》大面积留白中-人- 竹筏一黑天鹅的和谐相处的那种悠闲传递了出来。通过此片能看出作者对摄影作品后期处理的深厚功力和平时的美学修养。

LV Yanxiong's "human and nature" left a large piece of black. There were three figures in a desert, which suddenly formed a sharp contrast between the smallness of human beings and the wilderness of nature. In Hu Xuekai's "leisurely and complacent", the leisure of the harmonious coexistence of man, bamboo raft and black swan is transmitted. Through this film, we can see the author's deep skill in post-processing of photographic works and his usual aesthetic cultivation.


There is also a feeling when reading the photo album of Guangyu, that is, the name of each work is implicit and contains historical knowledge or extended and profound meaning.

随便举几个列子:吕燕群的《彼德大帝的雄心》邵萱的《二泉印月的余音》、慕平的 《战争与和平》、程南征的《昔在今在阳光在你在我在平安在》简直就是诗句命题。

To name just a few: LV Yanqun's ambition of Peter the great, Shao Xuan's aftersound of two springs printing the moon, Muping's war and peace, and Cheng Nanzheng's sunshine in the past and peace in the future are poetic propositions.


LV Yanqun's "natural moat into a thoroughfare" has won the national Photo Award of the Publicity Department of Shenzhen Municipal Party committee, China picture group, learning press and China National History Society to collect photos reflecting the achievements of the founding of the motherland in the past 70 years.


Since 2018, 160000 photos have been collected nationwide. After careful screening by the expert group, 108 photos have been selected to make a photo album.



Introducing the shooting process of this film, LV Yanqun said:


In March 2016, the nine of them drove from Beijing to Sichuan Limin school to help the poor. When they returned to Beijing, they passed Hunan Aizhai bridge. Because it was raining, there were no tourists under the bridge. LV Yanqun suggested getting off to pat the bridge, but most people didn't get off for fear of rain. He and two other friends went up the mountain of the bridge in the rain. Seeing the misty rain and the bridge looming and appearing at that time, LV Yanqun was very spectacular Just find a good angle and press the shutter, and there will be "natural graben becomes a thoroughfare".


LV Yanqun's shooting process also coincides with the classic view of Chinese photographer Li Shaobai: good works come out.


Just imagine, if LV Yanqun didn't have the love to go to Sichuan to help the poor, didn't go to the Aizhai bridge in Hunan, and didn't shoot in the rain, could they have such a work "natural graben becomes a common way"?

拍彼德大帝塑像之前,吕燕群先了解到彼德大帝的人生经历,这是个有知识、有胆识、有先进思想的帝王,才能把一一个游牧民族的俄罗斯带入到强大的帝国之列。吕燕群怕拍不出彼德大帝的帝王气质,在塑像前徘徊了很长的时间,一直在琢磨怎么用镜 头语言把他的气势拍出来,最后等来空中云层的变化后,他半蹲着从下往上斜伸镜头近45度角才抓拍到这张凌空跃起马踏宇宙的照片,而《彼德大帝的雄心》也便呼之欲出。

Before shooting the statue of Peter the great, LV Yanqun first learned about the life experience of Peter the great. This is an emperor with knowledge, courage and advanced ideas. Only in this way can Russia, a nomadic nation, be brought into the list of powerful empires. LV Yanqun was afraid that he could not capture the emperor's temperament of Peter the great. He lingered in front of the statue for a long time and wondered how to take pictures of his momentum with lens language. Finally, after the change of clouds in the air, he squatted and tilted the lens from bottom to top for nearly 45 degrees to capture this picture of leaping horses and stepping on the universe, and the ambition of Peter the great was about to come out.


In 2016, at the "Russian photography competition in the eyes of the Chinese" held in Russia, this photo of LV Yanqun won the third prize, which can also be regarded as winning glory for the Chinese people.


I think if I have the opportunity to interview the shooting process of those authors in the language of light, there will be moving stories and moving moments behind each work.


These people who grew up with the Republic are the elite backbone of the Republic in their work. After retirement, "play" also has elegant pursuit and further goals.

胡延安大姐在《光语》的后记中说:“出版这册影集,目地不仅是对大家一 年来摄影工作水平的检验,也是为了推动大家在今后的摄影领域-步步的从技术走向艺术, 从艺术走向文化的更高层次。

In the postscript of Guangyu, elder sister Hu Yan'an said: "the purpose of publishing this album is not only to test everyone's photography level in the past year, but also to promote everyone in the future Photography Field - step by step from technology to art, from art to a higher level of culture.


Ouyang Xiu, a great poet of the Northern Song Dynasty, said: you can tell who he is by what he likes.


Photo works of Guangyu are attached:



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