七言排律 天山天池凉意浓































[3] 天山博格达峰海拨5445米,终年积雪,冰川延绵。




[7] 海子、龙潭是天池的古代别名称。

[8] 瑶池、神池也是天池在古代的名称。



[11] 新疆天山天池风景名胜区位于新疆维吾尔自治区昌吉回族自治州阜康市境内博格达峰下的半山腰,是中国国家级风景名胜区、国家AAAAA级风景区。风景区总面积达160平方公里(规划面积548平方公里),以天池为中心,北起石门、南到雪线、西达马牙山、东至大东沟,有完整的4个垂直自然景观带。

[12] 2013年,新疆天山天池风景名胜区被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。 [1]  2015年6月,天山天池的西王母神话列入中国第四批国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目。

[13] 整个天山包括冰川15953条,冰川面积15416 km。其中,中国境内的天山冰川,数量有9035条,冰川面积9225 km,冰储量1011 km。



[16] 景名为五十盘天,是在石门以下的一处纡回山径,经过石门后,从其上的平岗“又一村”开始上天池顶的盘山公路,约五十盘。


[18] 冰潭银帘(地名为“西小区天池瀑布”)过了西小天池不远,路右侧的瀑布即为“西小天池瀑布”,瀑布凌空,垂帘数 十米,犹如一卷垂落的银帘,银帘的后面,隐现着王母娘娘梳洗的倩影。

[19] 醴泉洞,为西小天池瀑布的源头,此处似洞非洞,隐蔽难寻,又称“隐乳洞”,故景名为“醴泉隐乳”;泉水从地下涌出,清净甘甜,传说是王母娘娘的醴泉。《史记》卷一百二十三曰:“《禹本记》言:‘河山昆仑。昆仑其高二千五百余里,日月所避隐为光明也,其上有醴泉、瑶池’。”


[21] 东小天池北岸断崖峭壁,高近百米,故称“百米崖”。每逢春末夏初,冰雪消融,池水上涨并由北岸泻漏下跌,形成近百米高的瀑布,流银泻玉,飞溅直下,水声如雷;若逢阳光折射,则彩练当空,气象万千。

[22] 终碛垄 高达286米,就这样诞生了美丽的天池。 天池西岸的长垄山体,传说是一条鳄鱼所变,故名“鳄鱼山”。鳄鱼头朝南身朝北,鳄鱼背呈弧状缓峰隆起,鳄鱼足插于湖中,鳄鱼尾即为前述的“鳄鱼坝”。

[23] 天山东侧是“东小天池”,又名黑龙潭,位于天池以东500米处,潭下为百丈悬崖,有瀑布飞流直下,像一道长虹而降,景点名“悬泉瑶虹”。

[24] 一株生长在天池大海子北岸海拔1910米高处的古榆树,在鳄鱼坝上向湖边看即可看到,是环池核心景区方圆几公里内中唯一的榆树,具有很高的生态价值;相传为西王母的宝簪化成,插在此处镇锁水怪。


[26] 卧龙山,即东岸靓女,头朝北尾朝南,龙脊九曲呈9座起伏的缓峰,龙脊西侧的龙爪变为5条支脉伸入池内;每当日薄西山时,夕阳的余辉会沿着山体勾勒出一位少女的侧影,她屈曲双腿、仰面而卧,头枕高山,长长的睫毛化为山头的几株松树,丰满的胸脯则化为两座圆圆隆起的山峰,传说这个妙龄少女每当夕阳西下就来与卧龙幽会。鳄鱼山,天池西岸的长垄山体,传说是一条鳄鱼所变,故名“鳄鱼山”。鳄鱼头朝南身朝北,鳄鱼背呈弧状缓峰隆起,鳄鱼足插于湖中,鳄鱼尾即为前述的“鳄鱼坝”。

[27] 南湖黄龙,位于博格达山区,夏季降水较多,在天池常暴雨盆泼。三工河上游集水面积有168平方公里。每当大雨,河水汹涌北泻,黄色的洪水,浩浩淼淼。从池北南望,如一条黄色巨龙入池,使池水翻腾不息,涛长里许,涛声如雷,成扇状散去,似“孔雀开屏”。要观此景,则需小住或包车前往。


Seven character platoon • Tianshan and Tianchi are cool

Pu Wenqiang

August 7, 2021

Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang is infinitely beautiful, and Tianchi Lake is glittering with gold.

The Queen Mother bathes [1] fairy music, and the waves fly comfortably.

Tourists from all over the world gather in the Tianchi Lake, and the heaven and the earth show green.

Four seasons scenery [2] in a mountain, spring, summer, autumn and winter at a glance.

The hot sun outside the mountain is cool in midsummer. When you climb the Tianshan Mountain, the cool wind follows.

A hundred flowers are blooming in the eyes, and the mid mountain is red and full of flowers.

Bogda peak [3] looks like a silver helmet frozen for 100 million years [4].

The strong man is 5000 meters tall [5] and welcomes guests and friends from all over the world.

Tianchi is better than heaven's eyes, and the sun and moon move and form a latent circle.

The Dragon lies across [6] the Tianchi Lake, and the divine dragon plays the sea and protects the holy water.

Haizi Longtan [7] is a floating name, and yaochi and Shenchi [8] are all called.

Starting from Shimen south snow line in the North [9], Dadonggou to mayainei [10].

National 5A scenic spot [11] and World Heritage [12] are more precious.

Glaciers stretch for thousands of miles [13], and the water source vegetation is more abundant.

The Tianchi Shimen [14] Canyon is far away, and the tiger occupies the dragon column and the divine cone [15].

Fifty winding roads [16] into the clouds, circling and flying across the world.

West Xiaotianchi Yunv pond [17], Longtan Biyue smiles.

Jade belt silver curtain [18] pond waterfall, man dance light song, Queen Mother drunk.

Liquan hidden milk, Liquan cave [19], serve the virgin for thousands of years.

East small Tianchi pond flying dragon [20], goddess dressing fairy air blowing.

Hanging spring waterfall and 100m cliff [21], the sound of water is like thunder and wins the first prize.

Crocodile dam [22] next to Zhongqi ridge, and Heilong waterfall [23] thundered.

Zhenhai ancient elm Dinghai needle [24], which was made by the virgin of the Western King [25].

Wolong mountain is adjacent to crocodile peak [26], and Nanhu Huanglong [27] has a blue sky.


[1] It is said that the Tianshan Lake in Xinjiang is a holy place for the queen mother of the west to bathe. It is auspicious and sacred.

[2] In the peak season of Tianshan and Tianchi, Bogda peak is located at the foot of the mountain, halfway up the mountain, Tianchi and on the mountain. There are different scenery in spring, summer, autumn and winter at the same time.

[3] Bogda peak in Tianshan Mountain is 5445 meters above sea level, with snow and glaciers all year round.

[4] The peak of Bogda mountain in Tianshan, Xinjiang is frozen all year round. From a distance, it looks like a silver helmet worn by a powerful warrior.

[5] The height of Bogda peak on the edge of Tianshan and Tianchi is more than five meters. It stands majestic and majestic like a strong man.

[6] Tianshan Tianchi Lake has been formed for hundreds of millions of years. The middle water is 103 meters deep. It is said that there is a giant dragon lying at the bottom to protect the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas. Tianhaizi lake, or the main lake and Datianchi lake, is located in the Zhongshan Canyon forest belt at the north foot of Bogda mountains. The lake is 1910m above sea level, forming a north-south rectangle (half moon in one word), 3.5km (3.4km) long from north to south, 0.5 – 1.5km wide from east to West, 9.7km perimeter, 60m (40m) average water depth, and 103m (102m) maximum depth in the northeast, The lake area is generally 2.75 square kilometers (3.5 square kilometers), the maximum area is 4.90 square kilometers, and the average water storage is 130 million cubic meters (generally 160 million tons, the maximum water capacity is 200 million tons).

[7] Haizi and Longtan are ancient names of Tianchi.

[8] Yaochi and Shenchi are also the names of Tianchi in ancient times.

[9] The planned area of Tianshan Mountain is from Shimen in the north to the snow line in the south.

[10] The planning of Tianshan Mountain is Donggou in the East and Maya mountain in the West.

[11] Xinjiang Tianshan Tianchi scenic spot is located on the hillside under Bogda peak in Fukang City, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It is a national scenic spot in China and a national AAAAA scenic spot. The scenic area covers a total area of 160 square kilometers (planning area of 548 square kilometers). With Tianchi as the center, it starts from Shimen in the north, Xuexian in the south, Maya mountain in the West and Dadonggou in the East. There are four complete vertical natural landscape zones.

[12] In 2013, Xinjiang Tianshan Tianchi scenic spot was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list[ 1] In June 2015, the myth of the West Queen Mother of Tianshan and Tianchi was listed in the fourth batch of representative national intangible cultural heritage projects in China.

[13] The whole Tianshan Mountain includes 15953 glaciers, with an area of 15416 km. Among them, there are 9035 Tianshan glaciers in China, with a glacier area of 9225 km and an ice reserve of 1011 km.

[14] Tianchi Shimen, named "Shimen line", is 1500 meters above sea level. It is located 5.9 kilometers north of Datianchi. It is a stone Canyon cut by the ancient river channel of Sangong River. This mountain pass is a natural gateway to the scenic spot; The canyon is about 100 meters long and only about 10 meters wide at the narrowest point. The vertical rock walls on both sides are more than tens of meters high. The situation is steep. Looking up, you can see a line of sky, and the Sangong River is coiled on the side.

[15] Tianchi Shimen has a canyon for tens of miles, with strange shapes. Some are like a tiger in a dragon's plate, covered with stalagmites, stone columns and stone cones.

[16] The scenery is called fifty pan days. It is a winding mountain path below the Shimen. After passing the Shimen, it starts from the "another village" in Pinggang on it to the pan mountain road at the top of the Tianchi Lake, about fifty pan.

[17] West Xiaotianchi, with an altitude of 1600 meters (one said 1660 meters), is located in the northwest of the main lake (Dahaizi, Tianchi). It is about two kilometers northwest of its foot and at the lower right of the third plate of 50pan highway. The lake water leaks from the southwest of Tianchi dam, flows into the lake in the form of waterfall and flows into Sangong River; In ancient times, it was called yunu lake. According to legend, it was the foot washing place for the West Queen Mother. The scenery was called "Queen Mother's foot basin", also known as little Longtan, so it was also called "Longtan blue moon".

[18] Bingtan silver curtain (the place name is "Tianchi waterfall in West community") is not far from the West Xiaotianchi. The waterfall on the right side of the road is "West Xiaotianchi waterfall". The waterfall is in the air and the curtain is tens of meters long, just like a roll of falling silver curtain. Behind the silver curtain, there is a beautiful shadow of the Queen Mother grooming.

[19] Liquan cave is the source of the West Xiaotianchi waterfall. It looks like a cave but not a cave. It is hard to find. It is also called "hidden milk cave", so the scenery is called "Liquan hidden milk"; The spring water gushes out from the ground, clean and sweet. It is said to be the lily spring of the queen mother《 Volume 123 of the historical records says: "Yu Ben Ji says: 'rivers, mountains and Kunlun Mountains. Kunlun is more than 2500 Li high. The sun and moon hide as light. There are Liquan and yaochi on it. "

[20] The East Xiaotianchi lake was named Heilongtan in ancient times. At the foot of the pond is a Baizhang cliff, with waterfalls flowing straight down, just like a rainbow falling against the sky, which is spectacular. Geography

[21] the cliff on the North Bank of East Xiaotianchi is nearly 100m high, so it is called "100m cliff". In late spring and early summer, when ice and snow melt, the pool water rises and falls from the north bank, forming a waterfall nearly 100 meters high, flowing silver and jade, splashing down, and the sound of water is like thunder; If the sunlight is refracted, the color training is in the sky, and the weather is myriad.

[22] the terminal moraine ridge is 286m high, which gave birth to the beautiful Tianchi Lake. The Changlong mountain on the West Bank of Tianchi Lake is said to have been changed by an crocodile, so it is called "crocodile mountain". The head of the crocodile faces south and the body faces north. The back of the crocodile rises slowly in an arc shape. The crocodile's feet are inserted into the lake. The crocodile's tail is the aforementioned "crocodile dam".

[23] on the east side of Tianshan Mountain is the "East small Tianchi", also known as the black dragon pond. It is located 500 meters east of the Tianchi pond. Under the pond is a Baizhang cliff. A waterfall flows down like a long rainbow. The scenic spot is called "Xuanquan Yaohong".

[24] an ancient elm growing at an altitude of 1910 meters on the North Bank of Dahaizi, Tianchi, can be seen from the crocodile dam to the lake. It is the only elm within a few kilometers of the core scenic spot around the lake, with high ecological value; It is said that the treasure hairpin of the West Queen's mother was transformed into a lock water monster inserted here.

[25] it is said that the existing huge ancient elm, which is thousands of years old, was planted by the mother of the Western King and is magical and precious.

[26] Wolong mountain, a beautiful girl on the east bank, faces north and south. The Dragon Ridge is nine zigzags and nine undulating slow peaks. The Dragon claws on the west side of the Dragon Ridge become five branches extending into the pool; Whenever the sun is fading, the afterglow of the sunset will outline the profile of a young girl along the mountain. She bends her legs, lies on her back, and rests her head on the mountain. Her long eyelashes turn into several pine trees at the top of the mountain, and her plump chest turns into two round and uplifted peaks. It is said that this young woman will come to have a tryst with Wolong whenever the sun sets. Crocodile mountain is a long ridge mountain on the West Bank of Tianchi Lake. It is said that it was changed by an crocodile, so it is called "crocodile mountain". The head of the crocodile faces south and the body faces north. The back of the crocodile rises slowly in an arc shape. The crocodile's feet are inserted into the lake. The crocodile's tail is the aforementioned "crocodile dam".

[27] South Lake Huanglong, located in Bogda mountain area, has a lot of precipitation in summer, and it often rains in Tianchi. The upstream catchment area of Sangong River is 168 square kilometers. Whenever it rains heavily, the river surges northward, and the Yellow flood is vast. Looking from the north to the south of the pool, it looks like a yellow dragon entering the pool, making the pool water churn. The waves are long, and the sound of the waves is like thunder, scattered in a fan, like "peacock opening the screen". To see this scene, you need to stay or charter a car.



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