


Speech by Pan Zhenzhou, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of culture and first director of the National Museum


On April 10, 2021, the opening ceremony of Tao Hongjun's calligraphy and painting art exhibition of "Jun Xin Yin painting" sponsored by Huaxia Culture and Art Committee of China Asian economic development association was successfully held in Beijing National Culture Palace.



Speech by Cheng Lu, the ninth vice chairman of all China Federation of industry and Commerce


Pan Zhenzhou, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of culture and first director of the National Museum of culture, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Ning Fukui, deputy director general of the Asia Department of the Ministry of foreign affairs, announced the opening ceremony. Cheng Lu, the ninth vice chairman of all China Federation of industry and commerce, delivered a congratulatory message, Wang Kejian, fan Ze and Dai Weiting, the executive vice chairman of China Association for Asian economic development, Tao Lieqiang, Liu Jianwen and Zhang Ai, the vice chairman of Huaxia Culture and Art Commission, Yin Zhiguang, a famous recitation artist, and Zhang Biao, the resident vice chairman of China Association of calligraphers, spoke highly of Tao Hongjun's works.



Speech by Zhang Biao, vice chairman of China Book Association


More than 300 guests and artists from all over the country attended the opening ceremony.



Speech by Tao Hongjun, chairman of Huaxia Culture and Art Committee of China Asian Economic Development Association

此次展览共展出陶洪君先生近年来国画和书法作品120余幅。 陶洪君书画皆精,其山水画作善于以“势”取胜,随心所欲的去挥洒笔墨,自由洒脱,率性而为,线条饱满、粗犷,充满生命的张力,墨色酣畅淋漓直铺画面。其作品“明心见性,造化无私”给参观者极其唯美、柔和的视觉体验。陶洪君的书法诸体皆擅,尤工行书。用笔洗练、刚劲,行笔快捷、流利。落笔如急雨行舟,运笔放中有敛。雄中寓秀,巧中藏拙。墨色枯、涩、浓、淡变化适宜;章法错落有致、穿插不乱,洒脱、雄劲、舒展的同时蕴含连绵不绝之神韵。最值得一提的是其字体结构,深得传统书道真髓,古中有新,典雅平实、素朴内敛,面目端庄而神采秀丽,尽显民族文化精神命脉中最为幽微之处。

More than 120 paintings and calligraphic works of Mr. Tao Hongjun in recent years are exhibited in this exhibition. Tao Hongjun is good at both calligraphy and painting. His landscape paintings are good at winning by "momentum". He is free and easy to use his brush and ink as he likes. His lines are full and rough, full of life tension, and the ink color is full of vitality. His works "insight, selfless nature" give visitors an extremely aesthetic and soft visual experience. Tao Hongjun is good at all styles of calligraphy, especially in gongxingshu. Writing is concise, vigorous, fast and fluent. The pen is like a boat in a rainy day. Show in the male, hide clumsy in the skillful. The ink color is dry, astringent, thick and light, and the changes are appropriate; the composition is well arranged, interspersed, free and easy, vigorous and stretching, and contains continuous charm at the same time. What is most worth mentioning is that its font structure is deeply rooted in the essence of traditional calligraphy. It is elegant and plain, simple and introverted. It has a dignified and beautiful face, showing the most subtle part of the spiritual lifeline of national culture.



Vice chairman Cheng Lu, deputy director Ning Fukui, vice chairman Zhang Biao and Tao Hongjun had a cordial conversation

陶洪君先后走进解放军三军仪仗队、国旗护卫队和雷锋团进行慰问。积极与日本、韩国、泰国、伊朗和卢旺达等大使馆进行文化交流 ,得到了社会各界的一致好评。

Tao Hongjun went to the honor guard of the three armed forces of the people's Liberation Army, the national flag guard and Lei Feng regiment to express his sympathy. It has actively carried out cultural exchanges with embassies of Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Iran and Rwanda, and has won unanimous praise from all walks of life.



Tao Hongjun's 7-year-old granddaughter Tao Jiqi's work "cloud shoulder" and other four works have also been praised by the majority of visitors.



Ning Fukui, former deputy director general of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Ministry of foreign affairs, announced the opening ceremony


Pan Zhenzhou, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of culture, praised Tao Hongjun's calligraphy as a visible melody, and his paintings as solidified images, sucking the essence of the world.



At the opening ceremony, Tao Hongjun's granddaughter Zhen Zixuan and teacher Yin Zhiguang recited "reading China" together, which caused bursts of applause from the guests present.


The theme of this activity is "let Chinese traditional culture go to the world, inherit and carry forward the beauty of Chinese culture". Through the calligraphy and painting exhibition, more people will realize the charm of Chinese calligraphy and painting.




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