【世界文联】金秋万物硕果累累 九九重阳 书画笔会赞改革
- 2020-10-23 14:01:28
- 点赞量:7846
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- 作者:(陈运发)法治中国头条新闻 (Chen Yunfa) China's rule of law
世界文联网讯(编辑 陈磊磊 陈运发 通讯员 朱祥兆) 2020年10月22日,由北京市劳动模范、学雷锋先进个人武当山道教协会净乐宫管委会授权为终身国礼书画院院长的刘僧会先生组织各位副院长承办的一场独具特色的 “喜迎重阳节”《送金秋九九重阳节笔会》书画活动在北京武当山净乐宫国礼书画院举行。
World Federation of literary and art (editor Chen Lei Lei, Chen Yunfa correspondent Zhu Xiangzhao) October 22, 2020, Authorized by jingle Palace Management Committee of Wudang Mountain Taoist Association and authorized by jingle Palace Management Committee of Wudang Mountain Taoist Association as the president of lifelong national ritual calligraphy and painting academy, Mr. Liu Seng Hui organized a unique calligraphy and painting activity of "welcoming the Double Ninth Festival" and sending off the calligraphy and painting meeting of the Double Ninth Festival in the golden autumn festival organized by the vice presidents.
活动现场,翰墨精英、巾帼女杰、书画界名家离退休老干部们挥毫泼墨、笔走龙蛇。作品立意新颖、主题鲜明,或大气磅礴、或委婉清秀、或古拙厚重,散发着浓郁的艺术芳香,既讴歌了改革开放40多年取得的辉煌成就,又体现了离退休老干部 “老骥伏枥志在千里”的精神。
At the scene of the activity, the retired veteran cadres of the calligraphy and painting circles, outstanding women and famous calligraphers and painters, splashed ink with their brush. The works are novel in conception and distinct in theme. They are majestic, graceful and elegant, or ancient and thick. They are full of artistic fragrance. They not only eulogize the brilliant achievements made in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, but also embody the spirit of retired veteran cadres who are "ambitious and ambitious".
During the activities, they exchanged ideas, learned from each other and worked together to carry forward the culture of Chinese calligraphy and painting, and showed their artistic talents. They are very grateful to President Liu for building this cultural platform for you.
Zhang Baorong, Ji Jinqiang, Jing Shuzhen, Lu Jingying, Xu Hongyan, Yang Yuzhen and Wang Haiqing participated in the calligraphy and painting activity of "sending off the pen meeting of the Double Ninth Festival in autumn". Please enjoy their excellent works.
简介:张宝荣,男,汉族,职业画家。1957年8月生于北京丰台区方庄。75年偶识丹青,自学大写意画家吴昌硕.王铸九大师的墨迹。95年拜著名画家当代雁翁郑克明老师,并在北京、山东、成都、厦门参加国内举办的联合巡展。作品先后被新华社、井冈山博物馆、大观园博物馆、马来西亚华侨联合会、新西兰友人、泰国皇室收藏。 艺术成就:2017年,光明日报出版社出版画集。曾在全国书画专业总决赛中任总评委,在全国青少年书画赛评选中担任评委。中国书画报、中华书画、亚洲论坛、中国书画名家365、中国艺术等报刊杂志均有评论介绍。
Introduction: Zhang Baorong, male, Han nationality, professional painter. Born in August 1957 in Fangzhuang, Fengtai District, Beijing. In 75 years, I have known painting occasionally and taught myself the ink of Master Wu Changshuo and Wang zhujiu. In 1995, he paid homage to the famous contemporary painter, Mr. Zheng Keming, and participated in joint exhibitions held in Beijing, Shandong, Chengdu and Xiamen. His works have been collected by Xinhua news agency, Jinggangshan Museum, Grand View Garden Museum, overseas Chinese Association of Malaysia, friends of New Zealand and royal family of Thailand. Artistic achievements: in 2017, Guangming Daily Publishing House published a collection of paintings. He once served as the general judge in the national final of calligraphy and painting, and served as the judge in the selection of national youth painting and calligraphy competition. Chinese painting and calligraphy daily, Chinese painting and calligraphy, Asian forum, famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters 365, Chinese art and other newspapers and magazines have comments and introductions.
简介: 徐洪艳,号墨砚雅和,武当山居士,道号崇艳。自幼喜欢书画,以芥子园为老师,勤于笔耕,潜心研究与创作,在绘画当中曾得到多家名师指点。作品曾在北京首届一带一路"中华杯"民族文化邀请展荣获"金奖",首届"浙商杯"全球华人大赛荣获"三等奖",齐鲁文化艺术大赛获得"二等奖",并多次获得奖项。作品曾多次在北京,广东、河南、山东、四川等地获奖并收藏。作品传略《当代翰墨大观》及《世界华人艺术名人录》。现担任中国促进会副院长,国礼书画院武当山净乐宫国礼书画院副院长、北京康庄书画院艺术总监、中国书法名家联合会美术师,中国当代名家艺术研究院院士等等职务。
Introduction: Xu Hongyan, No. inkstone Yahe, Wudang Mountain hermit, Taoist name Chongyan. In the middle of painting, he studied and learned from the famous calligrapher. His works one belt, one road, the Chinese cup, the national cultural invitational exhibition, won the gold medal in Beijing. The first "Zhejiang merchants Cup" global Chinese competition was awarded the "three prize". The Qilu culture and art competition won the "two prize" and won many awards. His works have been awarded prizes and collected in Beijing, Guangdong, Henan, Shandong, Sichuan and other places. A brief introduction of the works "contemporary calligraphy" and "the world's Chinese art celebrities". He is now the vice president of China Association for the promotion of Chinese calligraphy and painting, vice president of Guoli calligraphy and Painting Academy of Wudang Mountain jingle palace, art director of Beijing Kangzhuang calligraphy and painting academy, artist of China calligraphy masters Association, academician of Chinese contemporary famous artists art research institute, etc.
简介: 计进强、字首宇、号云墨山人,男、汉族、大专文化、1974年生于河南仓颉圣地,今濮阳南乐县,定居北京;现任中国国礼书画院副院长、中国书画家协会会员、中国书画摄影家协会会员、中国文化管理协会书画工作委员会理事(隶属中国文化部),北京首宇国际文化发展交流中心总经理、中北清文化艺术有限公司总经理。幼承庭训,酷爱书画,初学柳体、后攻颜体、继学欧体、习二王等历代名家碑帖,几十年如一日,临池不辍,作品多次在全国书法大赛中获奖。
Introduction: Ji Jinqiang, born in 1974 in Cangjie holy land of Henan Province, is now in Nanle County of Puyang and has settled in Beijing. He is now the vice president of the national ritual calligraphy and painting academy, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a member of the Chinese painting and Calligraphy Association, and a member of the calligraphy and painting working committee of the Chinese Cultural Management Association (under the Ministry of culture of China), and Beijing Shouyu international culture and Culture Association General manager of Huade Development Exchange Center and general manager of Zhongbei Qing culture and Art Co., Ltd. Young chengtingxun is very fond of calligraphy and painting. He started to learn Liuti style, later attack Yan style, followed by European style, Xi Erwang and other famous stele inscriptions. Over the past decades, he continued to study in linchi. His works have won many awards in national calligraphy competitions.
简介: 路景英, 字景砚,号静心居士。一九五0年生于北京昌平十三陵。满族。自幼酷爱书法,颜体入手,碑贴皆修。后又临刘炳森、卢定山贴专攻隶书,字体奇险、笔锋独特,苍劲有力。曾被中国人民解放军特种兵邀请题词。作品被全国各地爱好者收藏,并受到曰本、美国、新加坡等国际友人的喜爱。路景英先生现任中国书画界联合会理事,中国部长将军书画院研究员、中促会国礼书画院副院长,中视频道书画院院士,东方艺术天地会员,中国景英书画联谊中心主任。 路景英先生热心书画公益,长期奔波全国各地参加文化交流与大型笔会活动,人民网,新华网,中央电视台,媒体联盟时代名家,人民艺术家等媒体对其事迹多次进行报道,获得有关权威部门颁发的荣誉证书和奖项数百次,其书法作品成为2018福满人间经典挂历,并入选国家级书画专刊和典籍,是当代有最具收藏价值和影响力的书法家。
Introduction: Lu Jingying, the word Jing Yan, No. Jingxin hermit. He was born in the Ming Tombs of Changping, Beijing in 1950. Manchu. Since childhood, he loved calligraphy very much. He started with Yan style and repaired steles. After that, Liu Bingsen and Lu Dingshan pasted to specialize in Lishu, with unique and vigorous characters. He was once invited to write an inscription by the special forces of the Chinese people's Liberation Army. His works are collected by fans all over the country and loved by Japanese, American, Singapore and other international friends. Mr. Lu Jingying is currently the director of China Federation of calligraphy and painting circles, research fellow of general calligraphy and Painting Academy of Chinese Minister, vice president of Guoli calligraphy and Painting Academy of China Promotion Association, academician of China TV channel calligraphy and painting academy, member of Oriental art world and director of China Jingying calligraphy and painting Friendship Center. Mr. Lu Jingying is enthusiastic about the public welfare of calligraphy and painting. He has been traveling all over the country for a long time to participate in cultural exchanges and large-scale written meeting activities. The people's network, Xinhuanet, CCTV, media alliance, time masters, people's artists and other media have reported on his deeds for many times, and won hundreds of honorary certificates and awards issued by relevant authorities. His calligraphy works have become a classic calendar in 2018 He is one of the most valuable and influential calligraphers in China.
Introduction: Jing Shuzhen, born in Beijing, loved Chinese painting since childhood. He often studied (the biography of mustard seed garden painting) to get the pottery and dyeing of traditional painting, which laid the foundation for future painting. He graduated from the University of Chinese painting and calligraphy. He studied painting from Wang Xuetao's disciples, Li Chengyi, Zhao Xian and Han Chengjun. After years of practice and efforts, it has been formed: fresh painting style, both refined and popular tastes, elegant style, and deeply loved by everyone. The famous peony has been collected by the government for many times in 2018. At present, he is the vice president of Beili calligraphy and painting academy, a member of the Chinese calligraphy and painting Federation, a member of the Art Committee of the Chinese Painting Academy, and an academician of the Northern Wei calligraphy and painting academy.
简介: 王海青,字青雲,男,1964年出生于山东省聊城莘县, 1980入伍某部政治部书写员,现任中国书法家协会会员,中国楹联学会中宣盛世艺术交流中心会员。欧阳询书法艺术研究会研究员。中国书法研究院院士。中国国际书法艺术研究院终身书法家、全国艺术家委员会委员。北京东方盛书画院院长。东方红书画院院长。国礼书画院副院长。中国通俗文艺研究员。中国公益记录者在线书画家事业中心聘请为公益书法家,主攻欧体楷书,兼习王羲之、赵孟頫、文征明及近代名家诸体,并得益于当代著名书法家田英章先生多年精心指导。其作品曾多次获奖,并被书法爱好者收藏。
Brief introduction: Wang Haiqing, the word Qingyun, male, was born in 1964 in Shenxian County, Liaocheng, Shandong Province. He joined the army as a writer of the political department in 1980. He is now a member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association and a member of the Zhongxuan Shengshi art exchange center of the Chinese couplet Association. Research Fellow of Ouyang Xun Calligraphy Art Research Association. Academician of Chinese Calligraphy Research Institute. He is a lifelong calligrapher and member of the national artists Committee of China International Academy of calligraphy. President of Beijing dongfangsheng calligraphy and painting academy. Director of the Oriental red Painting Academy. Vice president of Guoli calligraphy and painting academy. Research Fellow of Chinese popular literature and art. The online calligrapher and painter career center of China public welfare recorder has been engaged as a public welfare calligrapher, specializing in regular script in European style, and learning from Wang Xizhi, Zhao Mengfu, Wen Zhengming and other modern famous calligraphers, and benefited from the careful guidance of Tian Yingzhang, a famous contemporary calligrapher. His works have won many awards and have been collected by calligraphy lovers.
简介: 杨玉珍 女 65岁 汉 内蒙乌兰察布市人现居北京 武当山居士,道号崇珍。 现为中促会国礼书画院副院长;武当山净乐宫国礼书画院副院长;北京康庄书画院副院长;国典书画院会员;中国书法名家联合会会员;中非遗保护联盟艺委会会员,北京墨腾书画院理士。受父辈的熏陶自幼酷爱书画艺术,在学校老师的指导下不断临习各名家碑帖。退休后报名大兴老年大学从基础开始系统的学习了书法及写意花鸟画课程。使自已的书画艺术有了进一步的提高。书画作品多次参展并获奖,2018年获十一届中国重阳书画展北京赛区银奖;2018和2019年书画作品都荣获中书名联会优秀奖。
Introduction: Yang Yuzhen, 65, a native of Wulanchabu City, Inner Mongolia, now lives in Wudang Mountain, Beijing. At present, he is vice president of Guoli calligraphy and Painting Academy of China Association for the promotion of CPC; vice president of Guoli calligraphy and Painting Academy of jingle palace of Wudang Mountain; vice president of Beijing Kangzhuang calligraphy and painting academy; member of Chinese calligraphy masters Association; member of Art Committee of China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Union; and academician of Beijing moteng calligraphy and painting academy. Influenced by his father's generation, he loved calligraphy and painting art since he was a child. Under the guidance of the school teachers, he has been studying various famous steles. After retirement, he signed up for Daxing University for the aged and systematically studied calligraphy and freehand flower and bird painting courses from the foundation. The art of calligraphy and painting has been further improved. Calligraphy and painting works have been exhibited for many times and won awards. In 2018, they won the silver award in Beijing competition area of the 11th China Chongyang calligraphy and painting exhibition; in 2018 and 2019, both calligraphy and painting works won the excellence award of China Calligraphy Association.
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